As in weekend by heavy blood loss?
They say you should be comfortable in your own skin, and that’s certainly true for me. I’ve tried other people’s but it gets itchy when the blood dries.
On second thought, let’s not go to America. 'Tis a silly place.
I wish I found it silly here….
I think silly would feel rather more fun.
“I’ll butter around the hole.”
“bobcats aren’t that big”
“big enough you wouldn’t want one in your trousers”
“I need access to that thing you’re sitting on.”
“Ooh, chicken grease! It’s a great moisturiser!”
“raged_norm, you look like person that likes a biscuit”
Your forum avatar does as well.
On a better note “Daddy, if you search for your name on the internet they’ll find it. That’s how important you are”
My son, beaming with pride talking about my PhD.
Alongside “You’ve done something I don’t understand, with the molecules and dotted lines and arrows”
Confirmed: I searched “raged_norm” on the internet, and it pointed me to this forum.
Also: Is that a new development? If so: Congratulations!
Thanks, but it was 15 years ago.
Hippos are kind of intense when they’re not on cocaine.
I can’t imagine cocaine reduces the intensity of hippopotamuses.
There may have been an “even” in there to get at that idea - even when they’re not on cocaine.
“…yes it is in 5/4 of course. You can almost waltz to it, but it would involve some falling over…”
Playing Traveller 2300:
“That’s as much use as a magnesium heatshield.”