Topic of the Week: Apps

I’ve been punting on this for a while but it came up as neatly tangential last week, so here we are. Let’s talk about mobile/tablet apps.

I’ll queue up three categories:

  • Good puzzles
  • Time burners
  • Board game and board game adjacent

The core questions are what do you play, which do you most respect, and what would you recommend if someone was coming in blind and wanted a starter library?


I’m not really much of a computer game or mobile game player, but I do have a copy of an implementation of Simon Tathan’s puzzle collection (Simon Tatham's Puzzles | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository) for mental gear-changing. I don’t really do any board-gamey mobile things except for dice rollers, first player randomisers, and score keepers ( is the best I’ve found).


I have 3 devices on which I play “apps” in the widest sense. Over the years I bought a whole bunch of apps to play. First which ones am I playing these days:

Android Phone

  • I have all the apps for the Ganz schön Clever series because they play well on small screen, need no internet connection and are perfect for waiting rooms
  • I also have Nochmal! which is another Roll & Write just to switch it up sometimes
  • The last “game” app I have on my phone is Influence because this one is a really good strategy game that I keep losing at unless I play a lot.
  • Finally I still have Pokemon Go on there which I have played on and off since 2016. I haven’t played since we moved because I couldn’t take along our couch pokestop.

I have reduced my on-the-phone playing to almost nothing because most boardgames don’t play that well on the small screen. I still own a bunch of boardgame apps on Android because I used to have an Android tablet but I switched a few years ago.

Also obviously BGStats :slight_smile:

iOS Tablet

Before BGA, I would buy almost every boardgame app that came out especially because they used to be in the 5€ range and not like 15-20€ as is now quite common.

Ones that I have either played a lot at some point or still play now are:

  • Terraforming Mars is the best. I play the solo mode with prelude and sometimes venus and vary the maps. This one made a huge comeback when I had covid a few years back and is my go to boardgame on the tablet–even while I am typing this I want to go play a round
  • Race for the Galaxy–I am bad enough at it to keep losing to the bots but it’s such a good game… there was a time where I played round after round after round…
  • Spirit Island–I am not a huge fan playing this on the tablet because it has so much information and even just playing one spirit is a real challenge but it is my favorite game so it has a place in the “games I will actually play folder”
  • Ticket to Ride–I have played this an awful lot as an app waaaaaaay more than on the table. I would say the app ruined the table experience because waiting for human players gets so tedious. My favorite map is Scandinavia these days and I am so happy that I can have all the maps in there and it takes up NO place on my shelves. I have never owned a copy of TTR before legacy :slight_smile:
  • Railroad Ink–it has the challenge map and I play the Forest expansion usually. I must have played this 200 times or so. I stopped tracking it after a while. My highscore was something around 112 I think. Not sure. I haven’t played as much recently.
  • Ascension–I played this first very early in its lifecycle, then quit and recently had another bout where I got all the expansion content and played and played and played. This is one of the Star Realms style early deck builders and it is awesome. I am quite tempted by the current super-edition with everything. But I am trying to tell myself the app is enough
  • Cottage Garden–one of my favorite polyminoes games by Uwe Rosenberg. I was so happy when the app came out because I had missed out on a copy at SPIEL and it never made it to the local gamestores.
  • Addictive until not: Galaxy Trucker, One Deck Dungeon, Finished!
  • Pretty good: Concordia, Castles of Burgundy, Cartographers, Carcassonne, Roll for the Galaxy, Hardback
  • Better than the physical version: Through the Ages, Elder Sign, Mystic Vale
  • Destroyed the (physical) game for me: Istanbul, Kingdombuilder, Splendor, TTR (see above)
  • Didn’t work for me as app: Pandemic, 7 Wonders + Duel, Wingspan
  • The rest that I have installed: Root, Maquis, Tigris & Euphrat, Star Realms, Unmatched, Everdell, Maglev Metro, Scythe, Mind MGMT, Forbidden Island, Patchwork, Jaipur, Bohnanza Duel, Castles of MKL, Alhambra, San Juan, Terra Mystica, All Creatures Big and Small, Gaia Project, Maracaibo, Raiders of the North Sea, Indian Summer

There are probably more but… iOS sometimes uninstalls apps on its own.

