General Asynch Recruiting Thread

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Need one more for Yokohama.

I know @lalunaverde says that every game is a train game, but I think this really is. A little bit of route building and order fulfilment combined with elbowsy worker placement. It’s a good implementation on BGA and the end game comes at you really quickly.

Also one more for Its a Wonderful World
Not played this all the way through yet, but it’s a 7 Wonders style drafting game with a simple looking recipe fulfilment to build cards with crunchy decisions on what to build and what to trash. Art is rendered pretty nicely on BGA as well.

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It has a production mechanism that feels crunchy but doesn’t bog down like you might think. Its core-competency is making you feel clever

These are both games I really want to play. Can we wait until Tuesday? I just can’t right now.


Hit me up when you’re free and I’ll start more tables

Another game on BGA, Ark Nova is in alpha. Anyone fancy it?

I can send invites from tomorrow

You mean Terraforming Marwell?

(I’m sure someone here has made that joke before, but I couldn’t resist)


Can I tempt anyone to play Food Chain Magnate? I’m pretty bad at it, but I’ll do my best not to completely embarrass myself :laughing:

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I’m up for that.

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What platform?

If we’re all bad, then it’ll be OK

I am keen if that’s fine

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I’m reasonably sure that is the best site for FCM at the moment, having largely copied but also improved on boardgamecore. One big difference is the ability to roll back mistakes.


Have you tried boardgamecore? How are the implementations of Zimbabwe and Antiquity? I have been eyeing them. Zimbabwe sits unplayed on my shelf.

On reflection I’ll pass,

I don’t think I’ll enjoy it online

The Antiquity implementation is pretty rough, I’d rather recommend @Benkyo’s Vassal module.

I’d be interested in a game of TGZ though.

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As mr.ister said, the Antiquity implementation is “rough”. Ugly and buggy, and lacking some elements of the game - which is why I made the Vassal module in the first place. The Great Zimbabwe is done considerably better, but still has a few obscure bugs, and lacks a robust undo/rollback function.

TGZ is by far the easiest Splotter to get played that I own (I guess only Bus might be easier), so no need to leave it on your shelf! The estimated play time on the box is that rarest of things: an overestimate.

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I just got criticized by my family, after Ra, Tiny Towns, and Bohnanza, of only making them play complicated games.

Zimbabwe may have to wait a little bit :wink:

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Architects of the West Kingdom round 2:


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i think this time I‘d be in . things are clearing up a bit here.


Always up for Splotters :smiley: