The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

But. It is fantastic work. I especially like the weathering on the blue stripe around the vehicle, very in keeping with the genre.

(P.S. I may have been on a similar vehicle in Disneyland Paris!)

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Poor footing, -4 to combat/acrobatic rolls!

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I’ve found myself (mostly) bereft of anything to paint since culling my games collection down. I can’t be without my hobby space, so I have started to take up hobby kits again, something I haven’t done since I was a pre-teen.

It really occupies a different space in some ways. Do we have room for projects like this in here? Do we have others that might think a separate thread is worthwhile?


Are you talking about kits of military/civilian vehicles? I think I’d refer to them as airfix kits as they were dominant in the UK for my Dad’s childhood and mine. I certainly would be interested to see your work on them or whatever generally. Variety is the spice of life is an aphorism.


My feeling is: start posting, and if there’s enough activity to justify a separate thread, one of the mods can move that material.


If its painting, I don’t think it matters whether its a mini from a tabletop game or an hobby kit of a Sherman Tank. Probably still belongs in this thread.


ROFL, too much activity isn’t something you’ll need to worry about with me, anyway. I work sloooooow. :sweat_smile:

@EnterTheWyvern you’re on the right track. Though I’m working on something that’s neither. I’ll post a few WIP pics here soon.

[EDIT] Here is the first week of building and prepping the LUM-168 Camel “Operation Dynamo” lunar walking machine. My skills are really being put to the test with this kit, and the complexity is forcing me to be diligent in mapping out a plan. The legs will need further sanding and putty before another quick prime and then will be ready for a base coat. The body has a ton of extra work before it even gets a basic spray of surfacer. Some of the panel lines are shallow so I’m going to want to try my hand at scribing, too. Yikes. This is a 1/20 scale kit and is a monster.

(Quick dry fit here)

[Further EDIT] to add: I’ve never worked with “silver” plastic before, and wouldn’t choose to again. The plastic mix creates surface effects that border on holographic (opalescent is perhaps more appropriate) and it can make my eyes incredibly unreliable when it comes to sanding and mould line removal. My poor fingernails are really getting worked hard.


I would probably call what you’re doing ‘scale modelling’, and would regard this is completely the right place to share what you’ve been up to.

Is that a Maschinen Krieger model?


It is indeed, and I’ve fallen pretty hard for the entire concept of the line. Specifically I adore the strong human connection. These kits scream for an awesome base at minimum, but ideally a full diorama.

Here’s my WIP pilot, to give the scale some sense of meaning.


I don’t know much about Ma.K really beyond the fact that it exists and there’s some very nice model kits. Really looking forward to updates as you progress :+1:


I don’t know enough in terms of the lore. This Operation Dynamo variant I’m working with has some “history” behind it, but I’m not up to speed. I’ll have to dive in before settling on paint.


Next step: optical surgery


Current state of things with a little dry assembly for no other reason than personal satisfaction. There’s just so much work still to be done, it’s pretty daunting. This might be the worst photograph I’ve ever taken on a technical level, but I’m shooting these off the cuff and usually in woefully low light.

[Bonus EDIT] I whipped this up quick for my daughter this afternoon while she was out with her mom and grandparents. I’m hoping she’ll want to paint it.


Han, of no family and with no people, finished.

Next up… 18 Ewoks. Woo. At least it should be fast?


This is probably a very well known hack, but I thought of it myself so I get to feel like a genius anyway. I made these (orange) lenses using a tiny pipette with fast set CA glue and the power of surface tension. This still isn’t fully set so I’m expecting a second round to get a better dome effect, but I think it’s looking great already!


Almost done with my Outremer project, just a couple of characters to paint now.


Boy those shields really draw the eye. Great stuff!


Agreed. @Scribbs , your shields always look great!


Thanks very much, it’s certainly been a good project for practicing my freehand and letting me break out the brightly coloured paints.


Change of pace painted up some terrain. As I had these sci fi crates that needed doing I thought they’d be a good way to try out some more scale modelling style techniques. I used some AK worn effect and much happier with how it looks now. I used some oils to add oily residue and introduce a little shading. Happy with how they they turned out. A bit of drying time and they’ll get a varnish


And here I thought they were fancy dice for some new game.


I look forward to that update in October! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: