I really should come along to one of those some time. Also, welcome!
Just checking this is definitely happening before I book a hotel for Saturday night
The room is booked and paid for. At the very least, I will turn up there.
I’m looking at the High Wycombe/ Beaconsfield Premier Inn
Bit late to the organisational party but there’ll be two of us if that’s okay? Does anyone have any plans to bring particular games?
We are unlikely to hit space limits - even if someone else rents the other back room and we have to stick with just what we’ve paid for, I think it would be fairly comfortable for 20-30.
I’ve been thinking about Xia though maybe it’s a bit long. Definitely Rallyman GT, and I’d like to try Heat if someone can bring that.
I’m happy to bring anything from my collection apart from the Crokinole board. If the filters haven’t worked, set to ‘own’
The Carrom board does travel.
Games I’d like to play if anyone has them please
Cat in the Box, or any other cool trick taking/ climbing/ shedding game
Also, from my selling post (Selling/ Buying/ Trading Games - #439 by Captbnut) - looking to sell a load of games without having to post them (Age of Steam has gone). Would rather sell to people I know for a bit less than the going rate than try harding for full market value so please make me an offer.
I have Oceans
If anyone is being awesome and bringing games, please bring any light 2-player games. We’re likely to get folks arriving during the day when a big 6-player is halfway through, and it can make all the difference to have small games to play instead of spectating.
(Also, yes I want to play Oceans and Heat)
Hotel booked
I’ve had requests to bring both Xia and Rush ‘n’ Crush, so I shall.
We have the expansions to play Cosmic Encounter with 8 if anyone fancies utter nonsense.
A friend’s celebration of his demi-birthday means we’ll only be able to make the Saturday now but we’ll make sure we’re there for the full day this time
I now have a bag for my crokinole board, so I can bring that if anyone wants to flick discs around a shiny surface!
Ooh. If I enjoy it that will get very expensive. (Yes please!)
So, I bumped into Roger for the first time a couple of days ago, and he told me about this wonderful event.
I’ll be honest with you, I have a long felt want (Eric Morecambe voice: "There’s no answer to that.") - to play a couple of games live that I’ve only ever done online so far. One is Here I Stand, the other is Paths of Glory. Not novel, I appreciate, but what would be the chance of either happening?
(I’ve never played either so I suggested a post here might get a more informed response.)
Hi @Weisskirchener! Do you own or know how to teach either of those games? I’d say there’s a much higher chance if you have a copy that’s been sitting on your shelf just waiting for the opportunity
I’m afraid I don’t have either, so I’m not much help!
Can I tempt anyone to play John Company 2E? If yes I’ll try and get through a solo game during the week to solidify the rules in my head.
(absolutely not procrastinating when I should be finishing my OU coursework)
Oooohhh yessss