Leaving Earth #2

I‘ll check the thread when I get back to my big screen (it is not quite so easy on a small one). I think I checked multiple times because otherwise I could have simply bought a probe and sent it up instead of food. I had something I called „orbital mess“ in orbit still a few turns back. I think that one consisted of 1 remaining juno and 1 probe. Not quite sure. I‘ll figure it out. -.-

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See here in relation to probe


(Sorry had an interview tuesday and was nervous wreck for a day before and after, interview seemed to be going well)

Okay, I thought that had cleared up that I had indeed a probe in orbit right?
So “Plan C” can launch towards ITP?

With 3 remaining I cannot do much at this point. I can’t keep the funding for next round right? I have to spend it? If anyone needs a loan of 3 I might be willing to do this?

I should probably just have said I am done. So for now I am done. And whoever is up next, is up next. Which would be @RossM according to list somewhat further up.

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Yep. I’ll have a look later

Yes, at this point we’re ending turns (automatic manoeuvres happen) not ending the year.

I’m about to go away for (a) the weekend and then (b) two weeks to Finland, so…

Ok. Spacecraft in Venus flyby fires two Juno’s to propel it to Jupiter flyby


Can I buy your proton tech for 8 space bucks?

If so I’ll buy and test fire one and then return the tech with one less card

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Craft is 1 probe 5 junos, mass 6. Difficulty 1. Thrust needed 6, Juno thrust 4 each, no problem.

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yeah sure. Sounds profitable :innocent:

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Ok. Do all of that.

Away at Stabcon, will sort on sun/mon.

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what happened to this one? Am I up did I miss something?

I’m assuming Roger is exploring the new moon caves

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Yeah sorry I’m gradually unwinding things that got put off for the holiday.

  • RossM’s ¤8 is swapped for Yashima’s Proton tech w/2 (so RossM’s existing Proton tech goes from 3 to 2).
  • RossM buys a Proton for ¤12.
  • RossM fires the Proton: a Success, bought off for ¤10, no money left.
  • RossM returns Proton w/1 card to Yashima.

That probably ends round 1 of 1968, though @RossM can have further actions if wanted.

Then we’ll go on to round 2:

  1. China - lalunaverde - ¤30
  2. USA - Lordof1 - ¤30
  3. USSR - RogerBW - ¤2
  4. Japan - yashima - ¤11
  5. France - RossM - ¤0
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I was actually so very busy that I wouldnt have been surprised if I forgot to do my move. My head was completely elsewhere for the past few weeks but now that I have a job again I think things will calm down and so I … uh remembered we had this game going. :sweat_smile:

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I’m done for the turn

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OK @lalunaverde what are your plans?

2 Ions and 10 food

Continue the probe in OPT to Jupiter Fly-by, please

Purchases done. The probe manoeuvre is already done, and that vehicle has 2 time tokens on it to Jupiter Fly-By.

@Lordof1 over to you.

Hi all, I’m really sorry but I totally misunderestimated how little free time I’d have, having some child sleeping problems which is taking up a lot of evenings and meaning when I have free time I’m not at my freshest. I’m going to have to drop out of this as it’s not fair to keep you all waitng, I’m so sorry.