[PbP] Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

@Gungeon asked for a die roll:

d100: 62 vs 81 perception (61 + 20)


Amris, you peer intently at the boat, your keen vision noticing some marks on the deck, running towards the break in the hull. These aren’t deep grooves, but something was definitely pulled through the broken side of the boat. You pull out your lens for further aid, and find a torn fingernail embedded into the deck. It seems that someone was violently removed from the boat via the hole, pulled out whilst trying in vain to scrabble for purchase to resist.

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Amris points out the details to the others. “It seems you were correct, Herr Wollmacher. Someone has been pulled out through the hole. [gesturing to the fingernail] Quite forcefully I might add.”


Fronika doesn’t hide her discomfort.
“Through the hole?! What could do such a thing?!”


Amris shrugs apologetically and looks out over the lapping water. “A great many things, unfortunately.”


“It is one of those cases where I’m not glad to be correct.”
Meinrad then speaks in a hushed voice “Do you all think we should maybe talk to the lady up there? Maybe she has seen something…”


(if there isn’t any objection, I’ll walk toward the one eyed Lady)

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Knock yourself out! (Maybe not literally)


(How are you going to approach? Directly, or are you going to try and be more subtle about it?)

I’ll try to lock eyes with her, and approach as non threatingly as possible.

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When I’m in voice range, I’ll just shout "I just want to know if you’ve seen anything. I’m not interested in anything else. "

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As you approach she takes out an old pipe and lights it up, puffing out a ring of foul smelling smoke. She jabs it towards you in an aggressive manner when you call out.

“Ain’t seen Watch down here since the Red and Blues arrived in town, which we’re all pretty damn happy about. The Dunkelfeucht looks after their own, an’ we don’t need the Watch here, throwing their weight around. All the Watch ever does is tear this place down and drive the folk away. The Baron’s not happy to see you lot coming down here again, that’s for sure.”

She takes another puff on her pipe.

“How about you tell me exactly what it is you sorry lot are looking for? I’ve seen a lot of things, an’ I ain’t inclined to share most of that with the likes of youse.”


Meinrad smiles and throw his hands up in the air :
“We’re not looking for troubles, either for you all or for us. I’m not from around here, and if you’re all good by yourselves, I think that all fine and good.
No, we’re here cause a boy came to fetch us. His father disappeared recently, and he was last seen going to this here river. And seeing how the boat was treated, I’m a bit scared for the daddy. Do you know anything about all this? I think I heard he wasn’t the only missing person in the last few days.”

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She clutches the pipe in her teeth and gives you an appraising stare. “It might be that a few too many people have been going missing of late. Last seen around night time, close to the river. It might be that those who have tried to look into it have also disappeared.”

It’s a good thing it’s the watch looking into it now then ! A win-win situation for you:either we’re out of your buisness, or we find the people back.

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“No idea what’s nabbing people, but it comes out at night.”

There’s another puff of smoke, and she points further down the river at a weathered looking lean-to that stands by the water’s edge. “Dirk ain’t been seen for a few days. Last seen heading to his place to sleep off a day boozing it up down at the Docks.”

“So it does come from the water then… You mentioned a Baron earlier, would he know more?”

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“Baron won’t see the likes of you. Think of me as his representative. We don’t know where it comes from exactly, only that it comes at night, and the missing people were last seen near the water.”

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“Well madam, you have been most helpful ! Please do feel free to reach out if you find anything else to mention to us; we’ll be around, and something tell us you’ll have a easier time reaching us that we will have reaching you.”

If there is nothing else, I’ll go back down to the group :
“It seems almost everyone who dissapeared was hanging around here, and it always happen at night. Who’s up for a little camping tonight?”


“Exactly what we don’t want” she mutters darkly, before tapping out her pipe. “Jus’ don’t start wandering around where you ain’t wanted.”