The Crowdfunding Thread

(In Kickstarter news. I am still eying up Mythic Battles Ragnarok. I commited a whole dollar. I feel this is a slippery slope)



You’ve never heard of either side, it’s just something my parents decided to do.

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I’ll add you to the list

I am keeping myself out of that one for now, I have spent way too much in games this year so far. But it looks very tempting.

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You would have a hell of a time with official forms in Japan. Like me, half the forms won’t fit your full name, while the ones that do will insist on it. Years later you’ll fill out some application and have it rejected for incorrect data, unspecified, and have to try out every possible combination of initials and names, by mail, over weeks.


Among other reasons, why I don’t live in Japan.

Mainly because I don’t speak Japanese, but I know they can drown in a glass of water over trivial stuff like that.

As my OH said from having worked with a Japanese colleague back in the UK: “the worst thing you could to her was putting ish at the end of any word, or even worse, for a meeting time”


I can’t quite believe it but I got notification that my Kemet parcel is on the way. WTF Matagot?

I am thinking they planned for an Essen Release and something went… right? Too right?

Whatever. I like it. Hopefully, I’ll also like the game.


Delivery! :clap:t2:


Ooh! Maybe mine will arrive soon!


Yeah, it is a lot. But then I remind myself I’ve just spent £300 on a metal box that makes my guitar sound cheap and nasty (in a very specific way) so…


I finished my taxes in just 2 sittings and as a reward I backed Blue Planet Recontact (a new release of an old RPG I played in the 90s)


I’m interested, but not at all in the system (obRoger: why wouldn’t I just run it in GURPS?). And I haven’t seen much sign of whether they’re fixing some of the setting problems; the primary writer is an oceanographer, and it shows when he writes about planetary systems. :slight_smile:


I looked at that curiously, purely because I remember that advertised prominently in the 1998 FFG catalogue that came with TI2… I’m always surprised that anything from there is anything, because most of it isn’t. (“Hey, fellow cool kids, wanna play Mag-Blast? It’s a blast of a time!”)

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Canvas: Reflections expansion KS is up:

Includes mirrored cards, a new board with more spaces, and a new Gold bonus token which you get by matching it to an icon immediately to its left or right. Also more scoring cards, which looks like the quickest way to increase replayability a lot.


Seems like the core game only just arrived. Is the game any good?

It’s the done thing these days. Hit the expansion when the hype hits it’s peak, usually about a month after fulfillment.


Canvas is definitely going to be love or hate with most people :slight_smile:

I like it, but it’s a very simple symbol-matching game and if the core mechanic doesn’t grab you, you’ll think there’s barely enough there to call a full game.

On the other hand it’s not complicated enough to be intimidating for new players or non-gamers, it’s got AMAZING table presence, and my gf was happy all day that she got officially judged “Best At Art”. I think I like it a lot, it’s pretty unique and the component quality is brilliant.


I haven’t played an actual game of Canvas yet, just give through the motions as I read through the rulebook.

It doesn’t strike me as something that deserves two boxes in my collection (even if it hangs on the wall). If it fit in the base game box, I might consider it.

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That’s part of how they suckered me in :slight_smile: Not only does it hang on the wall as art instead of taking up shelf-space, they made the expansion box continue the same picture :


I’m not a huge fan. I feel like the replayability of a million goals is undermined by a lack of satisfactory honing. It’s too arbitrarily fun or wonky. Sometime the cards are good sometimes they’re rubbish with no rhyme or reason.

The thing is it matches in a lot of ways with Century (first one) and that is somehow more engaging even though it has zero variation in rules.