Modern Day Black Magic
Oven instructions:
- Preheat oven to 350 °F (175 C)
- Bake for 55 minutes
Microwave instructions:
- 30 seconds at half power
- Sit and let cool for 2 minutes
Oven instructions:
Microwave instructions:
I hope it’s not black magic, because I really don’t like me food burned.
(we’re making pizza again today)
My boys have their 3D printer running now.
I would like some feet to support screens used in games (Mino Dice, Modern Art, Ginkgopolis etc).
Thingiverse has a Decrypto decoder foot, but I have a feeling that the card is thicker.
Can anyone direct me to a file please? Or know how to alter a thingiverse file if the slot is too wide?
What’s the file and what thickness slot do you need?
I’ve been using TinkerCAD for 3D designs, but Fusion 360 and Blender are common too. Happy to take a look.
Ditto, happy to run something up in OpenSCAD given parameters.
We’ve used this file…
Which prints…
There are 2 issues, one it has a notch in the bottom which would fit the Decrypto board and. Second is the width of the slot
The slot is 3mm wide, but the card for the screen is less than 1mm thick.
So I’d like the same general thing, but with a 1mm wide slot and the base of the slot to be flat.
If that makes sense!
The slot is 0.4 mm wide, but I can easily made it wider
Now with 1 mm wide slot!
I have requested access
And thank you
Granted, 10 characters.
Saw on BGG, I often enough miss interesting threads there so: ‘Playing games turns me into a person who makes sense’ | Board games | The Guardian
You find yourself absorbing the deranged logic of Domino Theory and Mutual Assured Destruction. What if I sponsor a coup in Zaire to distract them from Vietnam? you wonder, as if that were a normal, sane question.
I think this has to be one of the best articles on the hobby I’ve ever read in not-hobby media
Oh that’s a fantastic article, thank you! So true.
I am sick at home, so started playing a lot of Codenames but it seems I only play with and against bots?
Did you have a different experience? I am not complaining, just curious.
It is just the first couple of practice games. The games against people take far longer because people tend to play either in the mornings or evenings and you get a move or 2 per day.
I’m stealing this!
I had people msg me for rules.
This is why I started writing those pockemod rulebooks.
I will sometimes shout “Adios pantelones!” when I get home after a rough day and switch into my lounging pants.