The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

Last of the figures finished for my Outremer project - Islamic commander and a banner bearer.

The flag design is completely made up, as I balked at the idea of trying to replicate the intricate stylised text designs. Pretty happu how it turned out.


The banner is stunning! Really impressed at how well you did using magenta paint, it’s such a weak pigment. Could we get final group shots of everything in this project?


Thanks. The paints used were Vallejo Model Colour Red Violet, and then Citadel Pink Horror. I think the fact that the base colour is going down straight onto paper helps. I plan to try and get some full project pictures taken soon, quite looking forward to getting everything out and lined up.


Ready for paint!!

I took a break from the big Camel to work on this “Melusine” suit, hoping to work out a few techniques on the smaller model first. This was a challenging but satisfying build.

[EDIT] To note that the legs were hand-primed with a very coarse laquer-based primer which is so repulsive I’ve surely made my life shorter. But my goodness is it fun to apply when you want some natural bulk added to the model. I physically damaged the parts before priming and I think they came through looking good!


Dropping this here in case you’ve not seen it:


Summer is closing down real fast out here, so I have switched gears to work with rattle cans one last time. The Gundam folks haven’t ripped me a new one for going (way) outside the paint scheme. Yet.


Been a while for me. Is that a Z’Gok?

It’s an “ACGUY”, and it’s totally adorable. More painting and assembly today I hope, will keep updates.


My latest project is a space marine with a 3D printed head I bought. Went for volumetrics with airbrush but kept it clean rather than weathering. Had fun, there’s some issues with the pin wash, mainly on the shoulder pads. Will have to work out what caused that but not sure yet. Suspicious it might be switching paint brand but I also used a quick dry thinner for the first time so maybe not the way forward with new paint as well.


Back to painting Napoleonics; Russian line infantry from 1812 campaign.


Not going to talk about the conflict between my primer and the white paint. Not gonna.

[EDIT/Update] Foreshortening not doing anything to help make this shot any less suggestive…


What Chapter is that??

Not a cannon chapter. I wanted to paint a space marine with the alternate head, because it was ‘greek style’ I thought back to painting Athenian historicals who had white cloth parts so that was the colour chosen. I then raided my stash of transfers and found an old imperial guard vehicle transfer sheet with the big skull. I didn’t go as far as making any background or chapter name.


I dub it the Corinthians



Latest Haqqislam mini done. Have been slightly on painting hiatus currently but enjoyed this one as I got a bit experimental. Did a bit more with the airbrush than I’d usually do and I did some lining with oils. Much happier with this than a few of my previous attempts to freshen up this colour schemes so I may go as far as to do some paint stripping.


Broke out the tartan paint for this cat piper.


I went to a painting class yesterday and this photo was about 3 hours in. This was layering and blending lessons.

Another 3 hours went by and we added bits to make it shiny. Higher value for the highlights and reflections. It was a Cult of Paint brush skills class and it was excellent. I feel I learned a lot and bought a book on rendering. Made a new marine this morning and base coated one to keep practicing on. Hopefully this’ll see me step up a bit in quality and then again when I do the NMM course in November


I now envision a paint that you just dip the brush in and the tartan pattern just spreads over the mini as you paint.


Yep. A special effects paint that comes in a range alongside rainbow paint and star field.