The West Marches - Main Thread

Enfys is tired, a bit bored and ready for bed. She’s about to make her excuses when a couple, one with a fiddle and one with a drum start to pick out a tune she’s heard in ports across the world. Despite herself she cracks a smile.

‘A drink to our future endeavours?’ she says to her two companions

“And why not?”, replies Ash. He’s been looking around at the games of chance (and “chance”), but doesn’t seem enthused.

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As the song gets into swing, a good number of people begin to dance. Ssora immediately joins in, but will go back and forth between dancing and drinking, seeming to have boundless enthusiasm for both activities.

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The dancing, drinking and gambling are a welcome relief and as the night closes in, all eat and drink their fill.

As the night ends an old women stands and tells a tall tale of giant frogs and shining treasures, from the reaction of the audience it’s a favourite among the gathered throng, especially when the half orc is almost swallowed whole.

Hugo ushers the three of you to a private room for your rest before drawing across the many bolts on the front door.

Whenever you are ready, please narrate the next morning.


Ash sleeps well and rises early. Whatever scraps are left from breakfast he’ll feed to the local scavenger birds (which may mean stepping away from the inn, because some of them can be a fair old nuisance).


Ssora is only mildly groggy considering how much beer she quaffed, though she does wake up on the floor.

After breakfast she lounges around the inn until the others are ready to leave.

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Enfys had planned to get up early to have another look around, but the country air and the hospitality saw her sleep until mid morning.

Refreshed, and with the motion sickness beginning to recede she comes down to the bar and greets her new companions.


Ssora has ditched her heavy cloak, but still retains the quite comfortable emblemed tabard. She could pass for a paladin of Iomedae except that the longsword is hung on the wrong hip, she’s leaning on a donkey, and she’s polishing a bevy of curved daggers.

“Shall we?” She says, hoping that someone else knows which direction to start in.

Ash: “Well, if the road’s over… there?” Is there any sort of trail in the right general direction?

(Let me explain the scene outside End of the Road.)


Leaving the Inn and the safety of the kingdom of Serk behind you, there is finally time to take in this strange new world.

The inn itself is on a small peninsula, and before you stretches a large, bowl like clearing of ground. On all sides of this space huge, ancient trees tower above you.

The only other stone building stands perhaps 100 metres away, a tall tower, covered in trailing plants, it’s stones darkened by age.

To your South and North is is clear to see where the marsh ends and the higher ground begins, but this is not what draws your eyes…

All around you are people, felling and sawing trees, or raising large canvas tents. Some children chase chickens along what would be called tracks if the mud ever had time to harden. The odd group of soldiers patrol and a number of enterprising merchants appear to be selling roasted chestnuts.

There is some evidence of a pallisade wall being completed, but even to your untrained eye, you can see this gathering of humanity is already expanding well beyond it’s limited protection.

(If the map in the tavern is accurate, the Pond of Plenty is to your south.)

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‘South then?’ says Enfys. She’s bombarded by noise and smells. A chicken lands on her foot and she flicks it away. Children cheer as the bird hurtles briefly through the air.

‘Keep your wits about you. I bet there are pickpockets working here’

She strides off to the what looks like a main road and heads South. She calls over her shoulder ‘either of you want some chestnuts?’

She approaches the least grubby looking merchant and asks for 3 bags.

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Ash looks as if he’s going to go off into a homily about how the chestnut represents the cycle of life, death and rebirth, but restrains himself and eats happily.

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The seller bows humbly, and for only a few coppers gives you extra.

“For the journey ahead,” he whispers, then bows again.


@Sagantine asked for a die roll:
Ssora making a roll for a reason…
d20: 13

Ssora manages to stow the sudden desire to become the currently active pickpocket in the bustle, despite how funny it would be.

“I’ve never had chestnuts before - I’ll certainly give them a try.”

Are we allowed to ask what this was about?

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It’s a little character flaw roll that I make (by choice) due to my character’s absurdly low wisdom score and proclivity for crimes.


Enfys thanks the seller, hands out the nuts and gestures southwards to Ash and Ssora.

‘We should get moving, it’s dry for now’


Ash: “‘Keep your feet dry’ is about all I know of marshology. I imagine it’s time to learn more.”