Star Trek Ascendancy (recruitment)

Which is what is now happening! Thanks!

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Quick Note: my mining fleet had 4 ships in it, and you only rolled for 3. One more roll to see if that last one survives (unlikely, but worth a shot!), and if it does then it goes into Pulsar with its buddy.

For cases like this, is it better for me to just call the Roll command myself? Because if the ship blows up (which, 50/50) then everything is okay and you don’t need to change anything? Or should we let you do all the rolls just to keep everything on track?

I’m okay either way, whatever makes your life easier, Roger!

Go ahead and roll.

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@Marx asked for a die roll:
Ironically, I don’t think I can… not intentionally, at least.

d3: 2

Nope! I can. Just doesn’t show up in the preview.

Never mind! Carry on.

Yeah, the original author’s idea is to make it at least a bit cheat-proof, which is also why system grabs ownership of the post once the number is rolled. (I might turn that off next time I do a site update.)

A clarification since I went digging for it: a ship or fleet’s “warp number”, the number of systems it can jump when it exits warp, equals the tokens on it plus the warp symbols on completed advancements. (§8.2.2.) So the Federation can now warp/dewarp immediately two systems away.

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Man, is there anything that doesn’t give you a bonus culture? :slight_smile:

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It’s right there in the opening text!

I have an RPG session so I won’t be responding for a while.

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"Romulan Star Empire, Date 3.

The mission to the Pulsar was a disaster. The Devaros and Khazara were torn to pieces by the gravitational forces immediately, sending the fleet into disarray and destroying the professor’s prototype Pulsar-Energy-to-Matter-Converter. Thankfully we have stored backups of the design and will attempt to employ it after modifications to our shields make it less… prohibitive… to attempt again. One bright point: Noleek was on the Devaros and so we were spared the unpleasantness of dealing with her failure.

The poll for the name of the new Starbase resulted in a minor political scandal which delayed the construction of the Starbase. I refuse to call it The Far Star Base That’s Thar. Regardless, construction of the starbase has now begun, and is expected to complete before the end of the next cycle.

The Productivity And Fun Zone on the occupied planet of Sherman’s World is operating so well that we are opening a sister node, “More Productivity, Same Fun Zone” in an adjacent mineral field. There is room for a third mine on the planet, and the Tal Shiar is already forwarding me lists of political enemies to the glory of the Romulan Empire to staff it, but I am uncertain if additional mineral resources will be necessary so soon. After all, I have ordered both surviving ships from the Pulsar expedition to make best speed to Rog, where they will construct an additional colony… assuming they survive the dangerous asteroid field, of course.

Surely at least one of them will survive…

End log."

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Captains Log. Stardate 3.

Finally we are a federation! Glorious species working together, star bases under construction. But it is all at a great cost. Our fleets lie decimated. A decision is looking. Earth is safe for now, surrounded by black holes and badlands, but we need to continue to grow.

Are we to continue to explore, or is it time to listen to those fringe members who warn us we should have some teeth to our diplomatic machine…

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I’ll take my next turn in the morning - meanwhile please try to spot the mistakes I’ve probably made in round 3.


I think it was a clean turn! I didn’t spot anything amiss, at the very least… nicely done!

And suddenly I am behind everyone else in production AND Ascendancy… I’m sure this will bode fine for the future success of the Empire…


@RossM Hey, I think you and I should be friends. We can do things together, we’ll have a (word that used to exclusively mean ‘fun’ but now has some cultural heft behind it) ol’ time.

I was thinking about linking Sherman’s World through the Badlands (gives us both a bit of a buffer, but lets us exchange Trade Ambassadors and little overpriced gifts of cheese), and then maybe through a secondary warp-tunnel to Cappella with one or two more systems in between… but only if you feel comfortable with being buddies. I figure we can both use the resource boost to keep up with the Jones’leths…

I concur @Marx . I think it’s a sensible way to cooperate, and trade is always better than conflict.

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Capella is potentially within linking range for me too, if the Federation is happy. We have many non-lethal foodstuffs!

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Go for it everyone.

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Couldn’t reach you this time, happy to link up through McAllister - and similarly through Sigma Draconis, both of which are pivotable.

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I seem to be making lots of friends……

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