Board Game Literacy

I have to up my game, I hear rondel and I think rondel dagger… Damn you Middle Ages interest, damn you!

When you hear “rondel,” you should think “Mac Gerdts”


I do most of the quizzes but instead of doing new ones as they are posted I usually go a bit without doing them then do all available at one time. Because of that, every once in a while I miss one. There’s some guy who periodically does a Losers Giveaway to give a game to someone who has never won from a quiz. You get an entry in the raffle for each quiz entry micro badge you have. Never won a quiz drawing and never won in his drawing either. Oh well. Still a fun little way to learn about upcoming games.


I only do the CGE quizzes, because they seem to be the only interesting ones. I have no expectation of ever winning one!

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CGE are the only ones that are not “gimmes”. I rarely do well on the CGE quizzes because I just don’t take the time to learn the games rulesets. All the other quizzes I am disappointed (usually in the quiz wording) if I miss even a single point.

On the last CGE quiz, I got 0 questions right out of 3.

Strangely, I’ve won twice; both times were Grand Prizes

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So did I, from misremembering Nelson Mandela’s card text :shame:

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I have 656 BGG contest microbadges.

I have won once.

It was a copy of the deluxified Yokohama, which is not at all my sort of game. Still, I was able to sell it at Essen to make someone very happy.


I have 224 and have won two grand prizes :wink: (City of the Big Shoulders and [not yet received] Dungeon Party]

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383 and no wins.

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