The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

He was the reason why I built the tree :smile:


Been away from here for a wee while, so been really enjoying catching up on all the work everybody’s been posting over the last month or so.

My painting’s been a bit of a pick 'n mix of stuff.

Got Marvel Crisis Protocol mostly for painting the models without too much concern about how the game plays - probably the first time I’ve ever done that

Re-started some of my gaslands stuff after I decided I’d rethink the look of some of my teams

Got another 2 necromunda gangs close to being finished too, but want to do a bit more work on both of them… Before I start on a 4th.
The mixed selection of necromunda gangs is also tying into the different looks to the gaslands teams because there’s SOOOO many bits left over in these kits and they all have such different looks. It works very nicely so far


Finished off a box of the “old” Wookie Warriors today.

Here they are with their zenithal priming and with the (thrice-cursed) ornithopter that I’m also working on.
It’ll look fine when it’s done, but gosh it’s a pain in the butt to paint after it’s been assembled. I shoulda known better.

Simple wet blending with contrast paints for the fur. Nothing really exciting, but the finished results are pretty solid.

Aside: I continue to love contrast paints. Gosh they make my life easier in so many little ways…

Bandolier’s brown is done, and just waiting for the metalic paint…

Metals painted and washed. Tried a 50/50 mix of brown and black wash this time… worked fine. Oh, and some lighter silver for highlights in a few places. Nothing super exciting.

And there we go. Dark grey for noses, hands, and toes, plus a light grey highlight for the same sections.

Technically I still need to glue on some grass, but that’s a tiny thing and I’ll do it before they’re sealed. And then I have to decide how to tackle that ornithopter… I’ve painted (most) of the Wookies inside it already and they look fine, but I honestly don’t know what to do with the rest of the thing that will make it look “okay” but not take forever.


I love the falchions ones


A few warrior monks. I’ll admit that whilst I love the models, the fact that the paint scheme required yellow, orange, white and black together was a bit daunting - four colours that are very easy to do badly, all found together without very else at all (although I did change things up a little with the dark blue on one model).


Managed to finish up my “Wookiee Gnasp Fluttercraft” from Star Wars Legion. Nothing fancy, but gosh do I wish I hadn’t fully assembled it before painting. THAT made my life way worse.

Initial coat of bronze for the main body, plus a really quick contrast coat for the two Wookiee crew.

Vallejo silvers are among the best metallic paints I have ever used… but gosh their bronze and golds are sub-par. What I wish I had done was drybrush the whole thing silver (without the Wookiees, obviously), and then gone over that with a coat of contrast paint to make it look gold or bronze.

Oh well. Next time…? I don’t ever intend to paint another of these, but who knows what the future holds…

Brown wash for the bronze areas, and some preliminary silver (wings and landing struts, mostly… oh, and the grenades, of course).

Browns for the wood and cloth areas, and another coat of silver…

And there it is, all finished up.

Not my best work by a long shot, but I was really sick of looking at it, so I’m calling it done. This puts me to fully painted for Legion again, so I can move on to being fully painted in Battletech again (18 more stompy robots).

Ooh, and then I’m going to try and write/paint names on all my Battletech mechs so I can keep them straight, because no way I can do that currently.


I still haven’t had any caffeine, and I read that from the sexual orientation point of view, and really had to re-read it after gasping to myself.

Amazing work on the wookies, you should be very proud of yourself. I for one, feel very jealous and in awe of your skill and dedication.


Battletech is for everyone, and all that.

But your interpretation of what I wrote did make me chuckle. Thank you!


That’s part of the organic gun from David Cronenberg’s eXistenZ, yes? : )

(Looks great!)

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Okay, 8 more Steiner mechs have stepped off the factory floor and are ready to fight some evil.

Drybrush of “Steel” over black primer.

Two drybrush coats of “Dark Aluminum” over that steel layer.

Starting the “Royal Blue” layer. You can see a finished Archer mech to one side which I use as a reference.

Blues all done, on to the whites (technically, light grey, but whatever).

Light greys done, time to highlight!

And there we go. I think I should probably do more highlights on the greys to make it obvious they’re white… but whatever. Looks pretty good as it is, and as always, that’s what I aim for.

Next I’m going to spend some time painting front-arcs and names on all my Steiner and Merc mechs. My collection has gotten large enough that I only recognize about a third of it… :slight_smile:


A pair of Samurai horse archers. Had fun with the colours on these.


I’m known as a maker and painter. Here are some of the work I’ve finished over the last year.

These are painted as part of my Gate Walker universe: Little Big Wars rules I’ve written, the latter still in feedback from play-testing stage.


Very nice, love the multi-base squads. What size are these?

They are 15mm figures. The power armor from Clear Horizon miniatures, and the aliens are from Khurasan miniatures.

The single figures are mounted on British pennies, which are 20mm; the larger bases are two pence pieces, which are 25mm in diameter.


This is technically illegal in Canada… it counts as “defacing currency,” and there’s something in there about the fact that currency is government property so it counts as vandalism.

Money is weird.

Anyway! Neat idea to mount them on coins… I have a few friends that glue coins to the undersides of bases to magnetize them, since it is cheaper than magnets.

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I think this also applies in the UK. However, it certainly hasn’t sopped any historical wargamer I’ve ever met.


In the US, there has to be the “intent to render [the currency] unfit to be reissued” or the intent for fraudulent use for it to be illegal. My kids collect pressed pennies from our camping adventures, and we’ve had this research adventure many times.

Since the intent of sticking Burger Tokens (which I highly recommend) to my pennies is to improve my Arkham Horror experience, I’m in the clear.


There was a court case, you’ll need to search for it (sorry), that challenged the defacing currency argument. In short, we own our money.


And this is why the price of 25mm-wide metal bases rarely goes above 2p. :slight_smile:


Okay, finished the “last” 10 Battletech mechs I have (there is a box of 4 Inner Sphere mechs waiting for me at work, but I am super broke and so they’re gonna have to wait a few months at least). Which is both blessing and curse: I mulch through Battletech minis at three times the speed of anything else. But by the same token it’s nice to be “done” for a while.


Black primer, drybrush of Vallejo “Steel”. You probably all know the procedure as well as I do at this point… anyone in the class want to hazard a guess at the next step?

That’s right! Drybrush of Dark Aluminum, followed by Light Aluminum for the Clan mechs (which these are). I tend to do this for all my Battlemechs at the same time, and then paint one style (Steiner for the Inner Sphere, Clan Wolf for the Clanners) until they’re done and then do the others. Anyway.

Starting to do the golds (straight “Agros Dunes” or whatever, the GW Contrast paint, over the silver). I also often forget to paint the bases before I put the texture paint on, so I did that here.

Golds done.

Grays done, and then highlights done on the grays (I could highlight the golds, theoretically, but honestly the contrast paint does a good enough job that most of the time I don’t bother).

I ran out of GW texture base paint again, and I decided to experiment with the Vallejo “This Stuff Costs 1/10th What the GW Stuff Costs” texture paint…

Yeah, it’s great. Never using the GW brown stuff again. I’ll still use their crackle paint because it rocks, but the Vallejo stuff is amazing.

And there we go. 10 more Clan mechs ready to oppress the free* people of the Inner Sphere. Next up… a whole bunch of Descent 3rd Edition models! I’m working on the dragon-halfborn right now, and gosh the models are great. But they’ll definitely take me longer than these stompy robots did!

*“Free” here is used loosely. Offer of oppression not valid in Capellan Confederacy or Draconis Combine. Freedom has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for C-bills.