The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

OK, so not really a mini - but the first thing I’ve painted from the Darkest Dungeon board game is the room tiles from the Heirloom chest. I have yet to put the stickers on the back…


Latest old Confrontation mini to get a recent paint job. Much happier with this one, although it should probably have had a coat of varnish before photos to dull the gloss from the ink in the shadows.


I decided in June that I wanted to play Star Wars Legion because Star Wars pew pew = happy. However, I got into the minis and painting and still haven’t played a full game of it. I painted models all through my teen years, and missed it so much that I just kept getting minis and working on them. I thought it would be fun to look at my progress comparing different “batches” of work.

The first two pics are almost exclusively army painter speedpaints. The last two are about 90% acrylic. I am really trying hard to learn layering and blending where I can. I’ve been trying to find minis with larger surfaces that will give me some space for that. There’s a reason I don’t show most of the capes/robes. :grimacing:


I missed sharing my work last month. December featured some cold weather appropriate Napoleonics, with a few Retreat from Moscow Duchy of Warsaw plus some scatter terrain.

Last model for the year was an adder mage.


Those are great! Really like the cart with how you did the snow on it, sits pretty realistically on the sacks.


After a massive hiatus I got to painting Starcadia Quest minis. 8 down, 22 to go. Some close ups of rep for each type.

Has been good fun after trying to do some stuff stretching my capabilities. This was fast, loose and fun. I’ll have a 2 week break but hoping I can smash through another 12 of the spods also quickly. That will leave me with the 8 player characters and the 2 bad leaders. We’ll see if that plan survives contact with reality though.


2 more done so 1/3 of the box done. Not great but completed. I need a day with no rain to prime the next batch.


Painted using mainly army painter speed paints! Very happy!


I’m working on a speed paint of the return to dark tower minis that is a pleasant return to mini painting after a break since… Last July! Wow, didn’t realise it had been so long.

My 3yo heard me mention painting at bedtime and asked “daddy, can you paint your monster with rainbows?”

This then delayed my progress a bit…

A quick job as she’ll break it soon enough.


Continuing the 3yo related posts, today she was off nursery due to a number of unspeakable gastrointestinal events yesterday. This resulted in some frozen related painting.
It started so well, and she’d even done white eyes and pupils … The lips suggestion was one thing too far and she began to improvise… Unfortunately I only documented the beginning and end!

Reflecting on this now - it does look unsettlingly like she painted Anna and then painted some brutal assault/head injury…


About half done construction of the Cosmica Terrain piece I bought several years ago.

It’s a nightmare. The instructions are awful, and they want you to put in all the transparent pieces before final assembly… which would make painting it even very basically, impossible without priming over all the windows.

Still. Looks kinda neat. Very Mass Effect Colony-esque.


Frozen/Cabin in the Woods crossover?

I have a Firefly crate that I still haven’t assembled because they say that if you’re going to stain it you should do that first. (Spot the bad excuse.)


Speed paint of return to dark tower. Not high quality, but now I can tell the difference between the minis!

Average of around 7-8 mins per mini (except the quest markers that I did a while back to a much higher level).


A good friend of mine and I split the dominion box from GW since they were massively on ale at our flgs. We wanted a cheaper way to get into warcry (which quickly turned into not so cheap because we’re having a blast). I got my first mini from that about 95% done.

Such a different experience compared to the legion stuff. I had more space to work on blending, layering, and glazing. Still need to clean up a highlight or two and I may try to do some glowy power stuff on the hammer, but pretty pleased with how it turned out!


Nice clean work on the yellow :grin:.


Omg, that yellow took forever to get to the point it could at least past the arm test. I did the white first and I hated myself for it immediately. I have never had steady hands, so that stuff is a real challenge.


I spent the last week taking my time to focus on some technique working on this AoS swampcalla shaman. I learned a lot, especially how not to apply weathering powder (not particularly happy with the verdigris). This fella offered more opportunities for layering and glazing. Still need to work on the blends and build confidence in pushing contrast. Still terrified of layering and glazing lighter areas like the skull. I’m going to focus on a less complex warband for warcry next trying to speed things up.


Here’s a couple of things finished in the last month, starting with Napoleonics in two different scales and theatres - 18mm Peninsula War French line infantry and 28mm Retreat from Moscow Duchy of Warsaw.

I also had a bit of fun with this brave knight and his squire


The blending on the potion (?) is top notch tho. And the skull on his back looks great


After watching an Angel Giraldez Tutorial I was inspired to paint a space marine. It’s not the same in many ways (like my inferior skills) but doing some nice easy red painting with the airbrush was what carried across. Lots of fun, maybe should rustle up some transfers for something on the shoulders