Roads & Boats, this time it's personal

Oh shit, yeah, I moved into position for the oil rig, and I don’t have the research yet. Let me redo that move, sorry. nevermind, I’ll roll with the mistake as is.

Only have big mines now - you can see which research has been done by the icons made visible on the research bar to the left.

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Oh yeah.


Donkey 6-2 move to 7-2, collect stone, back to 6-2 dragging geese.

Donkey 6-2 drops 2 planks. Move to 6-1, load log, move to 5-2

Donkey 5-2 moves to 6-2 drops planks, moves to 7-2

Raft at 6-3 with one plank on moves to dock 3-3 and loads 2 logs

Docked raft at 6-2, drops all cargo, loads two planks and docks at 5-5

Raft at oil rig with fuel stays put.


Build wall between 6-2 and 7-3


2 planks for one block.

@pillbox for movement

It appears that you never processed my moves from the last turn?

Ah, forgot you had already posted your moves for this turn. Was 11 days ago, to be fair!

You have two donkeys at 8-6 and 8-7 doing nothing, is that OK? @pillbox

If they can get planks to 8-6, that might be convient. Otherwise that’s okay.

2 more boards to 8-6, and both donkeys end in 8-6?

Yep. Thanks



Just need to know if you are contributing to the wonder, @pillbox , then onto the next turn.

One brick, please, paid with planks

Turn 17

Need production from @RossM and @pillbox , pausing a moment before movement in case anyone wants to call conflict.

I will call conflict in Movement.

OK, but please also resolve production (I assume you are moving that gold onto your raft and producing boards, but confirmation is good).


Gold: Yoink

1 trunk = 2 planks

So, @pillbox stops praying before movement.
Then @RossM do you stop praying or not?

Should I post production first?

Also is that a clay pit?

Posting both at the same time would be preferred. And yes.

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Ok. I’m second from the temple so I choose turn order second.

But I don’t want to stop praying.

Is that right?

If you don’t stop praying, the order will be pillbox, myself, you, so you would be next to the temple and end up with whatever position is left after pillbox and I choose.


pillbox stops praying

You now choose whether or not to stop, if you stop, you end up in front of pillbox. If you don’t, you stay where you are. Then, in order from farthest to nearest, we choose play order:
