Star Trek Ascendancy game 6

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Agreed, pool d6: 6 for 4+

so that’s one Vulcan ship remaining after round 1 of the space battle.

It was a valiant effort, Vulcans! Possibly not entirely logical. But worth a try!

I’m not at my PC. I guess I can initiate Hegemony?

Oh. ONE round? Continue to the end.

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Vulcan: pool 1d6: 4 for 4+
Romulan: pool 13d6: 2× 3, 2× 4, 3× 5, 6× 6 for 4+

Two commands remain to the Vulcans.

Fleet 1 come out of warp at Weytahn. Initiate combat.

Eh. you can disregard. This was an attempt to enable the Klingons to share in the Victory with the Romulans but looks like not possible.
Vulcans concede.

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Good gaming everyone.

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OK I’m assuming @Lordof1 spends 10C on 2A…

Which leaves Romulans winning with 5A and 10 systems, Klingons second with 5A and 6 systems.

Thank you all for playing!

I shan’t start another game immediately but I certainly intend to run more.

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:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Always a fun time!

What next? Another blind game?

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Congratulations! Very well played.

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Looking back, I made a couple mistakes mid game.
Luckily they did not decide the outcome.

Would love to try

It’s probably time I’m not the Klingons any more…

I’m definitely up for another game, though not right away.

Maybe I’ll do Klingons next time.

@Delwayne Please add me for the next game.

Try to post here: Star Trek Ascendancy (recruitment)