Technology will make your life easier

Mastodon has existed for a while. I think I made my account in 2017 after having similar thoughts as you describe and quickly finding out someone had already written the code. Possibly I read about mastodon on one of the techblogs. Back then there was NOBODY on Mastodon except some super-nerdy (I see myself as a nerd, just saying) niche communities. But it had two-factor and so I kept my account.

A good while ago I read a fantastic article about a tool that some European cities are using (Barcelona and Rome were mentioned) to have people participate in local politicsā€¦ the other day I talked to my colleague about this and searched for the article. I know where I read about it(I think) but I cannot remember the name of the person championing the thing nor could I find the article.


A friend of mine in Arizona wants to have a forum for ā€œpeople who are interested in hearing and talking about concerts in this cityā€. There are various decent technical answers to this, but the huge bar is still ā€œhow do you get the Facebookers to look at anything that isnā€™t Facebookā€.


And one more thing. There is actually a social network here where you can join your local neighborhood ā†’ I think I still have an account but it was very much people looking for stuff and exchanging baby clothing. For me it was too local. I would very much prefer something for my whole city.

PS: some cities now have mastodon instances Munich for example.

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Yeah, my HOA runs a message board which covers the neighborhood; and at our old house we were on Nextdoor, which allowed for the general area to ask each other:

why are fireworks?

whose dog is this?

has anyone seen my dog?

I sell <MLM du jour> so let me know if you are interested!

I called the cops on the mailman because he broke into our house, ate our dogā€™s food, and then denied the entire thing when he came to bring our mail 6 hours later

Something a little less hyper-local and a bit more regional would probably be what Iā€™m looking for.


And yet it needs to be easy enough to discover that everyone can easily join in.
I wish my city had a mastodon instance. There is one under but last time I checked this was a private endeavour that was running in testmode.


My nextdoor consists entirely of posts that start out ā€œmy animal is missing ā€œ or ā€œI need a guy to fix my whateverā€ and turn into two people yelling right wing hate.

Actually, thatā€™s not quite right, lots of it starts out as racism, before the right wing hate.

Itā€™s a cesspit, and I donā€™t know why anyone bothers.


Yeah, my wife does the NextDooring here. Seems to be mostly ā€œdoes anyone know whatā€™s happening about this buildingā€ (itā€™s being allowed to become derelict so that they can pull it down and put up horrible little flats), ā€œscary black men just stole things and threatened meā€ (I suppose itā€™s possible but Iā€™ve never seen them even when it was reported in the road where I live at a time when I was outside*) and ā€œI didnā€™t read the notice and got a parking ticket, do I have to pay itā€ (probably).

* for the avoidance of doubt: nobody would mistake me for a scary black man even at a distance.


Facebook (fb proper, not counting instagram or WhatsApp) has 2 billion people using it every day. Thatā€™s hard to complete with.

No wonder, the biggest update they had on that website in a decade was changing the ā€œlikeā€ icon from stars to heartsā€¦ oh, and increasing the limit of characters per postā€¦


Huh. More things Iā€™ve learned: Facebook owns Instagram and WhatsApp.

/me has also never heard of the ā€œAlphabetā€ company, and chooses to assume theyā€™re some kind of offshoot of Sesame Street.


Thatā€™s why you canā€™t use WhatsApp for the first time without a Facebook login, which is why I use Signal.


A large proportion of the people I follow on Twitter are posting links to their accounts on other platforms. Wondered what had changed overnight. Turns out EM has locked all the Twitter employees out of their offices.

And Tweets containing ā€œmastodonā€ seemingly being blocked?


Iā€™m seriously considering making a mastodon account so I can continue following Jorts the pro-union cat if/when Twitter fully implodes :laughing:


Presumably the next step is to sack them all and hire a bunch of people with the right words in their CVs.

Then be terribly surprised that in fact they are not interchangeable cogs.

Then blame them for this.


Then lock these people out of the office.


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It seems to be dumber than that. Lots of the current staff did not sign up for ā€œworking extremely hardcoreā€ and preferred three months of severance pay. The lockout is to ā€œprevent them sabotaging Twitterā€ under the assumption that this could only be done from within the office. While almost all the staff were working remotely until very recently ā€¦

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Iā€™m looking at signing up to Mastodon currently, but not sure which server to join. The servers that my Twitter follows are on are not accepting sign-ups.

Guess I just choose a random one that is?


Iā€™d suggest looking into the policies of a particular server. If youā€™re unlucky you might pick one that gets blocked by others because it allows hate speech etc.


Apparently (a word doing a lot of work in the hard to confirm maelstrom of Twitter news) the person in charge of security pass operations is one of those sacked, then asked to return. People may be locked out because Musk has done it deliberately, or it may be because their passes arenā€™t working and heā€™s trying to style it out as a power move.


Or the most words in their CVs.