Inspired! I love it!
Seen at Essen: “Kartoffelkrieg”, in which you attach treads and guns to potatoes (Mr Potato Head style) and send them off to war.
That game would literally kill me (I have a strong allergy to potatoes). Bet you could proxy a Yam if the other players don’t mind a handicap.
Or swedes and kumaras (sweet potatoes)
I feel like I’d just skip right to the biggest Cassava root I could find and be done with it.
Bit of a mixed bag of things since I last posted on this thread. Firstly a 40k Kill Team
Another crew of Space Ork freebooters
Some cloth goblins
Finally a few more French Napoleonics to join my Armée d’Orient.
These are the last of the Dystopian Wars models.
Am I finished?
I still have about 800 turrets to paint. Somehow.
I honestly don’t know how.
I understand a paint roller is good for getting a lot of painting done at once.
55 gallon drum of Turret Grey…
So these are the last models from that big commission (may post some more later, dunno).
I am happy to be done, but I am also wracked by guilt. I don’t think I did a good job? Like, an OKAY job, but this guy is paying me $3,400 for 185 models and it has taken me since April to finish, and they…
I am just convinced he is going to be upset and I don’t blame him? I hate this.
Don’t sell yourself short. They look great! The decking especially.
Yeah they look great. Good job
“Nothing a splash of Nuln oil or equivalent couldn’t sort out Wulf.”
“Oh my heartsies, are you sure Mr. Alpha sir?” said Gronk
Gronk is next in the production line…
Cool, We likes Gronks.
… lots of guns."
This is the end of that big commission. But I caught a cold somewhere on Saturday (it was from work… its always from work) so I have only primed these.
A bit of painting funk here at the mo, so i thought I’d try to inspire myself to read the gas lands book by bashing out a murder car. Buzz saw Gatling gun seemed appropriate.
Certainly more vibes over finesse, but I had fun and it only took a couple of hours for the conversion and paint job.
So while I work on the last few hundred turrets for this comission…
… I knocked out a really quick paint job on the new Mass Effect Colon Board Game Colon Subtitle Colon Other Subtitle minis. I just got the retail version, and I doubt I will spring from the upgraded models.
(If you know…)