How are you today?

So my bosses job is up on recruitment after they got promoted. I’m going to apply (eek)


Good luck!

We did! The show was amazing, and being so close, you get to see everything!


I bet it was great to be in the room where it happened

(I’ll get my coat)


There are a lot of theatres where the pit seats are not good, because of issues like that. I have seen theaters where the first row is six feet below the stage, so there’s almost no part of the stage you can actually see.

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Should have posted this in the first place. Our view of the stage from our seats:

So a little low, but the pic was from my chest height, so a foot higher, and basically I just could not see the floor itself, but everything above it.


Gutted. Our trip to Europe (technically, I know the Canaries are off the coast of Africa) is in tatters. First a delay in the timing of our first leg (Auckland-Singapore) trip puts us out for the second one (Singapore-Zurich). Then Swiss Air goes and cancels the return flights Gran Canaria- Zurich and Zurich Singapore…

Looks like we will get our money back in 4-8 weeks. Looking at the cost of flights for August, they have raised a good third in price, putting us out of budget.

Currently considering taking a week in Gold Coast, Cook Islands, or Fiji instead of the big 3 week trip to Europe, and postponing to Christmas, but still, it was going to be 4 years in August since we went there last time.

Never mind. We will look for other options… At least I don’t have to rush so much for my passport renewal? Silver linings…


My current project really is the best job I ever had. Good people. Good manager. An engaging subject matter. I’ve been productive. I do my stuff quicker than a month or two ago.

But outside of work, I am exhausted. I wake up and I am tired. In the evenings, I end up on the couch. My partner agreed to finally try Burgle Bros… that was Saturday.

I think I need to move more. Or rather not more but exercise at all–I stopped when I hurt my shoulder a few weeks back and am now seeing a physio therapist. It is not bad. But I stopped moving and now it’s so hard to get started again. Also the shoulder is still hurting a bit and I am only just now learning the preventative exercises and I am a bit worried about doing yoga or rowing atm.

What do you do to get out of the slump?


I kept working out through a shoulder strain and a RSI. Cannot recommend.


Walking. I was very depressed in my early 20s and I found that walking really helped me. It gets you moving, fresh air etc. Initially, I just went on my own and didn’t manage to go far before the depression set back in but eventually I’d go further and further and then started walking with others.

Anyway, walking is always great exercise and, barring serious leg injury, is always open to you.


Today I had my first dose of antidepressants.

Side-effects may hit immediately. 2-3 weeks for first positive effects, and then 4-6 months for the full potential benefits to set in.

I am… defeated? A part of me thinks that this is a failure. That I should be able to brain my way out of depression and frustration and all the anger that has built up over the years, if I just had time… but I never have time. And I’ve put off talking to a doctor about this for years as it got worse and worse.

So, fingers crossed. If I can wake up and not be immediately sad and exhausted from that moment until I go back to bed, I’ll call it a win. I don’t expect miracles (although obviously that would be nice), but a little less self-direct anger, a little less constantly-frustrated-by-everyone-else… maybe less dark humour.

For exercise, I recommend biking. It’s a nice activity if you can find a good trail or path (or if your city has protected bike lanes), it’s easy on the knees and ankles. Swimming is the only exercise that’s even easier on the joints, and I hate swimming (despite having to do it for years due to an Achilles injury).

There’s a great Youtube channel called “Fitness Blender” that has hundreds of free videos for all skill levels if you want to do something at home. Lots require just body-weight exercises, and the hosts are positive and nice. Plus, you can play your own music in the background, also a nice touch.


'Cos braining your way out of a broken leg works really well…

This is a bastard of a social construction and I am inclined to regard it as part of the general memeplex “if someone fails, it’s because they didn’t try hard enough” – which is used as an excuse not to provide many sorts of help that can make people’s lives better.


Taking anti depressants is not a failure. Admitting to yourself that you’re not ok and then sharing that is one of the bravest things you’ll ever do.

If you need them for a short time to enable yourself to be balanced again, or if you need them for the rest of your life is no reflection on you and nothing that you’ve done or will do, its just the way you’re made.


My brother DIDN’T get help for his depression and ended up drinking himself to death so accepting the need for help in any form that it takes is not weak or a failure.


No need to feel defeated. No matter how long you will take the meds for… the thing that counts is that you took that first step to getting out of the place where you didn’t want to be. It is in the nature of depression in particular that that first step can be awfully hard. So good for you! I hope you’ll feel better soon.

I do bike. Biking is great and it makes me quite happy when going places. But mostly to get to places. My city has pretty great bike infrastructure. I dislike going in circles.

Today, I took the afternoon off and took a long walk. To my not so great surprise im terribly unfit and that hour and a half made me quite tired. But at least I am tired! Much better than exhausted for no good reason.

Physiotherapist said 6-12 weeks of regular strengthening exercises and I can go back to yoga if I refrain from certain exercises with stretched out arms.

I’ll definitely have a look at Fitness Blender. I think I need to mix up the exercises. I get bored so easily. (My go to is Yoga with Adriene)


I used to do that! Need to get back to it - I’m as stiff as a board. (ooooer)


I just need to start exercising, I find the whole exercising thing terribly boring so my head says yes but everything else is a no.

So for me, the lazier the exercise (oxymoron) the better. I did start planking to get better back strength but that fizzled out when I got something going on in my foot that made is too painful to plank.


Exercise that allow for listening to podcasts or audiobooks are better in the boredom regard. Yoga is not one of those because I need someone to tell me what to do next. “Stupid” gym and most types of cardio allow me to listen to interesting stuff to overcome the boredom.


Some of the higher-end gym kit projects a landscape or other environment that moves at the speed you put in, for similar reasons of boredom - but I’d definitely recommend audiobooks for this. (Personally I wouldn’t listen while cycling, because I want all my alertness, but opinions differ.)


I will not listen to audiobooks while on the road! Do not recommend that. But at the gym… nobody is going to hit my bike.