Introduction thread

Second this for the essentials kit, only minus if starting again is no pregenerated characters. But then, my kids at that age enjoyed creating the character almost as much as running the game, the essentials kit has everything else you need and great, bite sized adventures. My kids at that age had a tolerance of about one hour at a time, so make it bite sized chunks and they don’t get hacked off!


Wizards have a load of free pregens available to download: D&D Character Sheets | Dungeons & Dragons

They’ve always got a lot of free content available, but they’ve added even more since the whole lockdown situation started.


My two were 5&7 when we got into gaming. Also started with Forbidden Island. Ticket to Ride worked with a bit of coaching (and using Rummikub boards to hold the cards).

Terror in Meeple City is a bear to set up but great fun.

Have you played Arboretum? It’s nasty

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You could always create your own sheaf of pregens. When I ran a one-shot session of Hellcats and Hockeysticks (an RPG based on the St. Trinians films and cartoons), I ran off nine pregens, including one of a clique I made up myself, maffiya transfer students. I left each with two unspent points of skills to let the players customize their own characters, because I think getting to make a choice helps get players invested in their roles; that might be worth trying.


volunteer staff are the same as paid under the EU GDPR rules…

Following up on this, on Tuesday afternoon we stopped getting cold air out of our AC. On Wednesday evening I submitted a maintenance request; we had a tech show up early Thursday morning and get it working again in just a few minutes. Seems like a good sign!

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Given how quick they were, you should have put the request on Tuesday evening! :slight_smile:

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Might have been a good idea. But at least Wednesday was comparatively cool.


G’day @Dustin! Welcome aboard!


Thanks @Agemegos et al, it’s great to be here.


Sounds like a guest on a Radio show! :slight_smile:

“Well, thanks Simon, its great to be here. Big fan of the show.” :rofl:


Perhaps we should make this a Desert Island Board Games thread.


Who gets to be Kirsty Young? (And I know Lauren Laverne does it now but I much prefer Kirsty’s voice!)

Hello everyone, I’m a VERY new member of your lovely community. I can’t promise I’ll be a particularly prolific member, but I look forward to getting to know all or at least some of you, and hopefully I won’t step on any toes.

My wife and I have really gotten into board games starting last year (y’know the one, it felt like at least a decade), so we’re pretty new to the hobby. We’ve been enjoying exploring its riches and getting into deeper and deeper games, starting with 7 Wonders Duel and Patchwork (the latter of which remains an enduring classic in our household) and gradually moving on to stuff like Pandemic (a personal favourite), Terraforming Mars and Inis.

That’s… about it I guess. Hi!


Welcome! Make yourself at home :relaxed:

Welcome to the forum. Grab a brew.

Thank you for the warm (and fast, wow) welcome. :grin:

Can’t grab a brew yet, I’m technically working and I do have a semblance of professionalism. :wink:

But soon it will be the week-end! And then I will… Will… Well, sleep quite a bit most likely.



Nice to meet you. I’m a big fan of Terraforming Mars and Inis.

What’s your favourite starting corporation?

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Ooooooh, that’s a hard one. Probably Ecoline. It’s strong and I like the idea of tree-hugging hippies winning the space race. :rofl:

Hello and welcome to the forums :slight_smile: Glad you found your way here. I am sure you‘ll quickly find out that quite a few of us here … also enjoy games maybe even the same ones you mentioned :wink:

Me? I really like Terraforming Mars even though I don‘t get to play it much in multiplayer. And I am still waiting for my chance to play Inis with more than 2 because I got my copy in January last year…

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