The Crowdfunding Thread

They must be all here in NZ…

Two weekends before Easter I took my little ones to the Moscow Circus, and it was a lot of fun.

The only animal was a Polar Bear… as fake as the snow they put through the snow machines, but it does count, doesn’t it?


If you feared for your life, then it counts!

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It was definitely full of people, and they still moved…


I once went to pick up a parcel from a neighbour and he was hanging out of his upstairs window having a smoke. He saw me, disappeared inside and didn’t come to the front door.


Went in for Empyreal in the end

The game is actually still available and cheaper in the uk so I just bought the game.


I played Empyreal with @EnterTheWyvern . I really enjoyed it but the battle of space in my shelves made it a sticking point


I have just gone in on it as well. This seems to make it cheaper than when I have just looked at it from the webstore, particularly shipping to the UK. But there will still be taxes to pay as well (they are clear about that). Even then I reckon still cheaper but it may well be an expensive folly. Backed all the same!

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The good news is that if you really wanted a copy, the box is big enough to pit it against just about anything else and it’ll come out on top, in a fight.

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You say that but it’s smaller than at least six or seven other game boxes in my collection.

(For the record: OGRE Designer’s Edition is bigger than some tables. And then there’s the Anachrony big box, Planet Apocalypse, Glorantha: The Gods’ War (and Empires expansion), Gloomhaven, the Sentinels of the Multiverse Collector’s Box, my Mansions of Madness crate, The Edge: Dawnfall, the big Street Masters box from Aftershock, and arguably the Millenium Blades and Battlecon boxes from the recent KSes although they’re a different shape so it’s hard to tell.)

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Fair point.

Scraping some data from BGG (which is inconsistent, at best):

Game Length Width Depth Volume
Crokinole 34.5 34.5 4.5 5356.125
Anachrony: Infinity Box 16.8504 11.811 9.25197 1841.327758
Millennium Blades: Collusion 22 16 5 1760
KLASK 17.7 13.7 5.7 1382.193
Gloomhaven 16 11.5 7.5 1380
Empyreal: As Above, So Below 11.75 11.75 8.63 1191.479375
Catacombs (Third Edition) 12.7953 12.7953 6.41732 1050.641719
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar 17.7165 11.4173 4.33071 875.9926133
Dominion (Second Edition) Big Box 18.8976 11.811 3.8189 852.3767752
BattleCON: Devastation of Indines 13.25 11 5.5 801.625
Alhambra: Big Box 17 12.5 3.75 796.875
Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set 11.6142 11.6142 5.90551 796.5921276
Too Many Bones 14.5 14.5 3.75 788.4375
El Grande Big Box 16.73 12.2 3.74 763.35644
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set 14.5 13 4 754
Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary 18.33 13.31 3 731.9169
Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary 14.9606 14.9606 3.14961 704.9443003
Vinhos Deluxe Edition 15.5 12.5 3.5 678.125
The Gallerist 15.5 12.5 3.5 678.125
Roads & Boats: 20th Anniversary Edition 20.0787 12.4803 2.6378 661.0015529
Roads & Boats 20.125 12.5 2.625 660.3515625
Champions of Midgard: Jarl Edition 11.7 11.7 4.5 616.005
Xia: Legends of a Drift System 17.4 11.73 2.99 610.26498
Shogun 14.7638 10.8268 3.74016 597.84479
8Bit Box 13.3858 8.07087 5.51181 595.468678
Summoner Wars: Alliances Master Set 14 12 3.5 588
Lisboa 15.5 12.5 3 581.25
Summoner Wars: Master Set 13.9 13.9 3 579.63
Electronic Pictionary Man 15.75 10.5 3.5 578.8125
Oceans 12 12 4 576

Linear Sum (L + W + D):

Game Length Width Depth Linear
Crokinole 34.5 34.5 4.5 73.5
Millennium Blades: Collusion 22 16 5 43
Anachrony: Infinity Box 16.8504 11.811 9.25197 37.91337
KLASK 17.7 13.7 5.7 37.1
Roads & Boats 20.125 12.5 2.625 35.25
Roads & Boats: 20th Anniversary Edition 20.0787 12.4803 2.6378 35.1968
Gloomhaven 16 11.5 7.5 35
Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary 18.33 13.31 3 34.64
Dominion (Second Edition) Big Box 18.8976 11.811 3.8189 34.5275
The Game of Life 20 11.75 2 33.75
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar 17.7165 11.4173 4.33071 33.46451
Alhambra: Big Box 17 12.5 3.75 33.25
Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary 14.9606 14.9606 3.14961 33.07081
Too Many Bones 14.5 14.5 3.75 32.75
El Grande Big Box 16.73 12.2 3.74 32.67
Empyreal: As Above, So Below 11.75 11.75 8.63 32.13
Xia: Legends of a Drift System 17.4 11.73 2.99 32.12
Catacombs (Third Edition) 12.7953 12.7953 6.41732 32.00792
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set 14.5 13 4 31.5
Vinhos Deluxe Edition 15.5 12.5 3.5 31.5
The Gallerist 15.5 12.5 3.5 31.5
Lisboa 15.5 12.5 3 31
Summoner Wars: Master Set 13.9 13.9 3 30.8
Millennium Blades 16 12 2.8 30.8
Scrutineyes 15 13 2.75 30.75
Age of Steam: Deluxe Edition 15.7874 11.0236 2.99213 29.80313
Khet 2.0 15 12.3 2.5 29.8
BattleCON: Devastation of Indines 13.25 11 5.5 29.75
Electronic Pictionary Man 15.75 10.5 3.5 29.75
Summoner Wars: Alliances Master Set 14 12 3.5 29.5

(beware incorrect data)


Oh also forgot the Too Many Bones trove chest.

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Check out magic market.

Their price s £71 the conversion for the kickstart with mailing is £65 but that’s before tax.
I decided to keep a reward at the £9 only level.

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I have my Pax!

I’m a bit annoyed with the Renaissance board. The cards don’t even line up with the map!!! I wish the map was blank, so the cards lining up didn’t matter. As it is, looking at it makes me feel a bit drunk with the double vision!

Think I’ll play without the board… which makes the box size even more infuriating.

It also irks me more than it should that you need to split the decks to fit the insert. Haha. There’s plenty of room for the W and E decks to be stored separately!!!


It annoys me now. Im thinking of ditching the board and the box to the storage and fit the game somewhere. The board isnt required as mentioned in the rulebook


Yeah, if I was talented I’d go for that cutting up the box into a smaller box thing!

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As the next installment of Kickstarter Fulfillment Month™, we have this:

THE MAIDPOCALYPSE HAS BEGUN! I was gonna just get the shiny new version, but they had a “good deal” if I bought all of it, and I didn’t have any of the expansions, so it was great! And then I might as well get the big box for all of it… And an Art Book!? Since when do I get that kind of nonsense? Guess I do now…


I like that it’s Italian transliterated into Japanese then transliterated again into English.


I often wonder what people do with their art books. Whhhhhhy???

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Got my oath shipping notification. Squee!


I’ve already played my second 3 handed solo… it is addictive.