Last game you bought?

Just a head’s up: the story book that you’re supposed to use for the first run is awful. Like, actively makes the game worse to use it.

I get what they were going for, but gosh, it’s real bad. I had so much more fun my second run because I decided to ditch it and play the game properly.

Solid game. Just, if your first experience with the book is as bad as mine is, do give it a second shot by following the “general startup” instructions rather than using the story.


Earth just arrived. Pre ordered this ages ago when we learnt it on BGA. It’s not great async, but I’m hoping getting on the table is going to cool and it’ll be one for doing lots of clever things.


Saw this on the table with the 1PG yesterday. Engine building with my goodness that’s a lot of moving parts.


Pro Tip: what the publisher doesn’t want you to know is that you can find Earth outside, right in the ground! It’s everywhere and the police can’t stop you if you get it right from your own garden


Personally, I prefer Earth 2.



Post-UKGE confession booth time! Cancel your appointments, Father. I’ll be here all day.

Aurum - Trick taker from Pandasaurus for a tenner. Why not!?

Isle of Trains: All Aboard - got the deluxe one. I found it to be more functional with the meeple passengers. Played the original years ago and thought it was cool, but the deck is way too small. I like the player interaction here, and it seems that they made the deck thicker, which is good.

Kingsbridge: the Game - card game from Wolfgang Kramer

BIllabong - bought one for myself and for a friend in the US (they run the Hidden Gems podcast).

Bora Bora - 30 quid! Lowest I found so far. Despite the release of the Queen reimplementation, this never went down in price. @EnterTheWyvern I can bring my copy if you feel like playing it

Agra - A friend from the club was selling it for 40 but backed out afterwards. Then, I saw this one: brand new in shrink for 20 quid.

Heck Meck - A fiver for a fun Knizia filler

Coup Rebellion - another fiver for a filler

Hit Z Road - same as the two above

Noli - Okay. This one was from designers I never heard of and from a publisher that I never heard of. It’s a blind auction game to take certain actions - pretty much like Rising Sun during the combat phase. 20 quid for a game to support a small timer? Sure! This is why I keep going to the Expo.

The RIch and the Good - said hi to Roger and bought this one. Originally in German as Hab & Gut. Glad it’s now more available.

Pax Viking - Chaos Cards, as usual, got the best prices in the Expo. Only £35 - because I asked nicely.

Five Oinks - I remember them offering discounts last year and so I asked nicely if they have some this year. They said buy 3 or 4 or 5. They forgot the sign.

  • Fafnir
  • Mr Face
  • Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action
  • Durian - this I have played in the club and pretty much enjoyed it every time!
  • Tricks and the Phantom

World Splitters - auction game + area majority + area enclosure a la Through the Desert? You are speaking my language. I also had a gander at World Exchangers but was rather unimpressed with it.

Pandoria + 2 expansion - this is in my wishlist as it is a Jeffrey Allers title.

Ora et Labora - still going through Rosenberg’s oeuvre. So far, Nusfjord is the one that fits for my preferences. Again, it was rather cheap from Chaos Cards

Black Hole Council - £3 for a Don Eskridge game? Go on…

Stationfall - this is not from the UKGE. This was a trade I made before the expo.

Finally, I found the cheapest price I have seen for Glory to Rome: Black Box edition. I triple-checked it in the Bring & Buy and it is all complete.

My sales from the Bring & Buy have paid for most of these. I didnt get to sell 2 Hollandspiele titles, which are too niche, I guess. But I did sold Agricola: Master of Britain so there is an interest for Hollandspiele war games.


I’ve already got this but £40 for time of empires feels like a good price to me.

Games I bought at the expo:

Wok & Roll

Broken and Beautiful

Red Cathedral

Wingspan Asia

Turns out that 2 of my friends own Red Cathedral already. Oh well!


Got a few games/standalone expansions for my birthday: Vivarium, Unmatched: Teen Spirit (Ms Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Cloak and Dagger), and Marvel Villainous: Twisted Ambitions (Titania, Dr Octopus, and Kang).


Crash Octopus :octopus::octopus::octopus:

Tiger & Dragon - biggest Oink Game I’ve seen so far.


2 posts in a row!? :clown_face: :clown_face: :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

I bought Monuments really cheap from 365games

Someone offered Pangea Deluxe edition for a good price, …and it was in my wishlist.

Small Railroad Empires - I enjoyed Small Star Empires and it’s cute. So I bought this one when someone was selling it for £15. I also own Small Samurai Empires. These small compact games seems like my wheelhouse.

A friend offered Hamlet Deluxe edition for 40. Fine. Ava convinced me on this one


Pretty minor acquisition for me:

  • Tinderblox, and the Sunset set, and the Marshmallow expansion, which I think has left me with an extra copy of the core game.
  • Turing Machine from @mistercrayon, many thanks!
  • Radlands from a luminary of the business, who’d just been given it in a “we hope you’ll love this game and sell it for us in the USA” sort of way but didn’t want to lug it back to his hotel and plane along with everything else he’d been given, so I owe him a review. :slight_smile:

I bought knit wit which seems nice as a package but it’ll be interesting to see what it plays like.


A couple of preorders, Tiger and Dragon, and Inside Job


Miniature Market is having a Father’s day sale and they have War of the Ring 2nd edition for just under $60, and since my family was willing to get me a gift, it will be on it’s way to me in the near future.


Finally caved and bought Evolution: New World (and the expansion so I can play solo). So my ‘dont buy any more games’ lies in tatters, but I’m taking as a positive the fact that I didn’t buy any more games while I was there…!

Anyway, I hope I’ll enjoy it - I’ve been fancying this one for ages.


I can proudly say that I too have always been successful at not purchasing games during those periods in which I don’t purchase games. Without fail, I manage to postpone each purchase until the end of that period.


Because everyone has been giving it such praise and I got a bit of money for Father’s day, I now own The Quest for El Dorado.


Bought 1. Lorenzo il Magnifico, it was a good price, and those style of games usually go over well