Last game you bought?

My husband’s brother is in the Navy and had a promotion ceremony this weekend from Lt. Commander to Commander (or Data to Riker as I think of it) and we went to the ceremony and small party a few hours from us. My husband’s birthday was earlier in October so while we were in town for the promotion his brother gave my husband Risk Legacy for a belated birthday present. It’s one of the few big legacy games we haven’t already played through, mostly because of the 3 player minimum. We’ll have to either figure out a regular extra player or more or figure out how to each play 2 people.


After playing ZERTZ a few times, I end up getting all the GIPF project titles (except for TAMSK, because they were kicked out of the fam or something)


I know I already mentioned my two giveaway wins, but here they all are in all their glory!

Even came with a card mat for Lawyer Up, which is awesome as I don’t own one bit have considered picking one up for my various card games.


I love cat and mouth.

I may have given in to the frustration of a week-end spent “working” at the computer without any results to show for it and ordered Burgle Bros 2, Tournament at Avalon (which I’ve been chasing and is the main reason for the order, the rest is the fluff to set off shipping costs… ) and 2 expansions for my recently acquired Five Tribes (which I have yet to play).

I almost bought Remember our Trip but FLGS has that for normal price so I am keeping this one back so next time I visit FLGS.

I am terrible. I am still hoarding boxes for the inevitable selling. At some indeterminate point in the maybe-near future.

Consider me a bad example for everyone.


I brought home The Loop and had it set up and rolling along within about 30 minutes? Can’t argue with that! I missed my opportunity to get the first English (import) edition last year by actual seconds, so i was quick to react when I saw my FLGS pulled it in. It’s a dynamite little production though I do wish they went with a smaller box. I’ve already played through a few rounds (two-handed but not using the solitaire ruleset) and it’s a hoot!

On a quick first impression, this seems to be in good company alongside Atlantis Rising, which is nice because I had some concern there would be too much overlap. Both lean into their random elements and offer a mix of careful planning and pushing your luck, but they’re wildly different in gameplay. I’m looking forward to teaching my partner this weekend.


A few new things arrived (despite me mostly not buying anything! Honest!):

Blue Moon: The Mimx – picking up the Blue Moon expansions piecemeal may end up costing more than just buying a secondhand copy of Blue Moon Legends. I may do that if I spot a decent price on it, otherwise I’ll keep grabbing the expansion people as they come up if they are $10 or less shipped.

Egizia: Shifting Sand – Kickstarter Edition – Hearing SVWAGs talk about this caused me to put it on my list of games to watch; someone posting it at a cheap price led me to put it in my basket and check out. Looking forward to it; though by reading the BGG forums, it may not be worth trying it initially 2-player.

Bora Bora (again) – having received a copy of Bora Bora that was missing some components, I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I tried to track down someone with a parts-copy, but had no luck. So when another copy of Bora Bora went up on BGG auction, I threw a bid on it and got it even cheaper than the last copy. And this new copy is all-but-in-shrink new; unpunched and cards still in cellophane.


Herself surprised me with two games out of the blue this week. First was Pan Am, which is a quick and strangely fun game that we enjoy a great deal (plus I’m a big Pan Am nerd, so that’s a plus).

Next was an unpunched, 1970s copy of Avalon Hill’s Squad Leader that she bought through Craigslist. I was excited to see the purple 1st Edition box art, but it’s actually a 2nd Edition with a 1st Ed. cover. It’s still cooler than it otherwise would be because it came with numerous additional scenarios cut out of Avalon Hill’s magazine: The General; and is profusely marked with the property stamp of MITSGS.

MITSGS stands for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Strategic Game Society, which was formed around the time I was born as a wargame club initially, but is now more of a board game club. The guy who sold this to SWMBO was a member of the club and received it as a gift upon his graduation. He also said that they really needed the room. :grin:


Iberian Gauge, cos it was cheap. Gotta admit, the train games are stacking up a bit, I really should play one of them sometime.


I missed my bus coming back from work so, having half an hour to kill, I wandered into my FLGS to see if any of the stuff I’d ordered had come in by chance (it’s happened before that I just came in before they’d had a chance to call and I was in the neighbourhood anyway).

No such luck, but I DID find the (until recently, apparently) impossible to find French version of The Lost Ruins of Arnak.

It is now mine. :grin:


Arnak has proven to be an excellent 2P experience for us, so I’m excited for you to get to try it!


Been hearing nothing but good things for a while, it was just impossible to find in French due to a severe shortage that led to all of Quebec getting less than half the stock they ordered. Looking forward to trying it, all the components are punched and bagged now!

We’ll most likely try Brass Birmingham first, since I’ve already read the sodding manual, but soon!


Just preordered the expansion for Lost Ruins of Arnak because MOAR!!!

Everything about it sounds great; unique starting decks and abilities, new research tracks, more cards for both decks (I believe?). I am the excite!

I expect to be back tomorrow, lol. Boardlandia is starting their site wide sale, I have a gift card from a cancelled order (was too long for a full return because PayPal) and my eyes on something shiny!! :laughing:


It’s my birthday today and my sister has gifted me The Search for Planet X :partying_face:


I saw that the big bad store had a few copies of the Z-Man Edition of Condottiere. Probably the last few unsold copies anywhere. I decided that for some reason I need a game that will not work with my partner. They also had a really really cheap copy of the Menara Expansion Rituals and Ruins–which led to me finding out that Zoch Verlag actually produces most of their games locally (according to themselves) which is a thing I have started to value more and more.


Got Gold Armada by Knizia from eBay. And got Louis XIV on a BGG trade


Broke my “no new Kickstarter/retail game” rule (since Shaman) and bought the new edition of Galaxy Trucker. It has a nice new coat of paint and comes in a Carcassonne size box.


I always like to buy a new party game for Christmas so I bought MonsDRAWsity as it looks right up my family’s street.


I love it. Would advocate allowing kids to play too (although we house rule that the youngest can look at the card when giving descriptions). The results of some of their descriptions are great “it’s got scary eyes, like dad!”.


I got incoming. (package notifications are accumulating this week for reasons entirely NOT due to a recent shopping spree the only thing I bought this week is the Condottiere/Menara Expansion duo).

Should I post yet another embarrassing picture once it has all arrived? I think I will. Until then I shall remain silent and hope for more notifications.