What are you watching?

I actually think they’re being really brave with Boba Fett’s pacing. Having the camera linger on him while he stares silently into a fire in the desert is kinda amazing for tv these days. I’m starting to like it. (Also yes, the last ep was great fun).


I’ve just seen that We Don’t Talk About Bruno from Encanto is the number one record in the UK singles chart.


Is that similar to We Need To Talk About Kevin?

And Surface Pressure is at 4


Don’t know that one.

I watched Alien 3 for the first time (the later edit rather than the theatrical version), and for the most part I quite liked it (somewhat remarkable given that the production sounds like it was a horror show of its own), but oh my gosh… how could they release the film with the alien itself looking that rubbish? Not always, mind – but when it’s bad it’s shockingly bad. Possibly it seemed less rubbish at the time it came out, but those effects have not aged well (including the ones that aren’t as old – IIUC the only CGI alien in the film was added years later for a scene in the recut, and it’s one of the worst effects of them all).

It’s a great song!


Sorry, I was responding to Phil’s comment about We Need to Talk About Kevin.

I think Kevin is a serial killer so I’m gonna go with no?

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Spree killer.

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Just watched Encanto.

I love Disney, brilliant film and music


We’ve just started watching The Responder. Looks like it’s going to be quite depressing, and I struggled with the Scouse accents… Martin Freeman is good in it though!

Watched last night a Ricky Gervais movie that had me chuckling quite a lot, with Eric Bana in Special Correspondents. I think after watching After Life season 3, the logarithm threw that at me, and after seeing the trailer, I gave it a go.

Also on Friday night I re-watched Bohemian Rhapsody, treating myself to some Queen and a good cry at the end. That 20 minute piece was so epic.

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Anyone watching the new Reacher series? Its pretty good. Although i weirdly quite liked Cruise as Reacher, this is definitely more like the books

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Started watching the first episode of Hawkeye.

An acceptable opening to the series. Jeremy Renner does a very good job of convincing me he is old, and tired, and just done-with-it, and the musical number was cringe-tacular in the best way possible.

(Aside: Holy crap has it really been almost a decade since the first Avengers film? Don’t answer that, I don’t want to know)


They MUST make that into a real musical.

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We finished Orphan Black. It could have wrapped up neatly at the end of the 3rd season. The last two were good, though I didn’t like the conceits and direction of the story and overarching conspiracy. I have now started the podcast, which picks up the stories 10(?) years later. It is narrated by Tatiana Meslany, who struggles with the male voices and I wish they had done a proper radio play. It opens up a new conspiracy and it has been fun seeing it from some fresh character angles while revisiting and appreciating the original Clone Club. How Sara tricks Viv into eating Cosima’s special truffles was a delight.

I put the BBC Ghosts into the queue based on the recommendation from Mike at RedLetterMedia. I liked it. My wife adored it. We burned through the 3 seasons in a week and now await the airing of the 4th.

Started the first two episodes of The Witcher, a series I have avoided until now, but it was recommended by my wife’s friend. It’s bad. It looks cheap. The acting is bleh and the story is boring. We’ll keep watching though.


Ghosts is Great. There are two Christmas specials as well that you may have missed!


I watched it on HBOMax and I believe they were episodes 7 on seasons 2 and 3.


Love Orphan Black. What an acting achievement from Maslany, too!