The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

I haven’t sealed them yet, no. Because I think I still might work on them (specially faces when I feel more confident)

Regarding thick painting, I was guilty of that on the first ones which are the ones from the right. Not very sure how to fix that. But I am happy with the progression towards the left.

That was an attempt at mud staining, which did not go well. It might need a bit of scalpel before I have another go. And agreed, the sculpts are not the best, that is why I started with them. I didn’t want to ruin any of my good ones.

If there is one that I might leave as it is is the helmeted guy on the very left. Why there’s no more helmets in fantasy? They make life so much easier.

I have that printed and next to my painting stuff :wink:

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Its hilarious - this is always the first comment on a couple of painting pages I follow on Facebook (not because I paint but I like looking at amazing miniatures). You can predict it with almost 100% accuracy! :slight_smile:

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A colleague of mine has a t-shirt that says “Thin Your Paints, Nerd” that I love.

But yeah. Someday somebody will invent paint that doesn’t need to be thinned (Contrast Paints, technically, require no thinning! So we’re kinda halfway there!). But that day is not today.

I don’t think it’s likely. The trend is for stronger paints in general so thicker usually. Also the way water behaves as a solvent to non dried acrylics is hard to replicate with the chemicals. For the follow on of why not have water in it is that water will pull apart the binder and pigments. If it’s in the pot you would end up with chunks of dried pigment before purchase of the pot. Also this way the dilution is your choice to how much you want for a particular application.


2 Nahab Aeromobile done. Really pleased with these! Adding the camo was fun and I continue to practice the painting lesson technique of paint application. No reflections yet though.

On the subject of practice…

A magenta marine to practice the shapes and the blending glazes. Also fun but has ended up looking a bit flat but hopefully more practice will help in the long run.


The second mini looks like he’s flippin’ someone off. :smiley:


I think he’s licked his fingers and wants to see which way the wind is blowing.

It’s actually a hacker mini. They differentiate the hacker models often with a hat but also often as though the fingers are manipulating an invisible touch screen display type thing

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Since Halloween is almost here, I painted some horrible undead hounds.


Nonsense. They don’t look “horrible” to me. :stuck_out_tongue:


They need some TLC. And some bandages too…


And here’s some work in progress shots showing a conversion of an old RAFM Heavy Gear Hunter, and where I’m at painting wise.

And because I made a mistake I had to strip one arm back to bare metal and start again. Still very much a WIP.


More monsters, this time a bunch of ghouls. Again, the backdrop is by Jon Hodgson, really adding to the final pictures.


Big fan of the backdrops. They look so good that I might have to steal the idea :grin::+1:

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Did you piant the backgrounds or are they a book or something?

They are from a book by Jon Hodgson, designed specifically as backdrops for miniature photography. He recently completed a kickstarted for a pair of books, one historical/fantasy backdrops, one for sci-fi backdrops.

You can pick up a copy from Bad Squiddo Games or Handiwork Games


I’ve started painting in my lunch break at work. I’ve got my minis “go-box” for on location artistic expression.

Descent minis on the go at the mo


Got a couple of characters finished on Halloween for the Silver Bayonet, and then had fun with tartan again.


Quick snaps of my lunchtime painting from work.

Rough estimate is 90 mins per figure start to finish, though perhaps a chunk less from colleague/pupil interruptions. I’m aiming for decent tabletop quality, not display. Painting for play not for art on these. I’m also trying for maximising readability.


Photodump incoming!

I finished a commission for 60 Star Wars Legion troops… 2 units of Phase 2 Clones, 3 units of ARC Troopers, Anakin, Rex, an AT-RT, and a unit of Specialists for the Clones, and a unit of BX Commandos, Specialists, Maul, Cad Bane, and Kraken.

(Nice hat…)


(via Paint it a Shame – DORK TOWER 01.12.23 – Dork Tower)