Last game you bought?

I’ve had great success asking a forum of people who like game X if they can suggest other games which they also enjoy for similar reasons (provided I actually specify some of the things I’m looking for the games to have in common).


My favourite are the people who go to the BGG pages of Game X and Game Y to ask “Which is better, game X or Y?”.

You’ll never guess the answer they hear back :rofl:

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So I picked up the rails to the north expansion for great western trail. That board is a brilliant way to do a board overlay. It’s a full board but one half is a little short so it can sit on the table and over the top of the pertinent parts.

Do any other games use this as a way to avoid the annoying placing boards on top of bits of the board?


The old edition of Camel Up did with the expansion


The player board extensions do it in the Red Cathedral expansion:


Maskmen, which I’ve looked at so many times but never got around to buying. I saw it on a list of trick takers (which I didn’t even realise it was).


It’s more of a shedding game. But forgivable as it’s common to just lump shedding and climbing with trick takers.

For the love of cardboard, please dont read the rules. Go to BGG and find rewritten rules there. The Maskmen EN translation by Oink made the game unplayable


Yes, the list mentioned this

Cheers, will do


Turing machine arrived and had a test play the very next day. 4 consecutive plays later my wife decided it was too late for her to request another round. A resounding success after a tricky first 5 mins. Highly recommended for deduction fans.


Got 1883: Building Railroads in Northern Italy for £15. The box is busted at one corner but still, bargain of the year baby!!

A Swedish friend gladly bought them Quest for El Dorado expansions for me :star_struck::star_struck:


Sigh. I suspect I’m going to have to check this one out after all. I was so annoyed by the title that I’d mentally crossed it off the list, but people keep on liking it…


People are the worst


Yes, dammit, this has nothing to do with the Turing Machine! (But I suspect I shall like the game anyway.)


Gamefound of Damask from @MarkSP just arrived.

(Not kickstarter though! Dont think gamefound has the same ring). KIckstarter must be the Hoover of crowdfunding …


The other day a friend from out of town was here and a group visit to FLGS was in order (just like the good old times 25 years ago when we were young and bought Magic cards instead of boardgames)… and so I bought: Star Wars: Clone Wars (Pandemic) and told my friends that yes Codenames Duet is good and sold them Kingdomino Origins (newly out in a too large square box in German–I’ll rebuy the Blue Orange one that is much smaller thank you very much… my nephew has my old copy now) and almost sold them Splendor. Our out of town friend wanted to buy the German edition Hardback but that was not in stock (unsurprisingly).

I also let them know they can have my copy of Sleeping Gods on an indefinite loan instead of buying their own but I may have killed that interest by mentioning “choose your own adventure” and attrition. Last but not least, I am obviously up to teaching and playing Ark Nova (he almost bought it anyway straight away because Zoos)

I have tested a 2 handed solo of Clone Wars but that wasn’t enough to get a feel for the game except realizing that the rulebook is a bit sparse on the finale of the game and that playing on easy is easy (until the finale throws a few edge cases at you ruleswise.)

PS: wrong thread but we have already seen the new episodes of Bad Batch :stuck_out_tongue: naturally…


My Damask got here today as well.

Original estimate was end of February, so that’s another way in which this project wasn’t Kickstarter.

Thanks @MarkSP !


Got it as well. Very pretty. I think this will work well with the club


The second Christmas update!

We hosted my family Christmas this past Saturday; our best showing since before the Pandemic – we had 8 guests over (out of a theoretical maximum of 12). I got to see my mom for the first time since 2019 – she got to meet our nearly 1-year-old youngest child and see our 3.5 year old for the first time since she visited us at the hospital when she was born. It had been a long time; and sadly I didn’t get to spend a lot of time catching up with her.

My older two daughters each received a game as a gift; the older one got “match puzzle game” which I’m not sure if it’s actually a game or not (it is also not databased on BGG, from what I can tell); my partner got it out to play with her yesterday while I was out running errands, and she said she (an educated adult), couldn’t figure out how it was supposed to work.

The middle daughter received “Eye Found It – Hidden Picture Card Game”, which is on BGG, but is very close to not being a real game either – my oldest enjoyed it but the middle one doesn’t have the attention span yet for “find the thing hidden in the picture” activities.

My partner received Blank Slate, which appears to be a word game hybrid of Apples-to-Apples and Dixit. Each player has a dry-erase slate and marker; a “Word Cue” card is revealed and everyone writes a word to complete the cue, hoping to match an answer with someone else; extra points for matching with exactly 1 other person, but no points for not matching with anyone. Looks interesting enough for a light party game that supports up to 8.

My grandmother usually gets me a game from my wishlist, so I wasn’t too surprised to get one myself; what I wasn’t really expecting was Eriantys, mostly because it was put on my wishlist very late – I was out running errands a few weeks ago (like, mid-December?) and I was catching up on So Very Wrong About Games and in the episode I was listening to (#224), they discussed playing Eriantys, a reimplementation of Carolus Magnus a.k.a Carlos Grande a.k.a. Chucky Big Big a.k.a. Chucky Mags a.k.a. Caruly Maguly a.k.a. The Big Chuckster. I had heard them talk about Carolus Magnus before and thought it would be interesting to check out, but grumpy european dudes are an increasingly difficult thematic setting to pitch; instead of grumpy european dudes, there’s brightly-colored frogs and unicorns on floating islands. I’m very excite, especially by the stated “30 minute” play time.


Glad it’s arrived! Hope you both enjoy playing.


Because it was on sale, I purchased Marvel Champions: Rise of the Red Skull expansion, which completes my collection of the boxed expansions. Mostly I just wanted Hawkeye :man_shrugging: