The resurrected miniatures painting and showing off thread

First ever space dark elf, er dark eldar, er Drukhari? Decided I needed a new muse at Christmas and this is my first proof of concept. Works well for ‘good for the table’ results and will apply to my normal production style of doing 30 or so models at a time batch processing!

As a note to self - need to get much better at taking pictures if I am going to de-lurk this often …


Another quiet one today

I also made an oversized d20

And finished printing this (skirt not assembled yet). The base is filled with 1p and 2p coins to stop it from tipping over!


One line of skirmishing riflemen complete. The green is brighter than I originally intended, but I’m pretty happy with the end result regardless.


Picked up my brushes for the first time in… a month? Probably a month, maybe a little more. Just finished a few quick pieces of terrain (which, who knows when/if I’ll ever use them), but hey, they’re done.

Tomorrow I am going to take properly off… I’ve finished XCOM: Chimera Squad and Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, and I have finished all my required readings for the week (Burning Chrome by Gibson).

What does this mean?
It means I’m finally going to paint my Yu Jing, I think. I received the “Operation Kaldstrom” box, which I’m going to assemble and prime today, I think, and then tomorrow I’m going to start actually painting stuff.

I think this will be the colour palate I use. Space Wolves Grey for the weapons, Black Templar for the joints/mechanical parts that aren’t armoured, Gryphound Orange for the armour plates, Akhelian Green for the highlights and cloth sections, and Aethermatic Blue for eyes, glowy bits, and highlights.

I will need a brown for other-cloth areas, probably, but I’ll figure that out as I go along (probably Gore Grunta brown, since it’s pretty red-orange already and won’t make the palate too much more diverse).

We will see! We will see.


After a busy week at work finally got a chance to finish this. So that’s the last one done. Tomorrow when the varnish dries this last batch will go on their bases and that’s a wrap for the yellow Corregidor


Progress! Not committed to layout yet though. Several more vampires to paint.


I’ve been burning through my Godtear collection. Latest completion was Morrigan and her crew. I’m dipping my toes into wet blending, and it has made me a more frustrated, and less satisfied, painter. But growth is good.


Continuing to plug away at my Yu Jing (these are a Mowang and a Yan Huo… the Yan Huo is the one with the massive shoulder-mounted Hyper-Magnetic Railgun which is going to snap off the moment I try to transport him anywhere).

Pros: I love the orange and I’m pretty happy with the blue-green highlights. The black for the “deeper” parts should probably be a gray instead, but the contrast paint greys are all really bad. Bases look fine, I think the light-gray-blue-gray works okay without drawing too much attention to itself.
Cons: I don’t like the Space Wolf Gray for the guns. I think it’s too light. Maybe I’ll go with a dark metallic steel instead? Not sure what colour to make the “lights” on the base (my other bases are white-to-blue, but they were airbrushed and ain’t nobody got time for that for these bases). Maybe green? Maybe red? Man, I suck at colour theory.


It’s kind of funny. When the game shipped, I removed seeing comments that people were not overly happy with the sculpts. That was until pictures of painted minis started showing up. I think the coloured plastic hides some of the details that really pop once they’re painted (or even washes/shaded.

Either way, I think the sculpts are top notch, and your paint job is fantastic. I do think Morrigan is one of the few Champions that isn’t begging for some basing. Most of them have so much “dead space” it’s so what jarring.

I can’t wait to get this game to the table, hopefully next week. It’s on the list to get painted (eventually), but I want to practice on some minis with less detail first.

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Have you tried playing around with colour wheels to look at possible colour combos?

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Thanks! I have a firm and controversial Don’t Base Anything policy, so when there’s a bit of sculpting built in, I’m happy.
The minis have been a bit hit and miss in the Q/A department. Some with flattened surfaces and mold lines, but most have been good or great. They were definitely sculpted with painting in mind, and have been very satisfying to paint. I haven’t run in to any trouble with inaccessible areas, or feeling like I have to disassemble them.


According to the colour wheel, the correct colour for the third (Orange - Blue/Green - ???) is Pink.

Which, honestly, I’m fine with… definitely a pink, not a purple… but I don’t think it’ll work. The nice thing about grays and blacks is that they aren’t colours so you can use them with any binary pair and they still work.

But, as I mentioned, I’m really bad with colour theory. All I did was lock the Orange in the colour wheel as the closest to what I’m using and then looked at where thee trinary suggestions landed. One of them was blue-green (huzzah), and the other was pink.


I’m far from an expert either, but I find messing around with things like colour wheels at least gives me a little guidance.


Do not bemirsch the name of Gryph-Charger Grey! :sob:


I don’t know if I have Gryph-Charger… Bastion Grey is really inconsistent, and Space Wolf Grey is too light.

I’ll have to try Gryph-Charger! I really just want a good grey!

Gryph is a really nice blue-ish grey that works really well for stone or grey skin - it adds a bit more depth/life to the colour than the more monochromatic greys. It’s a slightly darker tone than Space Wolf grey.

(I have Space Wolf grey, but not tried Bastion)


Oooh, loverly. I will have to pick up a pot when I get back to work on Saturday.

I mean, not for the paint. Paint is good. Just not thrilled about returning to work. But, what can ya do?


Calling these two guys finished (until I get decals to put on them, since I think they’re going to need 'em). I’ve started the next batch of 8 (although I can only show you guys 6, since two of them are being done for a painting competition that will be super basic, but prizes are random so worth a shot regardless).


Finished up Sneaky Peet, and moving on to Rattlebone! I’m down to the last two champions, unless SFG squeaks another release out.


Apparently they’ve announced 2 more Champions on their Discord. I haven’t been able to find much, but someone posted it on the Board Game Barrage discord.

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