V-Commandos: Grail (Dec 2020)

Shouldn’t I be one tile to the W? I only came up stealthily, then moved N.

In which case, this turn I would move E, E and pickup crowbar, and E one more time.

Bah, sorry, I misread the door location.

Officer E, E, E (with crowbar)
Scout E, E, S, N (spending +1, with explosives)


We can now move up to six enemies one tile each. The ones attached to triangular tokens (the two dry dock targets and the alarm) are fixed, but others in the same tile are fine.

My temptation is to nearly-clear the drydocks into the the adjacent small tiles.

Doesn’t one of us have to be in enemy uniform to move guards?

Bother. Yes. Thanks.

The guard who can moves north. No shooting.

Turn 3

(There are no enemy tokens on the table.)

Scout can get in stealthily, plant, get out, if he has a saved AP. Without, he’ll trip the alarm. I’m inclined to save an AP this turn.

That sounds wise. Bruno intends to shoot the guard on the alarm, and them move W and N so as to be able to start reducing the guards in the W dry-dock.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 2, 3

Tut, try again:

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

Did he drop anything interesting?

No, just an MP40. (Well, I suppose Scout could use it, potentially.)

There are four guards in there. Alarm will likely sound anyway if you just hop in. If we can clear out the room, you could go in next turn and crowbar the door, letting you stay in there safely (depending on enemy movement)…

Officer will move E and shoot the door, then save. If Scout moves E and saves as well, next turn I could activate Assault twice if needed, letting me shoot twice and the Scout shoot twice for free. Then Scout could move, crowbar, plant explosives.

Bruno has one more action available without spending the +1.

Note that we expect an incomer from the SE to move into the space with the closed trapdoor.

Ah, missed that. I could crowbar that door, couldn’t I? The locked door, not the reinforcement entrance. Forgoes the save, but will keep the tile clear.

No, I’m afraid you can’t block internal doors, only entrances.

I could potentially do it - wall-hop south, block, save.

Bruno will move W and save.

OK, @COMaestro - shall I go south, block entrance, save? That would let you E, shoot door, save.

I am not sure if it’s worth it now. I think I will move E, shoot N door, then move back W. Will deal with the new enemy if it shows up next turn.

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
OK - in that case I’ll just stay where I am and save, I think.


Enemy movement is N.

Turn 4

(so let’s not be visible)