Twilight Struggle PBF, public thread

Start in Afghanistan. If you go straight into Pakistan you can lose it to a coup and you can’t coup back. Afghanistan gets you a point and blocks him out. And you can then threaten Pakistan and potentially keep it, plus defend it better against the India war

I wouldn’t. I’d just play it late, ideally after taking Thailand. The 2 ops have value then. Always try to overcontrol Thailand because it can be flipped by the China Card without a coup otherwise. Socialists tends to end up being no ops for you, so better to space I reckon.

I think it’s OK to hold red cards. You can choose which to trigger and when. Plus you get the ops for them.


My personal preference is to play Soviet events that are removed from the game - e.g. Vietnam Revolts. Socialist Gov will always be in the game so it’s prime Space Race candidate.

Pakistan would be an open target for coup until DEFCON 3.



So opening set up is West Germany 4, Italy 3, Iran +2

I’ll send it over

I’ll then headline Middle East scoring and worry about the next move


Wow, that’s a bit rough.

Based on my experience its “win very quickly”, but it’s been at least a year since I played. Doesn’t sound like that’s changed though.

Seems like a good option. It looks like the rest of the round will be damage mitigation. And then you can play Nassar, without worrying until the cards are shuffled.

My preference too, which is most of your cards. Although I see the advantage of space racing removable cards, in the hope Benko has to make the choice later. It’s really about if you think you can win before having to deal with it again later in the game.

Good luck! I look forward to living vicariously through you. It’s been ages since I’ve had the mental space to try this game.


Yes. There are removables that are good space race cards. Fidel denies access on Cuba, De Gaulle. It does depends.

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When do you tend to Space Race - sometimes I feel like cards are toxic just to have them in hand and I want to get rid of them (plus bonuses for getting to spots first)?

However, holding to the last Action Round or two gives more flexibility to react.

Headline is in btw

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Whenever you are comfy. The points gap isn’t that good between 1st and 2nd on the first space, for me. THat’s one turn you are missing out on crucial opening moves to secure Asia/Europe.


I tend to use the Space Race if I’m waiting for a better moment to play other things, like a pass mechanic with surprise points.

Edit: I should probably mention, I tend to play by the seat of my pants, so take my advice with that in mind.

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My headline is Captured Nazi Scientist -2 VPs, 1 space race

Middle East Scoring 4 VPs

AR1 Nuclear Test Ban, coup Italy, roll 5 (I’m using for rolls) Italy now 0/2 USSR control, 4 milops, defcon 4.

And we’re in the shit already!

First thought is that Marshall Plan allows me to remove his Italy control without 2 for 1 ops. Can shore up West Germany as well.

Risk is an imminent first turn Europe defeat if I don’t break control of Italy. Problem is surviving that but being weak in Asia.

I’m going to leave this to sit for a bit. Whoever is following, please chip in, even if you’re new to the game

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Sweet tamales. France is open.

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You can try an expensive reversal on Italy, or go on defensive. By going defensive, you can neutralise the Europe domination by controlling more countries than Benkyo, even if he has more battlegrounds. Or concede: suck it up and secure France so you can continue with Asia. But remember that you are vulnerable to Soviet coups.

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No, you’re OK… You’re ahead in points, and the USA is a punchbag in the Early War so any achievement is good.

Marshall Plan can’t get into Italy, unfortunately. It can overcontrol W Germany, which is very useful. And get into the 2-stability countries, which makes it easier to break USSR domination.

You’re a long way off USSR Europe control. There’s no way for USSR to get 8 influence in W Germany without you doing anything in return. You’re safe from Blockade (but don’t forget to always keep a 3-op card until it’s played). And you still have access to Asia, which I think should be your priority, because Asia domination is a good counter to Europe domination. You taking Afghanistan is as annoying to USSR as him taking France is to you.


That seems reasonable, limit their control and open up new fronts.

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I need to hold de-Stalinization.

Socialist Governments is going to space, no rush with that

Warsaw Pact is my defense against a potential Blockade so need to hold it

I want to play Vietnam revolts in AR 6 if possible.

That leaves Nasser, CIA and Marshall Plan. First two are only 1 op cards which I’ll play for ops (and suck up Nasser event).

Marshall gives me 4 ops. I need 2 to control Afghanistan. Which leaves me 2 ops. France is still vulnerable to De Gaulle or Suez, and wouldn’t be controlled by 2 IP anyway. 2 ops is an expensive way to knock his Italy. One into West Germany gives me more security, 1 into France means he needs 4ops to control it.

So, current thought…

Marshall Plan for ops
2 IP Afghanistan
1 IP West Germany (or leave this and 3 in Afghanistan)
1 IP France

  • Good plan
  • Something else

0 voters

I have got the app through steam and added a range of you as friends - happy to give it a go for anyone who wants a staccato game


That sounds good. Just hope he doesnt have Europe scoring card. I would rush France with a 4 ops card if I do. Just note that there will be a Willy Brandt card in Mid-War, which gives a Soviet influence in West Germany.

Alternatively, delay Afghanistan and secure France now, even with the potential De Gaulle card. If Soviet player has it, I would prefer to play De Gaulle for ops rather than event


I’d go 2 Afghanistan, 1 in W Germany and 1 in Malaysia (or 2 Afghanistan 2 Pakistan if you’re feeling aggressive). French influence is at risk from De Gaulle and some other event I’ve forgotten the name of, so 1 there can just be wasted.
Alternative option: get defcon down by playing Nasser and couping Egypt. Temporises a bit, and puts some pressure on to do a big coup in Iran - which you have to hope will fail to kick you out completely.


I feel like I’m going to lose Asia or Europe. I’m worried about De Gaulle/ Suez making my ops play a waste.

Malaysia helps mitigate Vietnam Revolts, which is a play I would have never thought of. Again, my instinct is Pakistan, not Afghanistan but I wouldn’t have considered the coup back implication.

I like the Nasser coup, think I’ll do that next round.

I keep going back to why he played Nazi Scientist. I think it means he either has a really good, or a really bad hand.


I’ve got a couple of games as well as this on the go. Once a couple are over I’ll have a game.


@lalunaverde what would you do as USSR if you had De Gaulle and the Asia Scoring Card?

Get me in an ops war in Europe and then slap down China, followed by scoring?

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