Also on my tablet at all times:

  • A good Sudoku app (my choice is Sudoku2Pro)
  • Einsteinriddles (called “Logic Riddle”)
  • A good tower defense game (currently Bloons TD6)
  • My second Pokemongo Account
  • Various Gloomhaven Helper apps
  • A browser that runs BGA :smiley:

What I don’t play anymore are various mobile games that require some kind of internet and that allow ingame payments. I once wasted some good money on some EA Star Wars money sink and I regret that. Also no longer on my devices for the same reasons: Hearthstone.

I have also uninstalled Fallout Shelter because it gets too addictive and I needed a break. Games that make me click every few hours for something are also generally gone: “your quest ends in 10 hours come back then” → I have a Steam Account filled with games that don’t make me wait.


I will try to stick to what I consider boardgame adjacent and my favorite boardgame implementations because my game library is huge.

  • Tabletop Simulator (much less since BGA allows for async multiplayer)
  • Balatro–poker deckbuilding roguelike that was a lot of fun for a while but is also very very random and for my taste runs are cut short
  • Slay the Spire
  • Terraformers–not a boardgame but very adjacent. You are terraforming Mars and it has all the tropes of this type of game. This could have been a terrible kickstarter game with so much upkeep to drive you crazy, instead they did the right thing and made it into a computer game. Plays pretty quick just like the next one
  • Slipways–also not a boardgame but a 30-45 min Master of Orion clone. Very addictive.
  • Opus Magnum: build and program machines that build molecules. Very easy campaign that introduces you to the mechanisms slowly and then you get a really challenging puzzle library that has so many puzzles I think I’ll never run out. I gave this to various kids as a present at some point because I think it is really quite educational as well
  • Portal Bridge Constructor–the only bridge constructor that I ever played more than a few levels of. This is really really good. And it comes with cake.

And some actual boardgames worth mentioning:

  • Dune Imperium–pretty good but at the time I played it there were no expansions (yet?) this may eventually turn into something like TTR where you are glad you don’t need it all on your shelves.
  • Spirit Island–works better on bigger screens
  • Terraforming Mars (yes yes I need it EVERYWHERE)
  • Gloomhaven–the app got really really good and I must admit that I got further in my digital campaign than in my cardboard campaign. If you don’t want it on your shelves this is well worth playing.
  • Clank! Beta Test courtesy of being a backer of Legacy 2. The app is now in Early Access for 20 monies. It is good but sorry… not that good unless they add a bunch of expansion content and maps and all that soon. Don’t recommend at that price.

TL;DR or Starter Pack

As for starter library… that is really hard. Why would someone need a starter library of boardgames? But if I had to uninstall everything. Here are the ones I would definitely install first:

  • Phone: Ganz schön Clever 1-4
  • Tablet: Sudoku, Einsteinriddles, Terraforming Mars, Ticket 2 Ride, Race for the Galaxy, Railroad Ink, Ascension, Bloons
  • Steam: Slipways, Terraformers, Slay the Spire, Gloomhaven (wait until sale for all of these)

I think all the good board game mobile apps have been covered, so I’ll just add Slice & Dice, Hoplite, and Pixel Dungeon (variants) as good sort-of boardgame-adjacent games.


My apps are very unplanned and certainly not the best out there, but

Better as an app:
Sagrada (shows you the valid spaces to go on)
Elder Sign: Omens (although the difficulty is set to impossible and real dice would never fail you this often)
Onirim (definitely would not have learned the strategy fast enough if I had to do all that shuffling by hand)

Good enough:
Lanterns: The Harvest Festival
Indian Summer
(cute music and squirrels)
Talisman and many expansions (better on Steam than phone)

Apps that turned me off the game:
One Deck Dungeon (you don’t need to endlessly shuffle cards and can get down to the actual game quicker. Unfortunately, as @yashima said, that just shows you that the game isn’t very good, and makes it obvious that you need to lose 20 times to get enough xp to be close to statistically winning)
Galaxy Trucker (…no)
Lords of Waterdeep (okay. That’s… fine, then?) (on Steam)
Takenoko (same)

I learned Backgammon on “Backgammon Mighty”, and The Royal Game of Ur on “The Royal Game of Ur”, although there are many versions of that out there and only a few of them look good visually.

