Can you edit the map to show the project, and add a ‘project die’ (a number in a box) to indicate how long it will take in weeks
@GabrielH you have drawn the 7 of Hearts:
Where does everyone sleep? Who is unhappy with this arrangement, and why?
What natural predators roam this area? Are you safe?
Sleeping arrangements are based on the level of fear/respect a person holds; The upper levels of society stake out whole rooms to themselves in the old airport terminals, while the common people move into parking garages. Some unfortunates stake out lots in tents around the premises, either because of being chased out of the buildings, or because they don’t trust the populations of more desirable regions. Those who have made a great many enemies find themselves wandering out in the sands, and ultimately becoming food for the very hungry pigeons.
For my action I will hold a discussion:
What should be done about that pesky settlement in the southeast?
We should leave them to their own devices, but make sure we can defend ourselves.
@Snobbydolphin to add their view next.
I agree. They don’t seem a threat, and we have bigger concerns with the plane.
@RossM is next in the discussion.
It’s weeks until the run way is clear. We have the time to purge these people first.
I think scouting it out should be our priority, forewarned is forearmed. We storm in there and find trouble bigger than we were looking for, we’re in trouble.
@GabrielH to finish the discussion
We should put a stop to everything and exterminate those monsters, before they put an end to us!
I have drawn the 9 of hearts:
A charismatic young girl convinces many to help her with an elaborate scheme. What is it? Who joins her endeavors? Start a project to reflect.
A charismatic young girl tries to tempt many into sinful or dangerous activity. Why does she do this? How does the community respond?
A charismatic young girl convinces many to help her with an elaborate scheme. What is it? Who joins her endeavors? Start a project to reflect.
A small group of adults out hunting rabbits catches a 9-year-old girl trying to break into the abandoned control tower. She begins excitedly explaining to them how she had walked for hours to get to the Drop because she had heard voices calling to her from over the edge. They had told her, she continued, that there was a whole city just out of sight, and that she could use the old radar dish to talk to them.
This was clearly insanity, the adults decided. The girl must be delirious from tiredness after her walk and must be returned to her parents immediately.
By that evening, the girl had convinced a gang of bored teenagers to help her break into the controltower, and the beginnings of a cantilevered arm could be seen extending from the roof. An older woman who claimed to have been a physicist once upon a time, but was mostly known in the community for having tamed one of the feral pigeons that lived in the hangar, was spotted dragging a large sheet of metal towards the drop and muttering something about reflectors.
For my action I shall discover something new.
Inside the old control tower, a light on one of the radios is flickering…
@Snobbydolphin has drawn the six of hearts:
Are there children in the community? If there are, what is their role in the community?
How old are the eldest members of the community? What unique needs do they have?
Since the next part of the turn is to reduce the project dice. The runway-clearing project is now complete, and @IssiNoho77 should tell us how it turned out.
The runway is clear, and with some hasty work patching the worst of the holes with gravel and basic mortar, we’ve got a serviceable runway. I’m not sure it’ll hold up to more than one take-off and one landing though.
There are children, not necessarily in great numbers, but enough to keep the community feeling there is a sense of the future. Life being what it is, there aren’t many distractions for the children, so the community harnesses their inherent energy by using them as go-fers and messengers around the settlement. They’ve become a valuable resources for communication, and the children have even come up with their own ranking system for who is the fastest and best at their duties. The children also serve an important purpose in entertaining the settlement. At community gatherings the children play made-up games as distraction and celebration, most of the games/sports built around traversing the ruins of the airport, crossing beams and swinging from platform to platform on cables, or a general display of gymnastic ability.
My action is going to be to start a discussion. Seeing how we continue to discover new people since we fended off the Jackals, I think it’s a good idea to start training some of the children as scouts. The older ones, of course, but they’re quick, full of energy, and small enough to be stealthy. We need to know more about the people near the drop, and we need better warning from the outskirts of the settlement. Who is in favor of starting a scouting corps using some of the more skilled and clever children?
@RossM to start the discussion.
Children should also be trained in manipulation. It’s no coincidence they wear woollen clothing.