V-Commandos: Victory

Drops: Spotted token (no effect).
Spy moves E, turns off alarm, saves 1.
Enemy reinforcements:
Enemies move N.

Turn 5

Seems like a potentially good time for Bruno to wall-hop north into the small room, if he can get out again before the end of the turn.

Bruno can hop N and then back S, but hasn’t the actions to do anything else. If he had a crowbar he could block the N entrance and stay there, but the Spy has it in the next room at present.

I would have left the crowbar with Bruno before moving E, since my whole thought was to have him crowbar that door.

I think that’s fair, especially as you knew there was another one in the SE room.

So I can try to take out the two to the N and move there. Officer can move E, N and use the newly dropped crowbar to block the other entrance. We can also grab the uniform for Bruno. Bruno window hops, crowbars and saves. That blocks off reinforcements for the N and E entirely for a few turns.

For clarity, here’s the current situation as I understand it with the crowbar corrected. Assuming Bruno drops the airdrop since it’s not useful indoors.

That plan is fine with me. I take it we’re leaving via the route the Spy took to get indoors, over the large tile?

Makes sense to me. If we can end a turn in the SE room with a saved AP each, we can get out all in one go.

Given that the spy can only shoot one person per action at most, perhaps rearrange it?

  • Officer: E, shoot N, shoot N if needed
  • Spy: shoot N if needed, shoot N if needed, move N, block entrance
  • Bruno: N to small entrance room, block entrance, save

Yup, that’s better.

That makes much more sense.

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
OK, implementing this.

Officer moves E, shoots N
2d6: 5 + 5 = 10 for 4+

Drops: bombardment, uniform.
Officer saves last action.
@COMaestro: Spy has a spare action, and your saved-action slot is full. Anything you want to do with it? (Perhaps moving W after crowbarring the door?)

Yeah, I will go N, crowbar door, then move W.

Bruno wall-hops N, crowbars the entrance there, saves.

Rightoh. Spy can also give the spare uniform to Bruno.



  • automatically spot anyone in their tile - Stealth checks against them fail.
  • can only pass a closed door if there’s a human enemy on their tile.
  • don’t drop equipment.

Enemies move E. Nobody’s visible.

Turn 6

Things to do:

  • open door to objective room
  • kill guards
  • get pilots out, ideally to alarm room

How about I shoot door, shoot guards, shoot guards if needed, save?

Then someone can go in and acquire them (2) and move them out again.

I don’t think there’s any extra AP cost to retrieve them - but they only move with a commando, not independently.

Sorry, I meant cost (2) to move in stealthily, and then move out again. Except the Spy is here to do it, and he can move in for (1) and then reach the NE corner room without spending his +1.