Shout out to “Ultimate Jewel: Tutankhamun” for being the random jewel game I put on my phone years and years ago and have never stopped playing.


I enjoy most board game apps I have played, though some are better made than others. I like them because even if they aren’t the best, there is usually an AI that I can play against, which means I can play the game whenever I want!

Some of the better apps I like are A Game of Thrones, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Istanbul, Tokaido, Onitama, and Root. Honestly, I think the Root app is a great way to learn the game as the tutorial is pretty good.

I have not played enough of the Concordia app to have enough of an opinion on it yet. Isle of Skye is good.

Apps I also enjoy but are not quite as well done are Unmatched (naturally) and Lords of Waterdeep. Unmatched has horrible AI and still has some weird bugs, as such it is unlikely it will ever get more fighters for it. Lords is just a little hard to follow on a small screen, but works well otherwise.

Twilight Struggle is great, but has made it very clear to me I want nothing to do with the physical game. Way too much to maintain and I still struggle with calculating what I need to roll for coups and such.

Similarly, Elder Sign has killed any interest in playing the physical game. Though I have to agree with @SteveB_uk that the die rolls seem horribly weighed against you in the app.

Galaxy Trucker is fine, but gets repetitive. At least it’s humorous.

For time wasting, I will often play an app called Einstein’s Riddle Logic Puzzle, which is just a logic game with a grid and a bunch of hints to let you determine the correct solution. I play on hard difficulty and usually finish a puzzle within 10 minutes, but have the occasional screw-up when I need 30 or so.


my Einstein riddle has insane difficulty mode with 9x9 and larger grids. i have spent as much as 4 hours on some of those puzzles. and sometimes they take just 15 min. it’s very soothing to do these when something is stressing me. the shorter ones with smaller grid are good for waiting rooms as well


I would like to note that I really enjoyed the games in my “addictive and then not category” but sometimes I just overplay something by a lot and then suddenly the fun is gone.


I have Oceans on my phone, which I can play a lot at times, now I am on a “rest” period from it. Other than that I play on Steam.

My list on Steam (from memory):
-Gloomhaven: the last couple of months or so my mate Ben and I discovered Jaws of the Lion was on sale and we bought it, having a weekly online session of one or two scenarios every Tuesday evening, we have played it through. Definitely beats playing it solo with more than one character, it can be a bit too much managing two or three characters (it’s doable, but way less efficient). We finished the main missions last week, so it is likely that we will continue on tonight with normal Gloomhaven.
Other Steam games:
-Lords of Waterdeep
-Through the Ages
-Raiders of the North Sea
Those first four I play very often. The other, no so much.
Wingspan less as of late. Through the Ages being my latest addition to the list in the last summer sale.
I also have Spirit Island (sorry, to me the app looks so ugly somehow) Terraforming Mars (I have fallen asleep playing it, sooo slow) Blood Rage (recently acquired on the same sale, still haven’t had a go at it with all this avalanche of Olympic sports the last two weeks) Splendor (got tired of it, but it has interesting challenges)

I’m definitely interested in the Due Imperium one, but I am waiting for the next price drop chance.


I have recently uninstalled all of the games from my phone to remove some of the temptation to waste time when I should be doing other things :grimacing: I can also recommend Appblock and Blocksite for anyone who has similar issues.

Having said that :

More likely to play than the physical game

  • Gloomhaven
  • Twilight Struggle
  • Pandemic
  • Ganz schön clever
  • Hardback

The first two because of the serious reduction in faff provided by playing the digital version. The others are just games that I prefer to play solo and I prefer digital implementations for that.

