Last game you bought?

I am now the happy owner of a full (if not fully blinged out) collection of Feudum, with the base game, The Queen’s Army, Alter Ego, Windmills & Catapults, Squirrels & Conifers and Seals & Sirens in the house, and Rudders & Ramparts on the way.

I’m honestly disturbed by the packaging of this game’s expansions. Lovely to look at, but they were all ruthlessly broken down and sent to the recyclers. Everything easily fits in the main coffin box, without having to remove the packing insert. Thankfully none of them contained much in the way of plastic waste.

Anyway, that’s all, folks. I’ve committed to a freeze on all new boardgame purchases and, aside from some planned cuts, the collection is set in stone for the next several years. Allowances will be made for upgrades and expansions of existing titles (some of which are coming and hotly anticipated), but nothing new is coming in.

My last few purchases—Xia (Complete), Yokohama (Deluxified) and Feudum—have all been whoppers and represent me closing the book on a few major grail games, so that’s been pretty exciting as a last hurrah.

Now, to stick to it…


Bought Ginkgopolis (again). I sold my French copy months ago when I heard the reprint news.


Today is our anniversary, and since my wife is awesome, she managed to get me a copy of The Legend of Drizzt D&D board game. I have heard pretty good things about these games and considered picking one up before, but they are rather pricey and just never went through with it.

The copy is used, but she got it for free. We spent a bit of time going through all the components, and all we seem to be missing are the d20 that is supposed to come with the game, one of the four -4 AC tokens, and four of the five Sequence of Play cards, which seems like the oddest thing to be missing. Not really concerned about any of these, as they are easily replaced or proxied, but still planning to reach out to the person she got it from, as they were giving away another game in this series to see if the missing components may accidentally have been placed in that one.

Game looks fun, can be played solo, and has a backstory I know from R.A. Salvatore’s novels, which gives me some investment right off the bat. Looking forward to giving it a try at some point.

Edit: Wow, am I embarrassed. Tomorrow is our anniversary. To be fair, neither of us remembered right until we gave it more thought this evening. It’s been that kind of decade.


Happy anniversary! We only remembered ours this year because my parents sent us a card, so you’re not alone in the forgetfulness :grin:

Enjoy the new game!


That’s part of the embarrassment! My parents sent us a card with a note dated for the 10th, and we joked about how they got the date wrong. After that, we started thinking about it more and realized we were the idiots! :slight_smile:


Under Falling Skies and just received Dice Throne Adventures from KS. Haven’t done the adventures yet, but played the base game with my son home from college. Tragically, my sons are about to leave for college again (which, during a pandemic causes angst of its own) and I’ll lose the two most likely to play take that types of games.


Welcome, @whjensen! And good luck…


Thanks! I’ve not been here since the move. It’s good to be back!


As I am awaiting the already delayed again mysterious game package that can only be my copy of On Mars (only shipping notice nothing else), I gave into FOMO and went online shopping.

So my purchase for January is Polynesia. I was hoping to wait until more people had played it and reviewed it. But this–once again–is Ludonova who made Babylonia over which I waffled until it was sold out and then people started reviewing it or telling me how great it was and I am not sure it’ll come back… and now I was watching Polynesia vanish from one webshop after another and… so today I ordered it from the last one that I know that had it. We don’t have games focussed on route building (and I am 100% sure that the Hansa Teutonica Big Box from Pegasus will remain in print for a bit…) unless you count Railroad Ink…


Until I move house, I had limited myself to buying only a couple of games if and when they come back in to stock. I broke the rule partially by picking Targi: The Expansions… But expansions don’t count, right?

One of the games I was waiting for was The Lost Ruins of Arnak. It became available and jumped at it. I’ve managed to get a two handed run through and a 2 player game with the girlfriend completed, and so far loving it.


I concur, expansions don’t count. Not that there are many left that I want but a few that I will (probably) want to have are coming out this year. I also don’t count them in my “how many games do you own” count :smiley: or I’d be way way above what I think is a good number of games.


Expansions for games that you have played don’t count. If you’re buying expansions for games that you haven’t played (like some people who shall go unnamed pillbox), they most definitely count.

My Arcane Alley – Moonstruck Market pledge landed on my door yesterday. This is a Kickstarted expansion for a game that I Kickstarted a couple of years ago.

And I haven’t played it yet.

BUUUUUT, it doesn’t count towards my yearly limit, because I pledged for it last year!

pillbox’s 2021 Purchase Tracker as of 2021-01-11: 0


Oh good, then I have nothing to worry about. The Nusfjord Salmon deck is going to be a welcome diversion–not that I have played the 3 decks the basegame comes with to death but… I’ve enjoyed this game a lot over the past year and having another deck to play with… is just nice.

Also awaiting my preorders for expansions for Arler Erde and Clank! Legacy both of which have been played.

I have at several points bought games directly with expansions: A Feast for Odin directly and the Norwegians. While I enjoy Odin, I really really need to built an insert for it because the game is a MESS. (more on that soon in “Last played”). Of course Kickstarters always come with expansions if I only get in on the game after everyone has said it was good. And I bought Cosmic Encounter with a bunch of expansions only to find out it doesn’t quite work with my group and then covid put an end to games like that.


I think an exception can be made, somewhat, for buying bundles or pledging for Kickstarters that contain expansions… but it’s definitely a grey area!

That said, I really shouldn’t be the judicator of what “counts” and what “doesn’t count.” Each person should buy the things that they want without judgement!


Mystery package arrived…

I added a gratuitious Kiwi to the picture because it was just sitting there...

PS: and now I am busy…


Bonus points for the kiwi, but those wings are super weird : ) They do have little vestigial wings, but they’re completely hidden pretty much 100% of the time – you’d need to go rummaging through the feathers to see them. Did the toy come from NZ? I’m so curious about this!

Yes, its from NZ. Bought it on our honeymoon in 2009 :D

We spent 3 weeks in NZ but only managed to see parts of the North Island because we had no plans or prebooked anything except our hotel on arrival in Auckland. The trip basically went: Auckland, Mount Doom and snow and buying new clothing because you know… late May is not summer, going to Art Deco city and back up via the coast to see White Island, Bay of Islands and then all the way to the top via the Highway #1 which was a gravel road at the time. I have only the best memories of that trip which also included 2 nights in Hong Kong and 10 days on Samoa (my aunt is from Samoa and we got to meet some of her friends and see some great places).

If only NZ wasn’t on the other side of the globe. People were so lovely–the dialect took a bit getting used to on arrival I didn’t understand a word. The nature is beyond beautiful… although I really wouldn’t want to live on top of vulcanoes and earthquakes. We do like visiting vulcanoes though, we’ve also been to Iceland right after the Eyjafjallajoekull eruption and visited the top of the Vesuvius and Mount St Helens in Oregon…


That sounds like some excellent travels! I’m generally wishing NZ was closer to other places too, but the distance really turned out to be quite the blessing this past year, so I definitely can’t complain about that right now.


Lovely kiwi, it is just like the ones my daughters have :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


That’s right next door to me, lovely Napier, and where I play my Monday Night Games. Once this craze epidemic is over, you have to drop by again :slight_smile: