The Crowdfunding Thread

“Chris Chan’s Portents”
until 2022-10-31T14:00:00Z

I read about this on Space-Biff! yesterday, and played the Tabletop Simulator version with @Lordof1 last night. We very much enjoyed it – but here in the UK they’re not drop-shipping or otherwise pre-paying the VAT, so it could easily reach £65. And while it might well be a $39 game I’d buy, it’s not a £65 game for me. They’re not planning to go to retail… but physically all you get for the main components is blank wooden tiles plus a set of stickers, no engraving or anything.

So I may make a 3d-print-and-play version instead.


“Shanghai to Hamburg, Germany: depart 10/30/2022 and estimated ETA 12/4/2022”

Yay. Stationfall is leaving port soonish. This has taken long and the Updates have been few and far between. I am no longer so excited about it as I once was–there might be a lesson to be learned here.

I have no idea if it was trouble with this specific game or if ION Games is generally bad at Crowdfunding as I have not backed any of their games before.

But some of my other long-running waits seem to be nearing an end as well… addresses for some games are final now. But after waiting so long… sometimes I couldn’t care less.


The five Itten funbrick games are up - including g Viking Seesaw (by Knizia)


Needless to say, I backed it


Highway to the danger zone?
Looks fun, though again shipping will kill it for me, and anyway I’d really like to play before committing.


That does look exceptionally DAAAYNGER ZOOWWN doesn’t it?


From looking at the images (but admittedly not reading anything) it looks like Mottainai (which in turn would make it a child of Glory to Rome), do you have any information on how it’s going to play?


Queens Dilemma is also on kickstarter now!


Was tempted as we loved The King’s Dilemma, just seen the price and am currently walking away slowly.

I suppose it depends on the retail price of the expansion, but approximately £130 to have the base pledge seems bonkers


The game has to be mind-blowingly great if you want me to shell out triple digits nowadays. I haven’t backed anything like that since Guards of Atlantis 2


It indeed looks like Glory to Rome/Mottainai/Uchronia, but looks can deceive. I’ll check out the rulebook when I have the time


yeah. it’s a real tough one. I guess the one save here is that you can be fairly confident its not £130 in the bin, compared to something that’s more of a gamble at £60.


And we’ve launched! Die of the Dead: Xolo Expansion & Ofrenda Variant by Radical 8 Games — Kickstarter just crossing my fingers and spreading the word now. TBH I absolutely hate this part and don’t know why I still do it.


I barely see projects come in under triple digits at all at this point, at least for base games, and for me if it isn’t across that threshold it’s a decent sign I may not be interested. The saying good things come in small packages has very rarely applied to boardgames for me.

(That said I also don’t need to be getting multiple Gloomhaven sized boxes thank you very much).


So which of my Kickstarters is delivering from Poland… on Monday? Either I overlooked an update from something that is delivering but … 51st State is printing as of 3 days ago, I am sure they are not done that fast :slight_smile: And Assault on Doomrock is scheduled for 2023. So… a proper mystery for Halloween :jack_o_lantern:


It could be agents of Smersh? I have that coming from Poland.


Nope haven’t backed that.

It might possibly be the Ares Expedition Expansions. They haven’t done a single update since the campaign ended and it would fit with the base game Kickstarter timeline. I have no idea if Stronghold is printing in Poland.

  • It cannot be any of the stuff I am getting through Spieleschmiede–I know their delivery pattern oO
  • It cannot be any of the stuff that is definitely not coming before 2023
  • It is unlikely to be any of the stuff printed in China because those come either via Greece or Hamburg
  • Unlikely to be any US based publisher because they would not be printing in Poland–because that is my assumption that this was shipped more or less directly from the printers–which is why my first guess was 51st State.

Funded! Whoop whoop! I’d love to be able to say I can relax at this point, but this is actually that terrifying stage between ‘I can now afford to get everything manufactured with £0 to spare’ and ‘I can now afford everything even if I’m hit with unforseen costs or choose to print extra copies for retail’ (assuming the campaign continues to do well). That second stage is the relaxing one.


As stage one happened so quickly (around two days?), perhaps next time you should consider building contingency budget into your basic goal amount, so that you’re at the “relaxing” stage as soon as you’re “funded”?


Maybe, there’s always the danger then of not funding within 2 days and losing momentum. I had a popular YouTuber talk about the Damask crowdfunded and just say “Not going to fund” because of this. I also spoke with some marketing people who told me to drop the goal to £10k. Which is ridiculous became that would have been too low.
Ultimately I try to go for the smallest amount I know is needed, with the acceptance I might end up out of pocket if anything happens, but should be able to make back up with post KS sales. Not ideal, but that’s just the KS game.