Farewell Euro Classics

The romour mill is, I repeat The Rumour Mill, is that they didn’t pay royalties.

Comment from Facebook

I’m confused. Who are we burning now? Is it RK or Grail Games. Sod it, let’s burn both

Grail Games are still publishing, RK is still selling games. So I think this is more ‘setting the record straight’


Why do we have to burn someone? I mean, assuming neither did anyhting awful.

People online are just so weird nowadays.


But I’ve got all this fire ready and everything.



Because it’s easy to know how to run a business when you’re sitting on Reddit/Facebook after the fact.


My ability to identify a Strike from the Mezzanine is unequaled.


It was very much tongue in cheek, but yes there is only black and white.

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I think on the face of it grail games did a dirty on RK. Now this might have been okay in some sense (I mean if the money to pay RK isn’t there from crap sales what are you gonna do? But they still broke an agreement which is not good ) but they tried to make it out that they were doing something sensible and I’m not sure spinning what they did was fair on RK.

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Well, they’ve taken down the post in which they said “eh, his sales were bad”. Obviously it’s still archived, but that’s the closest one can get to a retraction these days without actually admitting one was wrong.


Clearly not everyone thinks that there’s no market for the Good Doctor. From BGG news:

UK publisher Alley Cat Games plans to bring a design by Fabio Lopiano (Merv) and Nestore Mangone (Newton) to Kickstarter in the second half of 2021, then will follow this with a “deluxified and remastered reprint of a very famous [Reiner] Knizia game” in January 2022.

Why do they have to tease, can’t they just say.

Infuriates me no end

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Gotta be T&E right? One of the few Knizias that could be deluxified. Even then I’d want some decent weighted chips or wood, not chunks of plastic


Samurai? Through the Desert?

My money’s on one of the Euro Classics for sure

My opinion on the matter - until Knizia reprints The Confrontation, Lord of the Rings or otherwise, he is always in the wrong. Once The Confrontation is back in print, he’s back in the clear.

For now, everything is his fault.


Whatever it is, hand it over already :slight_smile: Maybe a deluxe Einfach Genial.

I am guessing either one of the tile laying trilogy or the auction trilogy and because it is the only one that hasn’t seen a reprint (AFAIK): Samurai.

Through the Sausage for me. Tigris & Euphrates seems too heavy to what ACG usually publish

Well that escalated quickly.

I saw a guy with a trident.


Well hopefully that will settle where we send the mob.

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Dicebreaker’s story says that a spokesperson for Knizia Games

identified the “most significant breaches of contract” as being connected to the publisher making sales into “markets which had not been licensed to Grail Games/Matagot and which directly violate the exclusivity of valued business partners” across the globe.


The licensing issue once they were acquired by Matagot seems to be the main culprit.

The fact that they went out to make their own “Farewell Euro Classics” post was just so lame. I used to love you, Grail Games! Damn.

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Yeah, I’d rather a frank ‘we done a bad un’ post but I guess that would tank future deals