Recent Boardgames (Your Last Played Game Volume 2)

Played Marvel Champions trying out the Red Skull campaign for the first time. Hawkeye Leadership and Spider-Woman Aggression/Justice against Crossbones.

I was trying to defeat him before he could resolve any main schemes and I missed that by one action, where I’d left Crossbones confused and only one of my heroes as alter-ego, but he then got a surprise extra scheme and surge, and the surge card was an Advance (scheme again). And he drew a 3-boost for at least one of those schemes. So it blew through my threat limit (even after putting the Justice van on for an extra 4 max threat). As soon as the Villain phase finished Hawkeye shot the pants off him and we won, but just too late.

Spider-Woman is brilliant, her own cards are very powerful (stuns, confuses, self-heals) and she has two support cards for free resources to spend on “an aspect card” which is basically all of them.
Surveillance Van and Beat Cop also doing a lot of heavy lifting in the Justice deck.

Kate Bishop as an ally gets a mention for doing damage equal to the cost of a card you discard and not taking consequential damage for doing it. Got a 5-cost ally you can’t possibly spend on this turn? Turn him into pain-free damage! Also the character deserves her own tv show and I’ve no doubt she’ll get a hero deck when that happens. (Kate Bishop is great in Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye and G+M’s Young Avengers, and the Kelly Thompson run).

I hadn’t played in a while and I was surprised at how much thinking there is to do right from the first turn. The actions are quite simple, but there’s always 3-4 ways you can play any hand (changing which cards you use and which you pay with) and every choice matters. Still a very satisfying game.

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I quite often deliberately take the card my opponent was saving for


Which is indeed the correct way. However some groups I’ve played in are horrified when I do it.


A rare event for me last night, as I decided to bring a few games with me for a trip away with friends to see if they wanted to play anything. We started with a few hands of the print and play version of Love Letter, and followed that with a game of Carcassonne, both of which at I time I thought were not that well received. Certainly, the others seemed to enjoy playing another person’s game as the comic value of Rapidough appealled to them more. However this morning, one of the group asked me more about games and we got chatting to other titles she might like or had played in the past. I left her my copy of Pandemic to try (at least solo) and she showed interest in other titles even including Eldritch Horror and Viticulture. Maybe I might have found someone to play games occasionally, and at the very least we may get a few party/family titles on the table this Christmas.


Had a chilled out bank holiday Sunday here today, some nice afternoon family gaming. We played Carcassonne first, I came home in last place, utterly trounced.

Then had a game of Jamaica, which was good fun. Lots of battles in it this time, and apparently stealing the hard won gold from your poor Dad’s ship is acceptable behaviour for the youth of today… tsk tsk.

Anyone ever try the expansion for Jamaica? (Jamaica: The Crew). Wondering if it adds much to it.


Did another session of Kingdom Death: Monster, this time encompassing Lantern Year 2. We rolled very poorly on a couple of settlement rolls and lost two population to a 1 on the Intimacy chart, but we did expand the settlement and innovate a couple times, so that was neat. Then we hunted a Screaming Antelope and not only didn’t have anyone die but didn’t actually take very much damage in general what with it running around like crazy more than actually attacking and a bunch of bonuses giving us survival to mitigate nasty hits. Actually, our closest brush with death there was rolling like shit on a Bug Patch and having a survivor with no insanity (the only one) take 3 brain damage.

I think I begin to see what you mean about it being possible to get strong enough not to have all that many problems, although in fairness we would still have a hard time with a level 2 monster at the moment, I think.

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Jaws of the Lion, faced off against zealots and Chaos demons. Unfortunately, we did not survive. We actually called it before the end, with one player dead, and the others low on health - and we hadn’t even reached the final room (with the boss). Our second loss in a row. But we will be back!

My City, episodes 13, 14 and 15. I did better than a normally did, with two second places. Wont give the details (spoilers). Went fairly smoothly.

