Technology will make your life easier

During advent of code I learned about the DOT language for graphs and found this neat page:

Maybe if you can translate the system into dot notation…

There are examples further down the page. it is not very complicated.

edit: Graphviz Online this is the web version


I’ve done a lot of translation into graphviz, with the extreme case being an interstellar campaign map: map . Happy to write converters.


I have Online Banking with HSBC - It uses a secure key that generates a 6 digit number that you need to enter to log in - it’s a physical device, and over Christmas it started to flash warning messages about the battery being about to expire, so I went in to the bank and got a replacement. They took the old one off me, and told me to “follow the instructions” next time I logged in. What they have failed to do is cancel the key I gave them back, so in order to set up the new key, I first need to log on with the old one which I no longer have…
(The fact I can’t log on doesn’t make the only way of getting help with online banking is to either phone up, or download and set up the mobile app.)


Today we all turned up at 12pm which has been the start time the last two days of the course. That’s 6am for the trainer (based in the US).

He didn’t arrive till 1pm which he thought was the agreed start time.

Timezones are fun aren’t they? Can’t blame him for not wanting a 6am start though.


Can’t blame him for not wanting a 6am start though.

But he’d been there at 6am the previous two days?

Or was it a different trainer?

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Yup, same guy, had been there at 6am the previous two days.

Clearly not having a good start to the week, today he started referring to things as if we’d already covered them, which we haven’t. He also suggested there’s only one more day of the course left, when we’re all expecting it to last 6 days (i.e. 3 more days).

Doesn’t help that he told us he’s teaching some of the material out of order so we don’t know what should be coming next.

I asked a couple of other folks if they thought it was weird, but either they’ve not noticed or they don’t care.


Ugh, when something set up by team X is failing, and I have no almost no knowledge of or visibility over that thing, and I raise a related issue with team X, why does my contact in team X not only not know what’s going on (which is ok), but have absolutely no clue what might be going on (less ok), nor which service is involved, where the related configuration might live, or in general be able to tell me anything which advances my knowledge of the situation (not ok). Especially when it eventuates (again, unbeknownst to me) that the service in question was replaced mere weeks ago, and just maybe that fact might have hinted at where the reported issue could lie. When it’s left to me to debug things I’m not familiar with (and can’t entirely see) until I can tell someone on the team who manages it where they might want to look and how they might want to test… it’s just frustrating.

(In fairness to the person I was working with, there’s a cross-over between their concerns and my concerns which they might not have known about, but it feels like their whole approach to investigating the issue must have bypassed most of the things I would have looked at first.)


Our jenkins builds failed tonight … number out of range “29”


Did someone roll their own date library?


Recent suggestion on Mastodon: stardates should be megaseconds since the launch of the first artificial satellite.


echo $(($(date +%s)+386314286))|sed -e 's/\(......\)$/.\1/'


Surprised there is no flag for that.


I’ve been hoping someone would have a Leap Day issue pop up!

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Final session of the course and the overview of topics looked very similar to a previous session. I was the only one to pipe up and mention it.

He realised his mistake and pulled up another slide pack, which was covered earlier this week. At least someone else woke up to tell him.


I got a new laptop for work. It’s brand new, but the people responsible for such things open them up and set them up so that the employee who is the end user can easily set it up for themselves. amusingly, they didn’t send me an apple power supply. they sent the one that they use for replacements, which is higher output and has two usb-c ports on it. I wonder if it’s because they know everyone gets one of the replacements anyway (I would have the next time I was in an office, two ports is super useful. Everyone is missing a trick here.), or if they have problems with the apple ones.

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Having to install 3 updates when I open my accounting program. Every time (okay no usually it is just 2 but apparently I didn’t finish the installation in February and it still worked… )

python packaging sucks. python module loading sucks.

For reasons, we produce python packages that contain all of their dependencies. (the big reason is that insures that the versions of dependencies can’t change. We force limited package validity periods, which forces people to update to the latest versions of their dependencies, so there’s less version creep and mismatch.) But python dependency handling sucks rotting camel carcasses through a very very small straw, especially since we can’t do dynamic loading of them (we can, it’s just a pain to do, and a pain to use the resulting imported symbols, so no one does it). One of the tools I maintain has > 2^15 unique dependencies. they’re all transitive, I only have about 30 direct ones. the damn thing takes 30 seconds to load.



I used to sync my photos from my pixel to my computer via google drive.

I am helping a friend get all her pictures sorted … she used to have a pixel phone and so has a ton of photos on google photos.

I told her “just install drive and it will sync automatically.”

Well, google killed that feature ages ago apparently. There is no way to easily get at the photos unless you still have the hardware you originally took the pics with and only if you didn’t let google “move stuff to cloud to save space”…

She’s been trying to get a download of her images via I don’t know what mechanism and says it took ages and kept failing.

Do any of you know how to get the photos google is holding hostage?

My tip to her would be to install Google Photos on her ipad and try to sync everything to that one and from there add it to Lightroom. Different cloud also bad but at least they allow local copies of pictures and provide software for all OSs…

I knew google had shat (aka enshittified) itself but I didn’t realize it was this bad. It really makes me consider what to do about my next phone in a couple of years, I still have a Pixel that I’ve largely de-google-fied.

PS: also having the US switch 2 summer time 2 weeks before Europe really sucks for my partner who works across the big pond from here, weren’t we getting rid of all that?

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Checking the settings on Google Photos via a browser, I can see an “Export your data” option. Does that do what you need?

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This is what she has been trying.
And it is apparently not working. But I’ll check it out. Thanks :slight_smile:

I think one major problem is that there are a lot of photos. She has been putting this off for many years.
On her ipad alone are apparently 20.000 photos.

Lots of duplicates which we are hoping to sort out with Lightroom later.

Stuff on her computer as well.

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Hitting the learn more does mention about sending stuff to DropBox and other services and details a process where you can do it for any Google product, so that might work better.