For playing while waiting for the train (or similar)

  • Sagrada
  • Railroad Ink

I like these in person as well.

To help learn the rules to the ‘real’ game

  • Scythe
  • Root

We made so many rules mistakes the first few times we played Scythe :roll_eyes:

Puzzles (Not board games)

  • Nonogram galaxy (or similar)

These are basically logic grid puzzles where you end up with a picture if you fill in the grid correctly (also known as picross, I think)

Apps that I should never install on my phone again

  • Candy Crush
  • Homescapes
  • Gardenscapes
  • any other mindless match 3 game

I’m sure these games are designed by a psychologist to make them as addictive as possible


I’ll try to spare the commentary.

The best puzzles I’ve encountered on IOS:

  • Zero Age (completely defunct, unfortunately. This is the single best experience I’ve had)
  • Pit Droids (old PC, no longer supported but so great)
  • Cosmic Express
  • Trainyard (base levels were too easy but the bonus levels were great)
  • A Good Snowman
  • RGB Express
  • Kingdom Rush Frontiers (So it’s tower defense, but my favorite of all)
  • [The Sequence]
  • Little Inferno (not actually a puzzle game, but came with a life message that hit inescapably)
  • Human Resource Machine (I haven’t started 10billion humans yet)
  • Most anything by Glitch games - Forever Lost is a good place to start
  • Baba is You (Love and hate this one. Sometimes cheap.)

Preferred Time Wasters
(Note that these never survive forever but each had a good run)

  • Knotwords
  • Bonza (another puzzle game)
  • Wordtrip (deep shame for the hours spent here)
  • Alto’s Odyssey
  • Androminion (it goes here - such bad AI that it hardly qualifies as playing a game but I’ve spent a lot of time here)
  • Varioius Tsumego (Go puzzles) apps, though I’m still terrible
  • One Deck Dungeon
  • Slice & Dice (hey anyone, is the purchased unlock worth it?)
  • Tavern Rumble (If you like Slice & Dice, try this as well…)
  • Night of Full Moon (will probably
  • Polytopia
    I’m sure there’s more but they are forgotten.

I feel like I’ve been kicking around “best puzzle” forums and ios sales longer than most, which surprises me around here. I’ve also got most every board game (apart from the newest ones).

Seems the tablet board game discussion has been light so I’ll sit on it like a full grown gorilla.
Board games that had their day or still stick:
Little Morsels

  • Jaipur (love the campaign and variants introduced)
  • Patchwork
  • Star Realms
  • Battleline (maybe not available for sale anymore?)
  • Aries (Hive by another name)
  • Race for the Galaxy
  • Silver (maybe more of a time waster…)
  • Freitag / Freidman Friese Friday (maybe more of a time waster. But an excellent one.)
  • Tichu (Oh god so many hours. Becky and me, we’re tight. The Mrs sometimes worries I’m having an affair with my AI Tichu partner.)
  • Oh Hell
  • Cribbage with Grandpas
  • New Dominion (not playing much due to playing out Androminion)
  • Mountain Goats
  • Hey That’s My Fish


  • Bohnanza the Duel
  • Neuroshima Hex (though they ruined the best board game app ever made…I rarely play the new implementation and it’s boggling that you would do something bad when you had something so good in your hands…)
  • Roll for the Galaxy (this kind of faded without the expansion. Not enough variety in start worlds)
  • Istanbul (Mocha is coming!)
  • Oceans (never actually played my physical copy…want to fix that…)
  • Mysterium (How did they do this? This game should not work with AI but it so does)
  • Carcassonne (the original one. Because I can. Never play a newer version.)
  • Ra (still got it!)
  • Isle of Skye (LOVE)
  • Lords of Waterdeep (from time to time… there’s something magic here even though the game always seems like it should be shallow.)
  • Steam: Rails to Riches
  • Tigris & Euphrates (may it never die…)
  • Puerto Rico (in the end, it’s ok)
  • Burgle Bros (re-sold me on the co-op genre)
  • Carson City Card Game (this is new… pretty good actually despite a geocities implementation)

