“Oy!” “Wut?” Just chat (The Return of)

Putting here as I feel this has enough coder/computer types that they’ll tell me it’s easy.

Can a program/macro be written for asymmetric games that maximises everyone’s enjoyment?

I’m thinking that everyone’s ranks the factions and some macro picks out the maximum total within the grid to ensure that people at least aren’t playing their least favourite faction?

mulled over from a Discord conversation about Fire in the Lake, where one player hated being the AVRN


This is pretty straight forward except where it’s not: how do you deal with ties, or where no one wants to be the Arvn? You end up drawing straws.

The airport security line I was in last week had a list of things you couldn’t take through. It specifically called out nerf guns.

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Yeah, I got that as a problem too. There could be two solutions that give maximum value, in which case you want another rule to give maximum individual values. But then that could also break down.

Before you know you need supercomputer levels of processing to crunch the issue

If you can’t maximize enjoyment, you could at least minimize suffering: have everyone pick the faction they least want to play and make sure nobody plays their chosen faction.

The corollary is that there needs to be N players and a minimum of N+1 factions, such that if everyone hates one particular faction (Winnu, for example) nobody is stuck with them. If there are N players and N factions, you run the risk that everyone agrees that the same faction is the least fun (again, let’s say Winnu for no particular reason) and somebody still has to play them, at which point I would say whoever owns the game has to jump on that grenade.


I think there’s something to be done based on most and least favourite. I might say “name a couple of factions you’d like to play, and one you definitely don’t want to”, and shuffle things around either with software or in my head – though as Marx points out you can’t guarantee nobody gets stuck with their “definitely don’t want to” unless you have more factions than players.


Have everybody assign a victory point value to each faction. The higher the point value, the less that person wants to play the faction (you must pay me x VP for me to play that faction).

Then solve for min(VPs allocated to all starting positions)


If I were hosting I’d do the N+1 thing and take the leftover faction


I learned today that my wife pronounces gif “Geeef” (with a long e). I had not considered there was a third side to that debate, but it’s clearly wrong.


I can’t help but hear that in Speedy Gonzales’ voice…


I’m the same when anyone mentions carpet underlay.


Did you wonder why people were always in a hurry to get the carpet down?



That’s me smashing paddle boarding


Are you sure it’s not the other way around?


So Capstones have announce Terra Nova - a spin off of Terra Mystica. And I noticed this game have shoot up the Hotness list. I wonder why

Also, this is a cracking game if you love mind-melting mean games like I do.


My partner sent me this on Facebook with no comment…


I blame Ikea. They’re always trying to make their stuff smaller so you can fit more of it in your home!


Ah because of the grammatical error?

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Thats not the worst Ive seen. A partner sent them an email - inside is an ebay advert with trivial amount of fee as promotion. The email ended with “Kind Regards”.

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Board game affirmations, courtesy of our local Chinese takeaway.