Wishlists dreams

All three are worth it, and totally different. These aren’t really as heavy as they appear.

GWT in particular is a few simple mini games laid on top of each other. The rulebook is a total nightmare layout though, describing each bit in isolation in a way that obfuscates the simplicity of the game. Definitely watch watching a video for the game flow.

aFfO is probably the highest complexity of the three because of the odd rules, but once those are digested all the stuff (and there’s a lot of stuff) fit into the principle ruleset without much issue. Even the expansion adds a lot more stuff without many more rules.


Gotta admit, I’m tempted by all three, especially since I hear such good things about the solo mode for Odin and GWT too. (And Njusford).


Just be patient with Brass. You picked the fiddlier and more complicated version, but it is ironically the forgiving one.


Oh, and also Aeon’s End (gonna start with New Age).


Feast has an official solo mode in the rules.

GWT doesn’t though. A user on BGG has done a lot of work for an automata, but I’ve never tried it. IIRC their username was Noelmagenta.

I’m keen to play BB again. 5 plays so far and it’s a bit meh. However, a lot of people who like similar games to me love it.

Sounds like you’re going to have a lot of fun


Ascending Empires might be ‘the one that got away’ for me. At that point I just didn’t understand that non-mainstream board games get really limited print runs and are quite likely to never be reprinted. I got to play it once, loved it, and still feel like it was an amazing combination of gameplay elements; but I didn’t buy a copy when I had the chance, and it’s been out of print ever since. Supposedly a 2nd edition is in the works, but that discussion dates back a couple of years and there’s still nothing concrete; so, if it’s still on the cards at all, I presume it’s not a current focus.

Although we haven’t even finished our PBF of Antiquity, I think I’m going to be adding it to my list of white whales. I’m really enjoying it, but getting hold of a copy would be so ridiculously expensive in comparison to how often it would get played (and I already went down a big Splotter hole with Food Chain Magnate + expansion).


Twilight Imperium is weighing very heavily on my wishlist now that the expansion is announced. If it weren’t for our current social distancing measures I would have picked it this week I think. As it is I’m forcing myself to wait for our regular gaming sessions to return. I will continue to sit and live vicariously through others’ excitement…


I finally got my Dream Wishlist game, which is Dune.
I also bought 4 or 5 other smaller games in recent weeks.

I only really got back into the hobby at the end of last year. So why, when I think about the new titles I’d put on a wishlist to buy as soon as they’re around in the UK and I have money, can I immediately make a list of FIFTEEN GAMES?


Because your ideal collection is N+1 games, where N is the number of games you own currently


Mine must be N+7 or 8… :thinking: :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:


I have some to add, thanks to some people cruelly hooking me on Splotter games:

The Great Zimbabwe: Perversely, this is the one I’m least interested in playing online, because it is so short, but most interested in having as a physical copy, because it is so short. Also out of print and typically sold for three times RRP, which was high to start with… EDIT: now on preorder, as it is getting a reprint!

Antiquity: I feel like I kind of have to own this now, having played it so much. Out of print and too expensive though (I’m only interested in 3rd ed).

Indonesia: My first online game (ongoing) has me intrigued. Also OOP, and too expensive, and the components were fucked up in the 2nd (latest) print run, so only if a 3rd edition ever appears.


I think mine has a factorial…


Oddly the component mess up in 2nd isn’t too bad. The big wooden bits actually play well for marking which cities have bought a good and using the cardboard tokens to represent the production areas makes it really easy to parse the game state.

Obviously doesn’t resolve your other issues but if you were ever in a situation where they went away, maybe don’t be scared of 2nd ed.

My main complaint is the new icons, to be honest. The first edition icons are much nicer.

Strucked out the ones I got now. Winner’s Circle will be reprinted by Dice Tree by the end of the year from what I’ve heard, along with their edition of Ra.

New additions:

The Great Zimbabwe which will be reprinted at the end of this year or next year, according to Splotter - most likely next year, if you ask me.

Kogge - forgot to mention this previously. Really like Andreas Steding so this is in the wishlist


I like the idea of N! So every game you buy adds a massive amount to your want list.


Splotter galore!!


Just saw lowlands is back in stock today. Must resist…