A Real Sit Down

  • Agricola (EIKG Playdek implementation. MAY IT NEVER DIE.)
  • Concordia (this took a lot of getting used to, but once I could read the board it plays well.)
  • Gaia Project (still working through my “every race” goal.)
  • Brass
  • Le Havre
  • Through the Ages
  • Battlelore (is this one defunct? I put in some massive hours five years ago.)
  • Eclipse (this is always in a state of defunct, reborn, we’re going to make it better, oh here’s the old version)
  • Spirit Island (recently sprung for it… need more time here. Despite the convenience, I’m not sure I can get away from the physical experience.)
  • Root? Still figuring out if I want to play this more
  • Through the Ages (Jury’s still out on this one)

If that seems a bit unfiltered, it’s not. That’s maybe half of the games I have installed and doesn’t include anything I’ve deleted (like Sagrada) or lost (like Ghost Stories).

For the especially curious, here is everything I’ve played that’s been deprecated:

  • Twilight Struggle (tried to learn three times, still mean to try again but it hasn’t hit yet)
  • Fury of Dracula (poor implementation, though I was engaged for a bit)
  • Talisman (so many of my worst hours have been at a Talisman table, but I never know it until I stand up)
  • Mr Jack Pocket
  • Yellow & Yangtze (for all Direwolf implementations, flashy graphics, obscured board state. Frustrating to play)
  • Raiders of the North Sea (good for one session. Also, Direwolf treatment)
  • Totems
  • Agricola All Creatures Big and Small (I have Agricola, so…)
  • Le Havre: The Inland Port (you know, it’s not so bad. It’s ok.)
  • Onitama
  • 7 Wonders (long live Neom)
  • Dead Man’s Draw (this just broke with IOS updates)
  • Blokus (blocking the computer never did it for me)
  • Love Letter (animations are so slow I always get frustrated)
  • Galaxy Trucker (this never worked for me)
  • Kingdom Builder (I often kind of like this, but then I don’t again.)
  • Ticket to Ride (I’ve played this out and never really liked it. But it’s so easy to play that sometimes, on a bad day…)
  • Castles of Mad King Ludwig (worst of my headcanon trilogy of Suburbia / Ludwig / Skye)
  • Scotland Yard (good game, but Ravensburger always misses the point)
  • San Juan
  • Cottage Garden (but better than Indian Summer)
  • Indian Summer
  • Viticulture (see Ticket to Ride)
  • Catan (No, this goes up above. I enjoy this when I need it.)
  • Castles of Burgundy (another bad implementation of a game I enjoy)
  • Scythe (It’s okay. But I play Istanbul for action efficiency pathing.)
  • Terraforming Mars (I don’t get on with this one)
  • Small World
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse
  • Pandemic
  • Cartographers (I may like this one ok after all)
  • Suburbia (I need to try this again, I think I might change my mind)
  • Forbidden Island
  • Forbidden Desert (ENOUGH ALREADY LEACOCK)
  • Railroad ink (I like the game ok, not sure why I always pass over the app)
  • Cuarenta (it had it’s day)
  • Mu (an old trick taker I didn’t like but keep around because I judged it quickly)

Just haven’t tried yet:

  • 1775 (just haven’t tried it yet)
  • Legends of Andor

Yes, assuming you mean paying for the game instead of just playing the free demo. There aren’t any further paid unlocks afaik (and I love that you can simply unlock all the progress content from the menu).


Mostly just Straight Cribbage or Libre Sudoku.

On PC, the Hexcells series is easily one of the best puzzles I ever played.

I used to to this many many years ago when games on mobile were more scarce and I played more on my devices and less on my table. Back then my tablet was an Android and Google was not yet so very clearly stepping away from the „Don‘t be evil“ motto.

These days I am more inclined to buy a (board-)game or even puzzle app on Steam because I anticipate that my laptop (which has already replaced the PC/gaming machine) and tablet will merge in one of the next hardware generations a few years from now.