Viscounts of the West Kingdom, first play. Yet another game in the XXX of the West Kingdoms games (Architects, Paladins). The board is made up of five segments, held together by a castle with three rings. You start with your own deck of eight townsfolk, but will hire and use more.

On your turn, you will add a new card from your hand to your player board (which holds 3 cards). The rightmost card will be discarded. Cards have three types of actions: immediate (when you first play them), on going, or discard.
Then you’ll move your Viscount around the main board. The board has spaces on the outer and inner paths, and you’ll get different options depending on which path you take. Your movement is taken from the cost of the new card you added to your board (so a card with a value of 2 allows you to move 2). You can move further by adding money.
After movement, you take one of four main actions, each with its own required icon. You can add up the icons from your player board, and can dismiss the townsfolk card on the main board next to you to add more icons. You can also add resources to give you more icons.
The main actions are trade, construct a building, place workers, and transcribe a manuscript.
Trade can give you resources, the ability to destroy a card (to thin your deck), or flip debt/deed cards.
Construct a building allows you to build one of three types of building, giving you an ongoing ability, or a permanent icon. And VPs at the end of the game.
Place workers allow you to move your workers onto the castle in the middle of the main board. If you have three workers in one section of the first (outer) tier, then one of them moves up to the next tier, while each of the others move to the left and right sections. This could also trigger another group of three workers. You get an action by moving into the second tier, and a free resource by moving into the third tier. VPs are also given at the end of the game. If there are more than three workers (of any colour) in a first or second tier, then any extra can be sent back to the player who owns them. It sounds a little complicated, but it works smoothly enough.
Finally, you can transcribe a manuscript, which allows you to take the top manuscript adjacent to you. You get something free when you take it, and the colour of the manuscript ribbon lets you make sets for VPs at the end of the game.
Theres an interesting mechanic with the virtue and corruptions markers. They start on each side of your player board. If you gain corruption, that marker moves to the right, where the virtue marker moves to the left. If they collide, then you get a reward, and so do the other players. Corruption gives you more money, but also debt cards.
Debt cards are worth negative VPs if you don’t manage to flip them. You also have deed cards, which give 1 VP, or 3 VPs if you can flip them. The decks of debt and deed cards determine the end of the game. You get VPs from having the most flipped cards.
It took a while to teach this (and it was my first game too, which doesn’t help). There was a bit of AP, as you try and decide which card to play, which affects how far you move, and what options you’ll get. It took a couple of hours to play, next game should be a bit quicker. Some rules seem a bit weird, like when you destroy a card, it has to be from your hand, or you can draw your next card from your deck. Most games allow you to go thru your discards to destroy one. I went after the manuscripts for points, and another player had heaps of workers in the castle. We ended up with the same score, but the tie breaker was left over resources and money, which I lost.

Red 7 to finish things off. I like the game myself, but one of the other players didn’t really enjoy it. There are some people who just never get how the game works.


Got most of the way through the 4th Hoth campaign mission in the Imperial Assault Legends of the Alliance app tonight. Unfortunately it was getting late, so we took pictures and saved the app and will pick up where we left off another evening.

Not sure how I am feeling about the Hoth campaign, to be honest. While the missions do try out new things in comparison to the original app campaign, they mostly seem designed to slow down the Rebels, which then allows the time taken to cause perils to damage or otherwise inconvenience the players, and that just isn’t…well, fun. Especially when you add in the time needed to dig out the map tiles as they come up every time you open a door, grinding the game to a halt for a minute each time. Admittedly, a better sorting system than what I have (all pieces tossed in the box by size) would help some.

I wish they would just list all the tiles you need for the mission in the introductory bit, as it would save a ton of time. I could see tapping through all the missions once I have played them and making a note of all the tiles needed for each just so future plays can go a bit smoother.

I am curious how the Jabba’s Realm campaign is. I have heard it is the best of the three, and am truly hoping it does not expand upon the delaying tactics involved in Hoth.

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A cold outdoor games day with Mr Verde and others yesterday :cold_face:. Played a game of Spirit Island I played Stones Unyielding Defiance, also at the table were Grinning Tricksters Stirs Up Trouble, Many Minds Move as One and Down Pour Drenches the World against Brandenburg-Prussia Level 2.

I’m really impressed with Jagged Earth. The new powers are fun. Not often the most powerful and generally less straight forward. They do more cool stuff with tokens and situations. Overall I’m enjoying the spirits. They’re interesting to play with lots of effects and interactions that take more planning. The events in jagged earth are good as well. They carry on doing just enough to mess with plans and add a little chaos to proceedings but maybe aren’t quite as swingy as the branch and claw ones. Excellent expansion and carry on being pleased with having added the organiser, really good for set up and tear down efficiency. It was also interesting to play at 4. When the island went blighted having 20 blight felt luxurious.

Next up was The Crew so it was Coop Day! ™ As always this remains excellent fun. And even the shivering wasn’t enough to ruin the experience


Over the week-end I played five solos of Spirit Island. The first was two-handed but I quickly noticed that I need to get to know the new spirits before I can handle two at the same time. I am also quite impressed with the variety and fun to be had with the new rules like Isolation–though that one took me a bit to grok when I played Finder of Paths Unseen which is not only the prettiest of the bunch (that blue green colibri) but also has such a wild special power it’s going to be hell on people who play with someone who plays this. I love it :slight_smile:

All the games were just basic without an opponent. Just getting to know the new things.

Game Summaries. If you care about spoilers for this game don't read
  • Game 1: Volcano Looming High + Many Minds Move as One. I was a bit overwhelmed. I am not used to not knowing every card and power in the game… I expected to prefer Many Minds over Volcano but guess what: that stationary fire spewing mountain is fascinating and it worked quite well. Although the amount of beasts Many Minds brings to the table is also great. I ended up winning on a fear card removing any one invader which happened to be my last city. I was already two cards into stage three of the invader cards and fighting off invaders in two land types at once. At that point only fear can save a game usually.
  • Game 2: Grinning Trickster. I really enjoyed just playing random cards from the deck. I made a few rules mistakes on this one though with how and when I was allowed to buy the cards. I got really lucky with Overenthusiastic Arson as I never drew and orange power. But my island blighted quickly and I ended up winning by going through the fear cards yet again. Fun but so very random. This is not going to be my new favorite.
  • Game 3: Lure of the Deep Wilderness. Very early on, I drafted the minor power from the deck that seems to have inspired this opposite of Ocean’ Hungry Grasp. I am looking forward to playing them together. With this one, I really enjoyed the transformative powers turning villages back into explorers and luring them into my traps… and then there’s the huge number of tokens it put on the board.
  • Game 4: Finder of Paths Unseen. I had not understood when I started playing that Isolation prevents exploration both in the land and from the land. This one can isolate up to 3 lands later in the game but isolating just one land regularly is crazy helpful. As Finder can also move invaders like no other spirit I ended up collecting all the invaders–as it has a hard time removing them–in an inland forest hoping for a major power that would destroy all of them. And I got it… and guess what it was Target Land: Coastal. And so I had to move all those invaders back to the shore. I got lucky that I drew a card as well that allowed me to turn a single ravage into a build instead thus preventing all ravages in that particular land. Once I had everyone on the coast I killed off enough invaders in one big card (something something that would have destroyed the island itself if I had a few more weird colors) to gain 5 fear cards in one go! After the first few turns I was sure I had lost the game but this ended up being a very satisfying win a few turns later with me playing that same card again. Being able to make lands adjacent and dividing them at will… extremely powerful. Love this one.
  • Game 5: Downpour Drenches the World. After having grokked Isolation on the previous game, I was able to use it so effectively to shut down the invaders very early on. Also being able to play cards twice is incredible. I am indeed not sure how balanced this guy is. It has so many good cards that cost 0 and when you don’t have to decide where to do something but can do it in both critical lands… I liked this one as well.

