Star Trek Ascendancy (recruitment)

Do we have turn order cards for this current turn?

No, but since Assussanni was the only bidder and wanted to play first they can go ahead with their turn. After that we need to wait for the random cards.

testing {3d6}

testing (roll 3d6)

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
3d6: 4 + 3 + 1 = 8

[roll 3d6], square brackets. (I’m abusing mod privileges to edit this message in later - the die roller is only triggered on first post.)

@Delwayne My 3-resource contract for your 2-resource contract?

you have a 3 ??, yes, lets do it. for my 2 (since I cant use yours in the first turn)

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“Greetings Ambassador, welcome to Earth.”

As far as I can tell, Vulcan Ambassadors don’t appear to do a great deal when placed on systems that the Vulcans don’t control outside of effects on Vulcan Advancement cards. Is this true?

Edit: Would it be possible to make the ambassador model on the map a bit bigger? They are a bit easy to miss at the moment… unless their size is indicative of their importance!

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Mostly true, but see the project I’ve just started.

Enlarge your ambassador in just 7 days… ahem.

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Also, the Vulcans have a Secret Victory Objective (dramatic music swells), and that can sometimes use the Ambassadors, I believe. Maybe something like “Have a Vulcan Ambassador on 3 Enemy Homeworlds” or something like that.

I don’t know if that’s a specific one (I could look it up, but I am le tired), but I’m pretty sure there are a few like that.

Edit: Having read the Vulcan Victory conditions now, I see there are none that refer to Ambassadors. They’re basically moving Space Stations that also allow some movement, resource, and espionage trickery.

The full set is:

  • to win the game complete 3 advancements from other players, with at least one from each
  • to win the game, Control 7 Culture Nodes
  • to win the game, Control 9 Research Nodes
  • to win the game, Control 10 Systems on your turn.
  • to win the game, Control 12 Production Nodes
  • to win the game, reach 8 Ascendancy (in play in game 2)
  • to win the game, fully upgrade your weapons and shields
  • to win the game, have 8 Warp tokens pictured on your completed Advancements.
  • to win the game, orbit 8 developed systems you do not Control
  • to win the game, Occupy six phenomenon

@RogerBW Quick question. In the rules we’re using, it shows the Cardassian Technology “Gravitic Sensor Net” gives a Warp Token (it is shown as Military/3R/W/-/-), but in the image of the same card in the Cardassian technology section, there is no Warp icon on it.

Does it give the Warp token or not?

(edited to show the proper 3R/W/-/- in the Appendices, just for clarity)

On the scanned card I have from the TTS mod, there’s no warp token. I think this must be considered an erratum. I don’t have time right now to check my physical copy but for this game let’s say no token.

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There is a warp token in the appendixes

Okay, no Warp token is fine by me. Thanks! Just wanted to make sure.

Hey, the Vulcans aren’t allowed to lie, right?

Can we just ask you which of the Secret Objectives you have? Or can we say “Is your secret objective to fully upgrade your weapons and shields?” and so on until we’ve asked about each?

Presumably we could, but I don’t believe the Vulcans are under any obligation to actually respond to the question. They just can’t lie if they do answer.

That’s my understanding as well.

For that matter the “cannot lie” rule in the original rulebook is tied to the specific power about moving other people’s ships; I can’t agree to move your battle fleet into position for an attack and then send it to the giant ship-eating space snail (from the Animated Series, obviously). But I think more generally it makes sense that any statement I make must be true.

Rules question: how does peace work at the moment between the Federation and the Cardassians given the one-sided trade agreement situation? Do they consider me peaceful because they hold my trade agreement, but I do not consider them peaceful?

So, their ships block my movement but I don’t block theirs? And I could colonise Vlugta without needing their permission?

Same thing happened to me in the last game. Ante deans stripped me of my trade deals everyone attacked!