What are you reading?

Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic are his early books and it shows.

Jump to Guards Guards and see how you feel after that.


They’re his early Discworld books.

I quite liked Strata and The Dark Side of the Sun but they’re even less the work of a skilled writer.


Thanks for the suggestions! My initial plan was to go in chronological order, but might be best to skip forward a bit, at least to start. :smiley:

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More power to you if you can – but sometimes, once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

I remembered thoroughly enjoying Duncton Wood and its sequels as a child. It’s a kind of fantasy adventure where the characters are all moles. Many years later I saw a copy in a second hand bookshop and thought I’d read it again, and I was absolutely astounded that what I’d taken away from the original reading was “enthralling adventure story about moles” rather than “religious allegory hammered into your eye sockets from every page”.

(I was raised religious though, and I guess it just didn’t bother me.)


Although all his early books have good ideas and good jokes, I think Guards Guards is pretty much universally regarded as when he really hit his stride. An argument can be made for Witches Abroad too - the witches are great in fairness. Mort is also a very good book. But GG is probably the easiest to get into.

If you don’t like Guards, Guards, then TP is probably not for you!


I think we can all agree that the worst Discworld book is The long cosmos.

I got bored after book 2 of the Long Earth series.

I really wanted to like the sequel series, “Ringworld,” but it felt tonally so different for some reason.


I loved the first one!
The second one was a bit ‘meh.’
The third one bored me.
I shan’t be bothering with any of the rest.

I’ve kept the first one though, as I like the basic concept so much.

There is a very big hole in the plot.

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We’ll loop back around to that later. For now, let’s just circle it as an issue, and we can move on.

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They should film this, starring Molly Ringwald.

For much the same reason that Mark Ruffalo should play the Gruffalo.


He did say in an interview once that it is a part he will play on day!


Very handy if you ever run out of books and comics or your e-reader crashes.
But really a quite fascinating book if you like trees and walks in the countryside.


I re-read Dune. It’s still brilliant. There’s such quality to the writing, even though each page is very straightforward on its own.


In the second half of The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance is now 99p on Kindle. Great timing.

Everything I read in March:

(otter for scale)


What scale is the otter?

About 13 books tall.


For anyone inspired by the new version of Shogun on tv, here are the rest of his books on HumbleBundle