Suggestion: Changes to the find-me-a-game-o-matic graph

For the first time, I tried out the “find-me-a-game-o-matic” feature on the site. I was given a couple recommendations that I agreed with! However, I was also presented this abomination of a figure:

There’s a lot here to make you scratch your head:

  • The big one: why is this a scatter plot? (It ought to be a bar graph, if not simply a table). At the very least get rid of the dashed-line interpolation.
  • “Competition” as a category is perhaps not the right word to use here (competitiveness is mostly a mentality or group dynamic and less a property of the game). I think “conflict” more properly conveys what is meant.
  • The idea of an “X% Players” score is a bit silly. Maybe a notion of “scalability” works better here? Some games are only good at a very specific player count, and other work great with lots of different numbers of players.

Welcome @Azura!

And yes. It is an abomination!


I didn’t even know this was a thing!

For clarity: we don’t know whether the staff of SU&SD read this site, so if you actually want to reach them you should probably use some other way of contacting them. That said, welcome! And I agree entirely; with my statistician’s hat on my first response is to try to work out what that pretty chart is trying to cover up.


Welcome @Azura. I am a sufferer of that chart, and was victim of it when deciding to buy a game that I could play with my partner. We went for Fog of Love after consulting it, and seeing the review with her. It has hit the table twice in nearly a year.
So I would take that tool with a pinch of salt. Most of the time when I consulted it, I was getting Keyforge as a result. Which doesn’t interest me in the slightest…


I love that chart. It’s like the science bit in shampoo ads. It uses lovely colours, funky little tags, and percentages to give you an insight into the beautiful mind of the algorithm.

And here’s the best part: what it’s telling you is precisely what you just told it - nothing else. But it manages to make it look like the outcome of a load of complex calculations.


It uses lovely colours, funky little tags, and percentages to give you an insight into the beautiful mind of the algorithm.

I agree that it does do this! I think making data beautiful is very important, but an important part of beautiful data is conveying it clearly and unambiguously.

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we don’t know whether the staff of SU&SD read this site, so if you actually want to reach them you should probably use some other way of contacting them

Thanks, I actually had no idea; I assumed this was the most appropriate avenue for providing feedback but maybe I was mistaken.

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I am a paid-up member of the Cult of Tufte, so… :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone for the greetings!

Anyways, I figured I should put my money where my mouth is to give an example of what I think would be a superior figure to show this data:


As usual, the answer to most things is “pie”:



[sound of Roger’s teeth grinding, audible even several thousand miles away]


:face_vomiting: :wink:

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This is lovely. But you’re putting more information in than the chart actually has available.

The original chart, which shows the y axis as a percentage, only actually has three possible values for Complexity, Strategy and Conflict, represented arbitrarily as 33%, 67% and 100%. These correspond to the three radio button options that you were given to start with, so might as well be 0, 1 and 2. 5 for Strategy is hard to understand in context.

The Players column has 29%, 43%, 71% and 100% as options, representing 2/7, 3/7, 5/7 and 7/7 as percentages. It is truly an amazingly non-informative thing. Two of the tags even have the same label (Com). Still, it’s very beautiful, and who doesn’t love beautiful things?


I’d love to see the 108 possible results. I think they’ve added more options since the last time I looked at it, because I think I remember thinking that there were only 30-odd possible results at some point in the past.

I did the thing
Cmplx Str Cmpt Pla Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4
1 3 1 2 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
1 2 1 2 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective
1 1 1 2 Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective
1 3 2 2 Carcassonne
1 2 2 2 Fog of Love
1 1 2 2 Fugitive
1 3 3 2 Jaipur
1 2 3 2 The Quest for El Dorado
1 1 3 2 The Quest for El Dorado
1 3 1 3 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
1 2 1 3 Betrayal Legacy Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
1 1 1 3 The Mind
1 3 2 3 Kingdomino Modern Art
1 2 2 3 Treasure Island Modern Art
1 1 2 3 Whitehall Mystery
1 3 3 3 Flamme Rouge Modern Art
1 2 3 3 Modern Art
1 1 3 3 6 Nimmt
1 3 1 5 Deception: Murder In Hong Kong
1 2 1 5 Mysterium Magic Maze
1 1 1 5 Magic Maze Codenames
1 3 2 5 For Sale Modern Art
1 2 2 5 Not Alone Modern Art
1 1 2 5 Sidereal Confluence: Trading And Negotiation In The Elysian Quadrant Codenames Sushi Go Party!
1 3 3 5 Modern Art Condottiere
1 2 3 5 Modern Art Sheriff of Nottingham
1 1 3 5 Pictomania
1 3 1 7 Deception: Murder In Hong Kong Decrypto
1 2 1 7 Magic Maze
1 1 1 7 Magic Maze Codenames
1 3 2 7 Decrypto
1 2 2 7 Incan Gold / Diamant
1 1 2 7 Codenames
1 3 3 7
1 2 3 7 The Resistance
1 1 3 7 Spyfall 1 & 2
2 3 1 2 Unlock! Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
2 2 1 2 Unlock! Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective
2 1 1 2 Unlock! Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective
2 3 2 2 Memoir '44 Keyforge
2 2 2 2 Memoir '44 Keyforge
2 1 2 2 Keyforge Flick 'Em Up
2 3 3 2 Memoir '44
2 2 3 2 Memoir '44
2 1 3 2 X-Wing Miniatures Game
2 3 1 3 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
2 2 1 3 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
2 1 1 3 Burgle Bros.
2 3 2 3 Isle of Skye Modern Art
2 2 2 3 Inis Cosmic Encounter Modern Art
2 1 2 3 Inis Cosmic Encounter
2 3 3 3 Kemet El Grande Modern Art
2 2 3 3 Kemet Modern Art
2 1 3 3 Lords of Vegas Kemet
2 3 1 5 Now Boarding Deception: Murder In Hong Kong
2 2 1 5 Mysterium Magic Maze
2 1 1 5 Magic Maze Codenames
2 3 2 5 Modern Art
2 2 2 5 Cosmic Encounter Modern Art
2 1 2 5 Through the Desert Sidereal Confluence: Trading and Negotiation in the Elysian Quadrant Cosmic Encounter Codenames
2 3 3 5 Power Grid Modern Art
2 2 3 5 Cutthroat Caverns Modern Art
2 1 3 5 Cutthroat Caverns
2 3 1 7 Deception: Murder In Hong Kong Captain Sonar Decrypto
2 2 1 7 Magic Maze Captain Sonar
2 1 1 7 Magic Maze Codenames Captain Sonar
2 3 2 7 Captain Sonar Decrypto
2 2 2 7 Mafia de Cuba Captain Sonar Two Rooms and a Boom
2 1 2 7 Codenames Captain Sonar Two Rooms and a Boom
2 3 3 7 Captain Sonar
2 2 3 7 Captain Sonar The Resistance: Avalon
2 1 3 7 Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space Captain Sonar
3 3 1 2 Gloomhaven
3 2 1 2 Arkham Horror: The Card Game
3 1 1 2 Arkham Horror: The Card Game
3 3 2 2 Keyforge A Feast For Odin
3 2 2 2 Keyforge
3 1 2 2 Keyforge
3 3 3 2 War of the Ring: 2nd Edition
3 2 3 2 War of the Ring: 2nd Edition
3 1 3 2 Mage Wars
3 3 1 3 Gloomhaven
3 2 1 3 Arkham Horror: The Card Game
3 1 1 3 Space Alert Arkham Horror: The Card Game
3 3 2 3 Brass: Birmingham
3 2 2 3 Inis Galaxy Trucker Cosmic Encounter
3 1 2 3 Inis Cosmic Encounter
3 3 3 3 Tigris & Euphrates Kemet
3 2 3 3 Twilight Imperium Kemet
3 1 3 3 Kemet
3 3 1 5 Deception: Murder In Hong Kong
3 2 1 5 Mysterium Magic Maze
3 1 1 5 Magic Maze
3 3 2 5 Terra Mystica
3 2 2 5 Cosmic Encounter
3 1 2 5 Sidereal Confluence: Trading And Negotiation In The Elysian Quadrant Cosmic Encounter
3 3 3 5 Power Grid
3 2 3 5 Twilight Imperium Cutthroat Caverns
3 1 3 5 Cutthroat Caverns
3 3 1 7 Deception: Murder In Hong Kong Captain Sonar Decrypto
3 2 1 7 Magic Maze Captain Sonar
3 1 1 7 Magic Maze Captain Sonar
3 3 2 7 Captain Sonar Decrypto
3 2 2 7 Captain Sonar Two Rooms and a Boom
3 1 2 7 Captain Sonar Blood on the Clocktower Two Rooms and a Boom
3 3 3 7 Captain Sonar
3 2 3 7 Captain Sonar The Resistance: Avalon
3 1 3 7 Captain Sonar

That’s a lot of Captain Sonar for a game they loved at the time but have rather gone off since.


And not enough Brass: Birmingham :thinking: :thinking: