Last game you bought?

I am kinda tempted; I’m pretty sure I’d like the game very much indeed.
But that deluxe edition box is just too big. It’s silly.


Yeah, they have been consistent with all the deluxe games being in a massively oversized box with a particularly large and not very helpful insert. Almost everything else is snazzy though. Without the insert it could easily be a third of the height which was the reason I didn’t back the KS. It’s even more annoying as it wasn’t intended to be in retail where the box size can trick people in to assuming size = value. The modules best add something good to the game.


I just bought Race for the Galaxy, just to have a third copy.

In my defense, it’s £9 without a box! Xeno Invasion here we come


Shopping for various items, I stumbled on a French-language version of Suburbia, after years of looking fruitlessly.

Needless to say, I pounced.


La Granja became this forum’s game du jour so suddenly it was extremely noticable!


And Xeno Counterstrike Q4 2024!

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Not my fault, but yesterday a box arrived containing Heat, Tiletum, and Magnate


Those pesky parcel deliverers, leaving random things wherever!


The blame is entirely on the other human occupant of my house :laughing:


I’d blame the cat, personally. Needs more box lids to lay in.


I can stop whenever I want :clown_face::clown_face:


I couldn’t resist the pretty and the Uwe. Heat now has lid lift. meh.
I need to get back to playing Harmonies now. Bye :upside_down_face::fire:


I keep hearing people buy separate Race for the Galaxy’s to have the optimal self contained games and keep apart the expansions that don’t mix well. What do the sets look like?


I did this. Each arc + base game fits in the expansion boxes. In the first arc, I only own Gathering Storm and Rebel vs Imperium. It was very convenient. Im not sure if the upcoming Xeno Counterattack will fit.


1st Arc in the expansion box. Unless you fold the game manual you’re not getting it in there!


Sacrifices must be made :face_holding_back_tears:

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Bring it on! :scissors:

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Our FLGS held its annual garage sale event over the week-end, where they sell brand new games at 20-80% discount to make room in their warehouse.

The pickings were kinda slim, due to three factors:

  1. We went on the third day of three. While there was still lots of stuff, there was, understandably, less of it. They had a WALL of Ankh: Gods of Egypt marked down to $45 (from $140), but they only had the English-language edition. If they’d had a French-language one, I would’ve likely given it a shot at that price.

  2. We already have a lot of games, and quite a few we have yet to play.

  3. The ones we don’t have yet and that are on my radar are either older and harder to find, brand new (here at least) or not out yet here.

We did still manage to snag a couple of things:

  1. A version of Azul, since we didn’t have one and we’d both heard only good things. They had the Stained Glass of Sintra version there, so in the bag it went.

2.Three copies of Rally Roll. A couple friends of ours asked us to pick up a pair of copies since they like playing that with other friends who don’t really play games. We picked up an extra one for us because, well, $3, what the hell, right?

  1. A metal detector toy (seems to be functioning though) for our nephew, who’s gonna go nuts for it.

  2. A set of bocce ball because camping trips this Summer.

Not too shabby, but nowhere near the hauls we got the last two years.


I have a copy of “Thunder Road Vendetta” aside for myself… I really need to stop listening to the SU&SD podcast.

Also, impossible to find the expansions currently. Argh.


I think there’s a new KS in production.