Triplanetary… play by forum

All looks good to me. I’ll have a think about strategy and post my first move here shortly. Vive la resitance! No taxation without representation! Give me liberty or give me money!

Okay, it’s a quiet morning on Earth, largely because the First Citizen has crushed all rebellion, and maintains an iron grip on the system… until three simultaneous radar blips signal the launch from Earth of the transport ships Fraternite (launching from F), Egalite (from E) and Liberte (from, unsatisfyingly, D).

Two of them are unmanned decoy ships, but a small group of pilgrims, hoping for a better life beyond the Solar System, are crammed into the ship called:

No peeking!


I’ll try to go through the phases in a bit more detail this time.

Turn 1 player P phase 3, the Pilgrim ships move. (No fuel expended, and final velocity is zero.)
Phase 4, they can’t attack due to lack of guns.
Turn 1 player E phase 1, plotting. Co boosts A to break orbit in direction F. Or does not boost, but remains in orbit.

Or, being a corvette not a corsair, gets its combat strength corrected to 2.

Map after turn 1 player E phase 3:

Range table (which doesn’t take line-of-sight into account):

Co19/0 = -1919/0 = -1920/0 = -20
Or1/0 = -12/0 = -22/0 = -2

Or plans to open fire on Li in phase 4, but the XO reminds the Captain that the First Citizen would not be happy if a ship, even a ship full of traitors, were to crash on the Garden of Correct Thought (formerly Paraguay).

“You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations.”

Over to you - turn 2 player P phase 1.

Okay - Phase 1 - astrogation - no moves, but the gravity will pull the ships back to Earth if they don’t thrust this turn.
Fr - Thurst A
Eq - Thrust D
Li - Thrust C

Phase 2 - launching nukes (just joking (sadly))
Phase 3 - I’ll leave the actual movement up to you, Roger

After player P phase 3:

Player E move to follow.

Co thrusts B to change velocity to A.
Or thrusts C to change velocity to D.

Li Ég Fr
Co 18/0 = -18 17/0 = -17 20/0 = -20
Or 0/0 = -0 2/0 = -2 4/0 = -4

Or fires on Li, full combat strength, for 2:1. No modifier.

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 5

Li takes a D4 - it will become un-disabled at the end of your turn 6 phase 4 (assuming it takes no further damage), and until then “cannot maneuver, launch ordnance, or attack. It may only drift on its current course.” Over to you.

“They’re attacking! Did they take the bait?”

Li - disabled, maintains current course
Fr - thrust A
Eg - thrust B

After turn 3 Pilgrim movement:

Or thrusts B for a resultant C.
Co thrusts A.

Li Ég Fr
Co 16/1 = -17 15/1 = -16 20/0 = -20
Or 0/0 = -0 2/0 = -2 7/1 = -8

Or opens fire on Ég: 2:1 at -2.

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 4

4-2 = 2, no effect.

Or has matched course with Li; inspects (loots) it (is it a decoy?), and captures it. (I assume disablement persists; and it has to return to a friendly base before I can use it for any other mission.)

Over to you.

ominous clanking noises

“Er… no, they didn’t take the bait. They got us.”

“Well, bums. I mean, space bums.”

Li did, indeed, contain the Pilgirms, you lucky swine! I randomly determined it so you couldn’t predict it. Well, I guess a pyrrhic victory is better than no victory at all! RAMMING SPEED!

Fr is thrusting D
Eg is thrusting B and attempting a ram (is this possible? I think I pass exactly through the centre of the hex, but I’m not completely sure, so I might miss?)

I think what they’re getting at is that you can ram in passing, while your counter is (momentarily) in the same hex as an enemy ship even if it doesn’t end its movement there. Say you’re going straight up the hex grain, you can ram a ship that’s in a hex along that line even though you don’t have the ΔV to slow down and end your turn in its hex.

So I think that’s no modifier on the die roll.

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 6

That’s a D5 to both ships, so that’s a moral victory to the Pilgrims. I hope that makes you happy while you’re working in the Mines of Harmonious Cooperation (formerly Butlins Minehead).

Somehow, you make my victory sound hollow, although I think the key word here is VICTORY!

Great fun :slight_smile: another one?

Sure - change ends and same again, or something else?

(Other players are welcome to join!)

Sure, let’s try same again with me as the benevolent dictator.


OK, I am declaring that the non-decoy ship is

Dictators keep out, this means you


I’m waiting one turn in the orbits. Then all three ships launch in direction F.

Over to you.