Lately, I’ve been amused by this anglicized map of Germany.
Oh, too much @Boydesian, too much. This will keep me entertained for ages At a glance, I am loving Spandy next to Barlen and Bath-Bath
Stuttgart is “studyard”? That’s the etymological origin of my last name! So in some alternate linguistic dimension my analog is “Wilhelm Stuttgart”?
By the way, Hambury can be also Hamborough, Hambourg, Hamburgh and Hambry… and I may be missing something else…
I’m pretty partial to Thatchthorp, NE of Minchin.
A lot of those sound like they could be place names in the Shire, actually.
And me. I’ve only seen the opposite here–what we call English for runaways–
Nethersex and Minchin. Can’t unhear those two.
Despite my prejudices against London, I have to admit that is pretty cool
Monday night, on the way to Gamer’s Night, lokked up and saw the Moon lined up with two planets. GoogleSky cheated and found out it was Venus and Jupiter (my initial guess due to how bright they were)
So Moon and Planets over Te Mata Peak it is.
I found another Anglicized map. And yes, according to this, I was born in Headstow, capital of Greatland. But most of my family now live in Kettleberry.
Wangland? WTF.
Wangland? That’s west of Winkleshire isn’t it?
I thought Russia translated as Redland, or Gingerheadland
These aren’t really faithful translations. A few might be, but most seem to be modified entirely for comedic effect. Or at least to make them more…oddly familiar to an English-speaker.