Last game you bought?

Yup! Think I got most of the rules though, just missed that. I thought playing cards was just massively limited.

Also, the insides look lovely too. I’ll get it played this weekend and share a photo

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I really rate La Granja. Top tier euro for me and this is what I wrestle with. So many modules but such a big box.


It is still smaller than my Firefly monstrosity :upside_down_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: which has a bit too much air in it somehow. lots of stuff but feels like twice the stuff could easily be contained in this box


Struggling with this:
Lorenzo Il Magnifico Big Box: $37 shipped
Through the Desert Small Box edition: $44 shipped
Haggis card game: $53 shipped

What is going on in this industry?

(I mean, I know. Size of publisher effects overhead allocation, Big Box is secondary market, Haggis there includes 9 poker chips on top of card game…but still)


Yeah, I got a bit a of sticker shock on Haggis but I expect it to see a lot of play as a 2 player climbing game. My youngest will likely play it with me, and I prefer a climbing game to trick taking


That plus Tichu, Planet Cute, and Maskmen are a solid set of shedders

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Got notices this week that my KS of Through the Desert has shipped, currently estimated to arrive next Wednesday, and then my pre-order of Fortune and Glory has also shipped, but no ETA yet.

Conveniently, these should arrive before we have to move out of our house while some renovations are being performed. Now I just have to worry about my pre-orders of the latest Unmatched release, Slings and Arrows and also Metal Gear Solid: the board game, both of which ship sometime in May if I recall correctly.


After some endless import troubles with the EU–probably because GTG thought they could do logistics themselves to probably save some money–Greater Than Games finally managed to send me a “surprise” package–no further announcement except the DHL notification:

This is what’s left after removing superfluous stuff…
I actually managed to fit it all into my big wooden box:

With Sleeved cards. Caveat: I left out all the player aid cards. I don’t need those. Nobody at my table needs those. The one friend who plays with me I can help :slight_smile: Also the Spirit Powers don’t fit into their compartment anymore and I am not sleeving aspect cards.

I have the foil edition of the new spirits or else it would be game over for the wooden box. I might even integrate the spirits from Horizons… no more expansions now.

Now I need to get reacquainted with the game. All this waiting almost made me start to dislike looking at the game.


I went for the insert and put it across the base and Jagged Earth boxes. I added the non foil spirit boards and it just squeezed in when I dumped out the pointless board. Possibly from branch and claw, the one that has spots for the beast tokens and so on. I think the not wooden box gives me more wiggle room with some lid lift on both boxes.

However I agree, no more expansions. At the limits now and I don’t want it taking up even more shelf space.


Stupidly I have a non-negotiable after-work appointment today -.- I’ll get some fast food tonight to compensate for the lost time :wink: Can’t wait to try the new stuff. Bad Batch will have to wait.


Bought ISS Vanguard, because I don;t have a giant Awaken Realms behemoth, my Gloomhaven group is running on Gloomhaven fumes, and it was just £65, which appeared to be ridiculously cheap.


My copy of MicroMacro Crime City: Showdown came today. First game I’ve bought in forever it seems. had to complete my collection (especially since I had already bought the Bonus Box, which ties all four games together). And I think the games are pretty cool.


OK, I take it back!

Race for the Galaxy: Brink of War is a pretty good expansion (when you’re 3900+ app games played).

It also fits the base game and previous two expansions.


Brink of War is my absolute favorite. I’m totally repeating myself, but I also don’t expect everyone to remember my opinions so I re-insert them when relevant :slight_smile:

  • The final cards bring the (giant) deck back into balance while providing more diversity and interesting effects. By which I mean, the final deck (Base + 1-3) is exactly double the size of the base deck, and the final expansion duplicates (in purpose, not details) key cards from the base deck so that Terminal 6-costs are more reliable (or big military worlds, or whatnot. Everything is back in proportion).
  • Prestige is the best addition to the game. Tempting and useful, but not so powerful that you can’t ignore it when your engine isn’t pointing that way.
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So Boardlandia is running a sale on La Granja Deluxe and I bought it.

I just… really like La Granja. It’s good, it’s teachable, it’s replayable, and it’s the sort of thing that can get on the table in my house.

That means I now have two copies of La Granja, because last time I talked myself into saving money and getting the perfectly functional (in some ways, more functional) earlier edition.


  • The two copies together ran me $96, which is less than just the Deluxe (shipped) during the campaign.
  • Like Burgundy, this is a game where I might actually have two copies, one small and pretty transportable and one big one for home-based occasions.

@Marktar’s pictures won me over. Along with the solo, which has a lot of value. I put rubber bumpers on the old editions playerboards, but I still wanted something that slotted. And I think I’m going to play this enough that the modules will come out.

We’ll see. I’m happy to be foolish in this case.


I don’t think you’ll regret it. It’s a lovely piece, really tactile, and I’m itching to play it again this weekend. With a whole bunch of the expansions. Because I love throwing in expansions.

Also crazy how cheap you can pick up KS deluxe editions after the fact these days. Got mine for £50 posted.


I bought it for a good price. The miniatures are absurd, as expected.


is it fire though? :fire::fire::fire:


I played it only once at 3 players (not the best player count) and it was as nutty as Cthulhu Wars


You’re not the only one :grimacing: Definitely @MarkSP’s fault. Having stayed enthusiastic for playing this one since June 2017 (I checked) I’ll feel like I got my money’s worth from the first one.