Last game you bought?

If you do write a new book I’d be happy to host it at Roger’s Rules. :slight_smile:


In the latest tabletop magazine they lay into the rule book of sand. In the the twenty word bit at the end of the review they give over 7 just to say no one should like the rule book. (There are two other mentions in the body of the review too).


Deadly Dowagers is here.

I played this at Thirsty Meeples a few months ago and fell in love with it. It’s a short game of marrying well, then bumping off your husband and doing it again, but trying to minimise scandal.


Cosmic Frog is mental. Everything that seems weird in the rule book is probably correct!


Nono… the game about Siggi Freud is mental… you got that one wrong :wink:
Should have made an unboxing video… lots to unpack there.


I technically didn’t buy the game, as I won it in the raffles from our local games con, but I am now the proud owner of a copy of Heat - Pedal to the Metal. There goes my chance of owning Flamme Rouge before owning Heat
Oh, and also of 3 tubs of honey (I gave away the other 9 in the prize box to other volunteers and friends) and a stuffed toy from Root: a mouse in medieval hood, I admit is quite cute (technically my daughter won it, but she was not there on Sunday to pick it up like I was).

Now I am thinking, I also own Rallyman: GT, which is modular… maybe I can tinker around a sort of hybrid… :thinking: :thinking:

More on this later…


Well, she’ll learn an important life lesson:
You snooze, you lose!
And the more you taunt her with your prize, the more she’ll learn it. Honestly, it’ll be for her own good; you’ll be doing her a favour in the long run…


I’d love to be able to tease her like that. As soon as I walked through the door last night she saw it and claimed it. And named it already, I believe…


Essen results. just slightly over budget due to the Laserox Imperium X insert or Farshore which wasn’t planned for at all.

I’ll probably order Saltfjord because Aporta never learns. They probably brought the copies they had in their car. I’d have bought it immediately if it hasn’t been doing the Nokosu Dice. And this year i refused to participate.

Surprisingly I also missed out on Black Forest which I’ll get from FLGS. Feuerland had enough copies on The first two days. on day 3 their truck with games was a no-show and it’s a classic Uwe brick of a game I didn’t want to carry for any amount of time. So I bought Seti untested (friends did though) and it’s probably even heavier.

last game i played at the fair was Altay. might grab that one. it was really fun in the table. but on the drive home my partner said he dislikes fixed market deck builders and I am unsure about map balance.

with those I’m barely within the secondary budget or rather within my spending estimate… :sweat_smile::innocent:

Games I didn’t buy and have no plans to until they are revealed as special by others:

  • Dungeon Exit (solo puzzle)
  • Rebirth (Knizia electrifies medieval Scotland? that’s what it looks like)
  • Cryptic Nature . thematic but still generic. friends will likely buy it though
  • Galileo Galilei. the beige space game. looks really good on the table. the same new designer made Seti and Tea Garden. definitely most hyped person if the year. hope the games are great.
  • Resafa: new Suchy
  • Australis. not bad. maybe good. pretty family game about coral reefs. but “not bad” doesn’t make my shelves anymore.
  • Botanicus: what Australis is for Kosmos, this is the same with different theme and more evidently generic at Hans im Glück
  • Civolution: Stefan Feld.
  • Beyond the Horizon. Sequel or prequel to BtSun. seems very similar friends who played said.
  • Link City. coop associative freestyle suburbia with squares. enjoyed very much but too similar a use case as landmarks which i already had. might also suffer replayability issues. might still get it. small box few rules
  • Faraway: fun at the fair doesn’t translate to fun at home. i think i would not enjoy it as much when people became super competitive about the drafting. somehow reminds me of 6 nimmt
  • Babylon: neat game. play was fun but I don’t like gimmick games. if this had been a shared building space though…

What did you and @lalunaverde think of Altay?

I’ve been looking at it on BGG for a while and can’t make my mind up what it is


it’s a deck builder with some resource management and a shared map to expand on. cards can give you resources or slots to store them. some cards allow you to build villages. there are technology cards that you need to activate to use their abilities. usually you collect resources over multiple turns to activate one. you can fight a bit on the map. i thought it was pretty cool. and it’s very likely to appear in my shelves at some point

game ends when someone has placed all their villages. points are for tech and area mostly. you can get opponents pieces in a fight those are also points. i won the demo with 18 points. but that was a shortened game. and yes i attacked my peaceful neighbor… twice😅


I think it’s pretty cool for a light weight deck builder Civ-theme. I would be keen to try it again and dive more into it


I refuse to post my haul pics :rofl: I have saved a lot and succeed on slimming down my collection so Essen Spiel shopping was a nice reward


SETI is on my wishlist.

Keen to hear your thoughts when you play


we’re halfway through a game. due to me being sick (thanks Essen für the cold) we had to take a break. it was very hard to stop playing but I was too tired. good sign though that I really wanted to keep going. I’ll definitely write about it. I’m really glad i got this.

I probably wouldn’t have, if Black Forest had been there so I’m kind of grateful to whatever circumstances messed with Feuerland (I feel bad for them though. I spoke to people at the booth and they were so frustrated)


A week or so ago I purchased the Marvel Champions Nightcrawler Hero Pack, which I forgot to mention.

Today, however, I purchased my first new game in some time. Undaunted 2200: Callisto was on sale for $59.99, and while I have Normandy and it is still unplayed, I am hoping a non-WWII theme may make it more appealing to others.

Also grabbed an extra set of dice for Mansions of Madness, which I hope to play again this Halloween season, as they were on sale for $2.99.


Going to the only place that has all three items you are after :slightly_smiling_face:

Finding out you have a 20€ voucher :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ordered from Philibertnet

  • Tower Up

  • Fischen

  • Power Grid: Bremen/New York


Fischen sounds really cool.


Changed my mind. Posting my haul

These are the new shiny big box games. I could have waited for Bus and Black Forest, but nah. I want them now. I’m not sure if I can get 7 Empires, Outpost, Kingdom Builder Big Big Big Box so I thought of buying them now too.

Galactic Renaissance is the fancy all-in pledge which I got from the auction for cheaper price, still in shrink

Small box games from Korean, Japanese, German, American, Spanish vendors, again, not sure their local availability, so might as well get them. Panda Spin, I could have waited (I assumed it will show up as it’s from Matagot’s umbrella), but it’s Carl Chudyk, maaaan!

bottom left box is an expansion for High Frontier 4 All which I can only get from Philibert (France). Bottom right brown box is Knives Out.

Didn’t bought The Gang, Witness, etc as you can buy them from places like ZATU right now

These are the 2nd hand beige games I can only find or find cheaper in Germany. Indeed, all of these I got from the BGG auction really cheap

Forgot these. Saga is another auction win I got for €1.


That is a bit of a haul. Mine feels tiny now :slight_smile:

I could have waited for a few of mine as well, especially the expansion stuff.

But Chillifox takes some time to show up and I really enjoyed Spectacular. (I need to post that one in satisfying boxes or so if we have that, it‘s spectacularly satisfying)

Last year there was a Similo Deck as promo with the Evergreen expansion. I hoped for some promo stuff but got nothing this year. But I got a promo for Beacon Patrol at Pandasaurus and Pluto for SETI. Promos have become rare though. The one for Mischwald was just gone by the time I managed to get a copy—the line at Asmodee is forever long.

Interestingly Asmodee had good Fair pricing. Several games I checked were just a bit cheaper than the cheapest online places. That is also unusual these days.


Especially for them—I didn’t even look after past years.