“Let’s pump the old population generator. (Not a euphemism.)”
“Observe if there are any signs of fear of pigeons?”
“I don’t wanna go to work tomorrow!”
“They laughed at our effete ways, but who’s dying of cholera now?”
(Imperium; I was playing the Minoans.)
“Can I have five more minutes?”
“OK, we’ll count to butts.”
“1, 2, 3, 4…”
“12, 13, 14…”
“Wait, how many is ‘butts?’”
“Half your outages are caused by BGP not working.”
“Yes.” short beat. “The other half, though, are caused by BGP working.”
That is a genre of joke that I feel needs more representation. My favorite is probably Christopher Walken, Christopher Standen, and Christopher Sitten.
Yeah I remember one with a happy picture saying Kate Winslet and a sad picture saying Kate Loselet which I quite liked
“Your pants have been delivered”
“You think I should live in a house of cheese, with the bears.”
‘I could always neck a sardine if I were that bothered.’
“My left hand’s happy to have something to do again.”
“They look like mini cabbages”
“I can hear your fingerprints but I can’t hear your voice.”
What did your teacher think of the hand grenade?
“There are people that I game with that I love dearly, but I would rather shut my balls in a door than play Arcs with them.” – @Captbnut