My favorite is definitely Finder & Volcano & Downpour. But all the ones I played are excellent and give new twists on the game. Can’t wait to play the rest.


So Covid restrictions are finally lifting where I am - so hopeful to get in some face to face gaming soon!

But until then, have been playing games with my wife:

Super Big Boggle x3 sessions. Highlight: finding Tassles in a crap board. Lowlight: Realising I’d misread the board and couldn’t make Tassles afterall :frowning:

Love Letter x2. We’ve been enjoying this one as a light little 2 player game lately - it’s always annoying to lose games before things have started though :frowning:

Timeline x2. Still enjoying this one. Never completely sure how best to randomise the 2 sets I’m keeping in one tin though…

Go Cuckoo


I’ve played various Timeline sets at the boardgame cafe, and we find we tend to “wear out” one set (i.e. we all play perfect games until one person messes up and that’s the game-deciding play) and need to give it a rest for a few months.


Played the first 3 scenarios of Undaunted Normandy over the last 2 weekends. It’s everything Quinns described in his review with one caveat - it’s possible for scenarios 1 and 3 to be over in minutes if one player gets a few favourable draws/rolls and the other gets bad ones. We played 5 games in total and it happened once each on scenarios 1 and 3. No real harm because it’s only a few minutes wasted, but I did worry that I’d bought a lemon. If the game survives the first few rounds, then from that point on it seems a reliably tense and interesting experience.


After a weekend away in Mahia, there were some games played with friends on Friday night at the bach that need reporting, two goes at a cheesy MB classic from my friends True or False, where I finished 3rd on the first one and then grocked it and won the second one easy.
Followed by a go at Splendor It is the second time that I see a newbie winning it, and she was grumpy all the way through he game (I don’t like long games, she kept saying). She trounced us on a last round where she went all the way to 19. I could not get my engine going well due to being 4th turn, so I always struggled for ruby and onyx, and I finished last at 11.

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Pressed “Reply” too early, I had a Monday night session in the Guild last night. It has been a long weekend here, with a local holiday on Friday and Labour Day yesterday, so it was low in numbers, also because a few members had gone to the Games Convention in Wellington Saturday and Sunday.
With Halloween getting closer, there was an initial interest in playing a spooky game. A good chunk started playing Dead of Winter, which I wasn’t in the mood to learn, so four of us went our separate way to play Century Spice Road. I finished 3rd on 54, 2 points behind second, so I am happy with the performance being only my second go at the game.
We followed that with a visit to a classic: Thurns und Taxis. Very happy with the game, it definitely improves what a Ticket to Ride style game can be, in my opinion. I finished 2nd by two points, on a final move that gave me my 7 stops route (2nd to do it), my house on all colours 6 points. Great experience, bit of a shame that it s out of print, I would happily replace my TtR: Europe with this. There is more to it on a similar mechanism.


Being in lockdown and having limited gaming opportunities I’ve been playing a lot more games with the family, always happy to play whatever they fancy. Well today my kid picked out Catacombs. Just the two of us playing, with him deciding to play the Overseer and me running 4 heroes. Great fun, but my word the game can take a long time with just two, we were around 3 hours playing it! Still, lots of terrible misses and one or two amazing flicks combined for a really fun way to spend the afternoon.


Wellington, New Zealand – famously home to the world’s largest board games convention this October.


Probably the only one that wasn’t online…

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Wow, sounds like you’ve got a better head for dates than we do!

But I agree that it’s not the kind of game you could play over and over again in a short span of time. That’s probably true of any trivia game though.

Sakura Arms just now with @Lordof1. First game for both of us, and the TTS mod I was using seems to be some kind of part-translated fan thing (so good, it has all the megami, but bad, it doesn’t necessarily use the same terms as the English-language rulebooks) .

So there was a lot of fumbling. But by the end of it we were both seeing tradeoffs and hard decisions to make.

Also I won, so it must be a good game. :slight_smile: