Maybe I use BGG a lot more in research than average? Looking down my list of games I have a pretty good sense of what games they are similar to and if they are ranked “right” or “wrong.”
Catacombs & Castles (4188) over Flick em Up (1045). To be fair, I think C&C 1e didn’t quite hit the mark. But FeU required fan scenarios to be fun.
Bruxelles 1897 (1729) over Red Cathedral (197). I’ve already talked everyone’s ear off about this one. I feel strongly! Also surprising as Bruxelles received a gushing review from Quinns while Cathedral got a sort of “I kinda really like this?” from Matt. I don’t know what went wrong here.
Agricola (53) over Caverna (46) but they are essentially tied. I’ve realized I like Caverna too. Agricola is just better.
Neom (1511) over 7 Wonders (92). A rare case where a game specifically sets out to fix all the weaknesses in a popular game, and actually does so without losing what the original nailed. I think it tried to replace 7 Wonders before the world wanted to replace 7 Wonders.
Anomia (1752) over Cards Against Humanity (8901). Hey! CAH is ranked really poorly! I assumed it would be higher. It certainly sells higher. Anomia gets equal laughs but it’s like the Empire Strikes Back Dagobah cave. Inside is only what you bring with you. No third party is forcing outside thoughts and biases on you.
Great Plains (2139) over (insert two-player area control candidate here). People always ask for good two player area control. Played this yesterday. It’s quite good.
Risk 2210 (1684) over Rising Sun (126). Maybe not Rising Sun specifically. Like Neom, Risk 2210 set out to fix everything wrong with Risk while keeping that beating heart that made it a multi-decade household staple. It did that. And I’d rather play it than most other sprawling mapwars.
New Frontiers (811) over Roll for the Galaxy (145) and maybe Puerto Rico (44). I was pretty lukewarm on New Frontiers until the fourth play or so. Stuck with it due to loyalty to the designer/line. Glad I did. But crazy to think that Roll used to be next to Race in the top 100?
Silver (2029) over Cabo (1854) - that’s actually reasonably close in rankings.
Coup (645) over Citadels (522) - not the tightest comparison nor the tightest rank discrepancy. But I stand by it.
Catan (551) over Ticket to Ride (238) - TtR has really grown stale over the years. Catan does such a good job drawing in the players that it still feels fresh to me.
Forks (18943) over Sushi Go Party (256) - light intro drafting? Fork it up! Sushi Go is fine. Forks just needs to be higher, now that I’ve played it
Flamme Rouge (259) over Heat (42). Forty-two? Really? Wondering where this will settle in two to three years.
Schotten Totten (421) over Lost Cities (331) - one of these is timeless
Nations (232) over Through the Ages (14) - Nations is a lot more abstract. Harder to play, harder to understand what is going right or wrong. TtA is very immediate. So I get it. But having learned both, the elegance of Nations screams at me here.
Inis (97) over Pax Pamir (41)
Isle of Skye (263) over Suburbia (218) and Mad King Ludwig (198) - Tile market, tableau with variable scoring conditions… IoS solved this puzzle.
Habitats (1317) over Nova Luna (580), Suburbia, and Ludwig - Here it’s "tiles with their own scoring criteria that have to be arranged to mutually satisfy each others’ conditions. I never really liked Ludwig. The others are ok.
I already mentioned (probably repeatedly) Nusfjord over Viticulture.
As for just games that I don’t understand the rankings, Ark Nova and Scythe are fun but I think they are more like 200 quality games. Terraforming Mars and Wingspan feel like 500 games. Lowlands should not be over 1,000 as it is.
What an odd desire it is to want the world to agree with me! We humans are puzzles. At least I know what I like.