General Asynch Recruiting Thread

I need to clear my slate of games before going again. Can you hold off until the beginning of next week please?


@Benkyo @lalunaverde + anyone else for FCM

What are your usernames on onlineboardgamers?

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Just made an account: Benkyo

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ThePaul - onlineboardgamers

Tried it before with friends and it’s good

Having another go at this. All are welcome. Currently configured for 5.

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I’ll give it a whirl, though I need to read the rules

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Anyone fancy some card games?

On the understanding that I don’t know any of them, sure…


I’m always keen!

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Anyone else for Architects? Table link a few posts back. Open for joining.


Oh Hell! is also fun on BGA, I’ve only played it in real time though.


Not played 99 but it’s supposed to be good and a fan designed version (Prophecy) is coming out from Iello soon. Never played it, no idea what it will be like async.

Best with 3, set to my friends as usual, ping me on BGA if you can’t get in

Play 99 (trick-taking card game) for free with me: • Board Game Arena

Ignore the rules I’ve just deleted, different game!

Try those

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Also have a couple of seats for It’s a Wonderful World

Play It’s a Wonderful World for free with me: • Board Game Arena



Three seats open for Teotihuacan. Let’s take this bad boy for a spin.

Restricted to friends, let me know if we aren’t friends in the BGA sense yet!


I don’t normally play async but I will on this occasion. Let me see if I can get in to an old BGA account then I’ll let you know what the username is

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And anyone want to take New Frontiers for a spin? Race for the Puerto Rico in Space?

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Meeee im keen - Laguna901


Notes on it:

  • I don’t like it at 2 but have loved my games at 3+. We’ll wait for some more folks.
  • If you know Puerto Rico and any “for the galaxy” game you already know 90% of the rules here.

I’ll NF! Please

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I’ll try it

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