Also I tend to play even puzzles TOO MUCH and I am trying not to do that anymore. Things I don‘t mind doing TOO MUCH are reading and playing games on my physical table. Not that I am actively trying to limit my screentime but I have experienced the addictive nature of many games too often … see what @Whistle_Pig wrote about Candy Crush. I played that one, too.

During our vacation with friends in May, most of the family more or less addictively played some kind of Sonic mobile game. I didn‘t really mind them doing it but I also didn‘t want to have that kind of app on my phone anymore. And so I stopped trawling the platforms for new experiences because the good ones are so rare and the numbers of the „traps“ are so great.


Zachtronics are always these logical programmatic games. SpaceChem is fun too. Opus Magnum is super pretty though


Zachtronics games are great. But I always seem to burn out on them, or get stuck, and if I try to return to them I find I’ve forgotten too much of the knowledge that got me to the point where I got stuck, and I’ll be more lost than when I left off. Still amazing just for that first period of addiction though.

(And yeah, Magnus Opum might be the only one I ever “finished”, I think because progressing through the story was deliberately made easy.)

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Oh yes, I had this and the sequel!

I’d recommend 80 days as a text adventure (of “Around the world in…”) but if you actually want to make it to your destination on time there’s only one or two routes you have to rush down.

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Curses, sometime in the last 6 months they upped it from $7 to $9. And there doesn’t appear to be a cross platform unlock. (ios tablet and android phone, here). Oh well. I have a lot of google play credits stored up and this has been recommended frequently enough that it must be go time.

Can’t recommend Little Inferno enough here… it’s the same designer as World of Goo and Human Resource Machine. It’s a gamified morality tale with a easy to agree with takeaway that these games addict you while eroding your soul, and we never see what it is actually costing us…

We all know that, a bit. But Little Inferno transfers it in an Inception-like way that gets deep inside you. It’s been a good insulator against those types of experiences ever since.

The creator argues that games should have a beginning and an end, and I wholeheartely agree, even for puzzle games that can be procedurally generated every day.

These were the good old days when board games were required to go on sale to 0.99 once per year. Gotta get them all. I’m still angry at Temple Gate Games and RFTG - I think that is the first game that refused to ever go on sale and the market has shifted with it.

Of course, most of those amazing early developers (Sage, Big Daddy) have gone out of business, so maybe there’s something to avoiding 0.99 sales…

Reading comments and looking at my stuff, other bg apps I didn’t get on with:
Onirim, Elder Sign, Tokaido, Ascension (I hate this one, sorry Yash), Shards of Infinity (the attempt to improve Ascension, but I’m in camp Star Realms), Ganz Schon Clever, Mystic Vale, Potion Explosion, Caylus (just not my game), Tikal, Brief History of the World

Games I only have on Android and are ok:
Takenoko, Red 7, Ingenious

Another game I haven’t tried: Metro

Another good puzzle/time waster: Hidden Folks / Hidden Through Time. It’s essentially a where’s waldo type world with stick figures and it was just delightful. It has a beginning and an end.

Oh gosh, I found another old list of defunct or abandoned boardgame apps from my collection.
  • Summoner Wars (never got on with it)
  • BattleCon (good but fully abandoned)
  • Kamisado (HATE HATE HATE this concept)
  • Rosenkeunig / War of the Roses
  • Quarriors (enjoyed 3-5 sessions and then done)
  • Tsuro (another one I hate and I can’t understand when anyone, here or otherwise, likes it. Maybe I missed something)
  • Kahuna (never again)
  • Abalone (loved as a kid but the app helped me see its weaknesses)
  • Among the Stars (everything I dislike about drafting)
  • Colt Express (bored)
  • Evolution (didn’t click)
  • Aeon’s End (didn’t click)
  • 8-minute empire (meager)
  • Ghost Stories (died in the 32-bit appocalypse but I’m glad I got to play and beat it before then)

Can’t believe I’ve owned and played all these over 12-14 years?

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Oh yeah, the Tsuro app was actually a really good implementation if I remember right.